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Posts posted by Brasilouro

  1. In my opinion they don't mix with westerners . I Live in Pattaya in a complex witch is half condo an half hotel this time of the year it is full of Russians they seem not to even like each other never mind any one els there is zero in the way of a smile . All I seem to get from them is a rude stare and when I nod to say hello they carry on starring personally I think there a strange bunch

    What do you care if the Russians don't speak to you. Do they "obnoxiously" make a nuisance of themselves, or try to impose their values on other people? No! The Russians know how to mind their own business, which is more than enough to gain my respect. whistling.gif

  2. In my opinion they don't mix with westerners . I Live in Pattaya in a complex witch is half condo an half hotel this time of the year it is full of Russians they seem not to even like each other never mind any one els there is zero in the way of a smile . All I seem to get from them is a rude stare and when I nod to say hello they carry on starring personally I think there a strange bunch

  3. I have an expat one .. It's just designed to confuse. every time i go to use mine to redeem points it just ends up hard work for me and the cashier and who every she gets to help . Main reason is in central they have so many offers that run concurrent witch are also confusing as soon you pull the one card out for your 5% and discount for your points it goes into mass confusion :-) . It's worth filling out to get one if your shopping there anyway just incase one day they make it simper to cash in you points ...

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. You can spend the money you transferred as and when you like . But note this when you receive the money in Thailand it needs to be in your currency and changed in to baht on arrival unless you have a foreign currency account . It is very import you tell the bank the money is for property purchase as you will recive a tt3 form with property purcase wrote on it . witch you need this form to regerster the condo at the land regerster and at a later date the copy of the tt3 will help you transfer the money out of Thailand if or when you sell your condo . Hope this helps

  5. So many haters ... The guys gone out picked a street walker up !! Regardless of ware and when and what his name is !! And got drugged and robbed .. How can you lot be rubbing your hands together laughing .. Could of happend in the past to half the posters on TV at one point or another .. I have had loads of bright ideias with a few drinks down me walking round the bars of Pattaya and woke up with girls I carnt even remember ware they came from ... Did I deserve to be drugged and robbed "No"!!!

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  6. First of all i feel some sympathy for the poor guy started a family with good intentions and by all account got screwed . Moving on i know some body personally that has taken an ex wife to court proven that he had transferred funds to purchase property and the courts have forced the ex to sell and return the money .The other thing i have heard but i am not 100% is that if you are married to a Thai national and she or he dies and you are a foreigner you can be left property or land . But the conditions are you can not put it in your name of course and that you have up to a year to pass it on . The last thing is would Grandma be as keen to fight for custardy if the child was a boy. Maybe she wants to keep a hold of the new bread winner in the family as she did ok out of the last female offspring just a thought !!

  7. Wow... excellent piece of divination. Crime solved Of course you had some clues... everyone knows that him being an Irishman, he was obviously spoiling for a fight from the moment he landed. It is not possible that he was a peaceful drunk who was attacked without provocation.

    By the way, this is not the sort of tourist Thailand is aiming at. The TAT policy is to promote to Russians, Chinese and Middle Easterners.

    Well looking at the main clue i.e the picture does say a lot . Pissed up holiday maker stood in the middle of the street with blood squirting out of his head smiling for photos .. Just an average night out !!

    And do people really walk around smacking peaceful drunks over the head with bottles with out provocation .In what i wrote could of been referring to the attacker been the sort of people that Thailand is attracting ..

    As far as being from Ireland doesn't make much difference but in saying that you don't read many report of things like this happing to Chinese tourist on a night out in Thailand do we ..

  8. I look out side to see two black guys stealing and riding away on my motorbike "And for the PC members they could be yellow ,white or many more different colours for that matter " but lets just say they were black . When i report the crime it is relevant what they look like and when the crime report is passed on it will be relevant then as well .. Im sure the journalise who reported on this story may have only read the crime report and found it relevant because it is like the rest of the facts !!

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