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Posts posted by kawapower

  1. if I understand you correctly you asking about sexual services. Surely there are enough working girls in bars for your needs. Why don't you go there and ask - hopefully they will ban you.

    If my assumption is incorrect, apologies

    No where is safe from girls wanting to give extra services, I want to play golf and not be bothered by these girls in that way!!!!

  2. you are fishing, but you dont eat the fish?

    why do you take it out of the water? only to weigh it? and then throw it in again?

    It's a sport which millions of people enjoy!! The fish are taken out of the water to be photographed and weighed, hopefully returned unharmed!! Horses for courses, many people enjoy catching fish from the sea and eating them, many people just enjoy catching the fish and returning them after a picture etc unharmed.

    Take a look at magazines or on the Internet to see the sort of fish that are caught and released.

  3. The fish you catch whilst sea fishing is mostly eaten, so obviously fish care is not going to be of great importance, freshwater fishing catch and release(you return the fish back into the water, is important, if you harm the fish through negligence it will die, the more fish that die in a lake due to improper handling will harm the fishing for others!!

    Many people do not care about the fish, I have seen fish being thrown 10mtrs into the water, people dropping fish on to concrete, kicking the fish back into the water etc this is improper handling!!

  4. Sorry old croc I should have mentioned I do not fish in Phuket, I travel North, believe it or not these huge fish do not struggle that much when out of the water, as you can imagine it is difficult getting them out of the water in the first place, luckily there are always other people around ready to help!!

    My biggest so far is 60lb, my friends have had 120lb and 100lb there are much bigger in the lake!!

  5. There is nothing wrong with Phuket, there are many people that moan about the place constantly, love it here!!

    If you are into Fishing then Phuket is not so good, if you are into Golf then Phuket is good as long as you don't mind paying a fortune, I go off the Island for fishing and golf.

    • Like 2
  6. Ever thought of using a canvas bag with a few holes in the bottom to drain the water?

    Or even use something like this?


    It's threads like this that make my day.rolleyes.gif

    So you think the scales you have shown is suitable for fish up to and over 100kgs? You think a canvas bag is suitable and safe for fish up to and over 100 kgs? It's answers like yours that also make my day!!

  7. maybe you try the canvas shop opposite the ptt station on chaofa east, they can stitch it together

    Voted # 1 aka TMT canvas. Take a drawing of what you want. They'll probably use HD vinyl with welded seams + whatever else you want,webbing etc: Pockets to slide in carrier poles, whatever. Nice young Thai manageress speaks better English than most. They've done work for me for over 15 years from when they were on Koh Siray. Like everywhere good, measure twice, cut once might cost a little more but peanuts in the long run. Highly

    Super Cheap Charlies won't make it for you. may have the bits but no ultrasonic welding process

    Tight lines.

    Thanks for that, where are TMT canvas located?

  8. I have Been to many fishing shops here and none of them sell anything to do with fish care as in the sport fishing, looked at getting from the UK but most do not deliver here, so I will have to make myself, where can I buy Pool liner(think pool liner will be to thick though) would be better to find the same stuff they make waterproof diving bags from? Also webbing straps will be needed.

  9. Buy new mate, the CBR is a great bike and all you need in this country!!
    I dunno, there's some really good deals around, saw one for 79,000b. Throw another 25k into a set of Pirellis, brake pads, DNA airfilter, Fuel Controller from the states, and full system pipe. And you're looking at a big step up from stock.Don't forget that these engines have 5 year warranties.

    There's certainly worse ways to spend 105k.

    What's wrong with the standard bike? Tires are okay, brakes are very good, fantastic on fuel and fast enough for this country, what will all the mods you have mentioned do for the bike, how much faster will it go, personally 155kph on the bike clock is fast enough!!

    Just noticed you want to spend 25k on set of tires? What Are you using the bike for?

  10. Buy new mate, the CBR is a great bike and all you need in this country!!
    I dunno, there's some really good deals around, saw one for 79,000b. Throw another 25k into a set of Pirellis, brake pads, DNA airfilter, Fuel Controller from the states, and full system pipe. And you're looking at a big step up from stock.Don't forget that these engines have 5 year warranties.

    There's certainly worse ways to spend 105k.

    What's wrong with the standard bike? Tires are okay, brakes are very good, fantastic on fuel and fast enough for this country, what will all the mods you have mentioned do for the bike, how much faster will it go, personally 155kph on the bike clock is fast enough!!

  11. Hi everybody !

    In around 1-2 months I'm gonna be buying CBR-250

    so if you feel like selling yours please let me know here

    or email me: <email address removed as per forum rules>

    Buy new mate, the CBR is a great bike and all you need in this country!! I had the Z1000 here inPhuket a great bike but no good for the traffic, CBR 250 is awesome, it is fast enough, light, gear changing is a pleasure, it's just great to drive every day!!

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