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Posts posted by keithet

  1. I went to the Imagration office in BKK yesterday. I went nice and early to get out of there at a decient time.

    I had all my paperwork and nedded a ticket number from the counter. One for my 90 day extension and another for my address report.

    So the man gave me a ticket for the 90 day extension but would not give me a ticket for the address report.

    He said my passport was expiried and I have to clear it up before going to get my address report done. Well my passport was not expired I had 7 days left so I was early. He said no it was expired on June. I said that is the stamp of issue and the exparation date is above saying Sept.

    Now at this point I saw he was getting mad for being wrong and in Thai he said just go do the 90 day and come back for the other ticket number....

    Now I could understand allitle what he said. But I awnsered in English "what??? and Why??? my dates are all in order and I have goten both tickets at the same time before"
    He awnsered in anger "You are here on a ED visa. You should speak Thai or I will have you deported"

    I said WOW and smiled and ended up leaving after their lunch break...

    My exstension # was N1-21 and my address one ended up being A-242... Maybee that will be my lucky lottery # LOL.

    I guess I would be grumpy to if every one rushes to my desk and ask the same question over and over....

    Ive heard so many times of nightmares with Imagration. I know this is a small small issue comparied to other people.

    Next time I am going to leave out a photo copy of my passport so they can feel inpower to tell me to go get one down stairs. And then just come back with a smile.

  2. Interesting idea for the water test.

    I know in Hawaii they had many different kinds of honey, with all kinds of different tastes. It depended on the local flowers in the area. Some of the honey manufactures would set up honey boxes in the different fruit tree orchards... Even Macadamia nut farms that made a awesome nutty flavor. But being that Hawaii was full of different flowers all the honey was out of this world.

    The local honey farmers would market their honey with the local flowers the bees were kept near. Maybe you can find a local one here that does the same then that way you can know it may "bee" real from the pride of their product???

    I remember I had a bee hive in my carport. Called a local beekeeper and he collected all the bees from the hive trying to get the queen. He gave us the honey. I remember eating honey from the cone with honey dripping off my elbows. Awww good fun!

  3. then buy something decent.

    you can get a great tv for sub 15k, why go budget?

    were you to spend even a second typing o n i d a into google you would see it is a fairly large indian brand.

    this is what indians have to say about it in one review


    Thank you: Yes I did spend the second typing before I posted this question.


    I know how Indians are as consumers: Indians complain about everything. They will complain about not get a better deal then the great deal they may have already got.

    I dont know how their products are?

    I fugured someone here may have got one of these TVs here in Thailand and has a personal opinion of their TV they own.

  4. I may only be here for 2 yrs. or so???
    I was thinking spending 4000 baht on something that I would not have a attachment to would be better than spending 15k on a name brand.

  5. Im looking to buy a flat screen tv. I knowtist a name brand I never heard of called Onida. Is it a O.K. brand?

    I want something that does not cost alot and is not giant and hard to move around.

    I just want to purchase a tv for entertainment. Not invest in a giant home theater entertainment system. I dont want to worry about the value of my stuff but would like to know the tv is not going to break down in a month or after warranty.

  6. You think that Thais think an issue like this makes them look backward and stupid. 90% don't have a clue what Hitler did.

    They are largely oblivious to what the outside world thinks, and their outrage that anyone dare to criticise shows this perfectly. Criticism is only reserved for Thais.

    A Hitler restaurant is greeted with "so what?"

    ...............and your point is?

    That Thailand doesn't care about the rest of the world, if it exists, but try mentioning jasmine rice, tuk tuks etc. elsewhere and they get upset

    Or the Saturday night skit for Roseta stone how to learn to speak Thai. That skit was so true about parts of Thailand.

  7. Im not encouraging smoking. I actually wish I could get enough strength to quite. I hope sometime soon.

    But as far as the packaging of a companies product. Many name brand items have a trademark and design on their product. If the government reduces the area on the product to only a small percentage for them to use how can they put their logo for consumers to know they are getting a genuine product.

    I would be upset if I was told I can only use a portion of the packaging for my own label.

    Off topic it would feel like renting a house and the landlord uses 3/4 of the space for their personal storage. You pay full price for 2 bedroom home but can only use kitchen and bathroom.

  8. There you have it a tourist through a paving slab at a taxi, because the driver could not bear the sign of a finger, so he stopped and confronted the tourist - Now we have a Thai national who throws a paving slab at a tourist, which one got arrested and have to pony-up money Oh silly question. What a bunch of xenophobic morons the Thai police are.

    Good memory

    Ya the farang definitely got held responsible for his action. Unlike this Thai man...

    • Like 1
  9. Well lets see here we have the USA giving advice on something they cannot manage in their own country. Next the USA will be giving financial advice to other countries. Heck I guess they are already do that as being the example of what not to do.

    You are absolutely right... USA has always had a hard time with Thai people with jet ski and motorbike scams on USA soil... The US should defently manage that problem in their own country.

    • Like 2
  10. The problem is nothing to do with white teachers. The majority of Thais are taught by Thai teachers who are afraid to speak english (even if they could), and use Thai 95% of the time. I'm still astounded that the average government school graduate can say barely more than hello, even after 12 years of learning english. There are plenty of excellent speakers of english here, educated in private / international schools / overseas, but they are in the vast minority of all citizens.

    Hello is Thai for answering the phone.... Hahaha even my GF's mom says it when answering her mobile...

    • Like 1
  11. What's happened with all the talk over the last 5+ yrs on how the authorities are going to crackdown on these scams and protect tourists. Just how bloody long are they going to talk or are they waiting for the ambassadors to speak up again and again before they announce another crackdown just to shut up the various embassies? Time to sprinkle a little sugar around again

    I like you mentioned about the "authorities are going to crack down on these scams..." It seems that authorities with one breath say they are going to crackdown... Then the other breath they are surprised that this has happened.

  12. Can you be late for the 90 day address notification? If so how many days without a penalty fee?

    The reason I ask is that I would like to try to get my address notifacation date closer to my 90 day extension of stay. So I dont have to visit the imagration office twice in one month.

    right now my address notifacation is on June 15th and my extension is on June 30th. I would like to try to get the two dates kinda closer to each other.

  13. I was wondering, Is there a time at night or evening when exchange rates are set at a closing rate if you use a atm?

    My bank is closed at 3:30 pm but I notice that exchange rates sometimes are better in the evening or night when I look online.

    So if you look online and notice a better exchange rate in the evening or night, do you get close to that rate using a local atm at that time?

  14. What should be looked at is the parking for customers for these mom and pop stores, food stalls, whiskey shops, etc. The majority seem to be located where there is no foot path, in dwelling which doubles as a residense, thus customers park on the roadway, sometimes on both sides (if it is popular).

    Does the Commerce ministry hope to collect tax from these family run businesses? Doubtful, so This would appear to be another vote getter. We have become a hub for/of Mou's presented and signed locally, nationally, and internationally, in the past few months. None seem to have produced any viable results, thus some of us view their mention as more hot air bs.

    One of the first things that popped into my head was a thought on your lines of, we could get them on the tax paying list. If they have to get a loan at the bank they would have have to show enough income to justify the loan and from there the income of the shop would be on record.

    Bingo! That is what I thought of too. The only thing I see gov. woried about when it comes to people is money. And if they also offer a electronic way of paying there is a reciept. Then they can not sell alcohal on holidays and off hours.

    By the government helping, all it is creating is a paper trail for money to be tracked. And sales to be recorded.

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