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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. BANGKOK: -- Anti-Thaksin demonstrators led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gave an ultimatum Tuesday evening that caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra resigns within 48

    Or what ?

    Hold up traffic yet again, :o

    What a bunch of frustrated goofs...Whatever Thaksin did wrong, they're doing even worst for the country at this point...


    I doubt the protests are worse for the country than the 2 Billion Tax free dollars Thaksin pocketed.

    Stealing taxes to buy votes seems like one of the worst forms of corruption. It totally undermines the democratic system, and thus he should be removed. He should not be give the chance to buy his way back in with the money he just stole from the tax payers.

  2. Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif

    Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).

    Whats with the (animals)? Are you implying because people always want money, that makes us animals? Because i havent seen any monkeys fighting over a dollar bill lately :o

    Wouldn't money be one of the things that seperates us from animals?

  3. Monty, I live quite frugally.  Do you think it would really be that difficult in Thailand?  I'm not being sarcastic, I just am letting you know how I live.  I don't party or even drink.  I don't smoke cigs either.  I EASILY live in America off of $1000 a month.

    You live on $1000 a month in the US? How do you manage that? If you can actually manage that (even though it seems somewhat unlikely). Then you'll be fine in thailand, its not that difficult to find a decent studio app. for like $200 a month. Food is cheap as long as you dont expect to eat pizza and US beef every day. And just stay away from the tourist night life, go to the thai clubs/bar and you can have a good time for pretty cheap.

    Obviously $4000 wont last forever, just make sure you have enough for a return ticket if you cannot find any employment options...or you could find yourself sitting next to the victory monument farrang pretending to play the guitar :o

  4. To continue to get 1 year marriage visa i understand that you have to have either 400k in the bank or atleast 40k per month.

    Does this have to be 400k cash every year? I mean i want to buy a condo, could i just say i have 400k equity in the condo? I mean having 400k cash sitting around doesnt seem like the best way to invest your $$.

    Or 40k per month income, how far do they research into this? Can you bring in your bank statement with 40k+ of deposits per month? Or do you have to bring in tax returns and what not? And if the money is foreign income does that mean you would have to bring in foreign tax returns?

    How many questions do they ask about where the money came from?

  5. I'm taking a course right now in Federal Income Taxes.  (Its actually interesting)

    But unfortunately i had already ruled out the foreigned earned income tax break.  As the company is an S-Corp, which means the Net Income goes straight onto my tax return, and then its taxed.

    I believe if i changed it so that i was an "Employee" then i could claim the foreign earned income credit, but then i would have to pay FICA, federal/state unemployment tax, SS...etc etc ... so i'm not sure its really worth it.  Especially as those taxes you cannot have deductions.

    Do you happen to know whether the foriegn income exclusion could apply in this scenario:

    Partner ("member") of an LLC taxed as a partnership, or a partner in a partnership (US based)

    Working in Thailand for this US partnership (not paying Thailand taxes and no work permit) ... the profit from this is "passed through" to the members, and taxed as income annually.

    Any money distributions payed into a US bank account

    Living in Thailand all year (meeting the residency test)

    Again, similar situation as mine.

    For it to be "earned icome" you have to be an "Employee" :\ Meaning you have to pay SS, FICA, fed/state unemployment taxes. Or even more basic do you get a W2, if not i believe you do not qualify.

    So if you become an "employee" then you could claim it has foreign earned income.

    But the company has to match some of the payroll taxes, (there is an employer and employee tax).

    So basically i think it comes down to how much money make. If its not that much, probably not worth paying all these extra employment taxes to get the tax credit.

    But if you're making the big $$$ then the employment taxes probably come no where close to the amount you would save iwth the $80,000 tax credit. <--- so if you're making a lot of $$ then become an employee instead of partner.

    But i have only taken about 2 months of this tax course so far, so feel free to check this information for yourself :o

  6. I'm taking a course right now in Federal Income Taxes. (Its actually interesting)

    But unfortunately i had already ruled out the foreigned earned income tax break. As the company is an S-Corp, which means the Net Income goes straight onto my tax return, and then its taxed.

    I believe if i changed it so that i was an "Employee" then i could claim the foreign earned income credit, but then i would have to pay FICA, federal/state unemployment tax, SS...etc etc ... so i'm not sure its really worth it. Especially as those taxes you cannot have deductions.

  7. Thanks for the feedback.

    There are really people out there who would grass on you for something like this?

    Is it possible to work for a US company (which does not do business in Thailand, or have offices in Thailand).

    But live in Thailand? 

    Yet continue to pay US taxes, or would you require a Thai work permit for this, and pay thai taxes?

    yeah, of course it is.

    getting a work permit is not so difficult though....if your "working" at a pc for example, and you do it in your own apartment....during darkness hour's.... with all the drapes closed......and you never tell anyone ( because there are too many jealous idiots who might grass on you) ...you can avoid having a WP. especially if you are away from Bangkok or other high profile farang places.

    As for Thai taxes!!!!! its pennies...forget about it!

  8. Addiction is a problem, i myself am a recovering addict and yes the frist thing i was addicted to was video games. I then discovered the joys of drugs and enjoyed them very much. Eventually it all went pear shaped and i went looking for help and thank god am ok today. But to say that it was video games that cause my problem is not true. I personaly believe i am an addict and ANYTHING i can escape into could cause a potenal problem for ME.

    Does this mean that all the people who can take one drink, smoke a joint, play a game, ect....... should be prevented from doing this, because a very small number of people like me may develop a problem. Of course not, addiction is a complacted disease that affects many different people in many differnt ways. Prohabition DOES NOT WORK. IMHO The only thing that can be done is to insure there is help available for people when it all goes wrong.


    Let me get this straight, you used to play alot of video games, an "adict even", and then you started a hardcore drug addiction?

    And you are not sure which of these addictions screwed up your life?

  9. There are way too many people in here claiming "its true, games do ruin kids".

    I wonder if these people have ever played any games in their lives?

    Probably not.

    Growing up i used to play online games all the time, hours a day, played in competitions and what not.

    I still play some games now and again to relax, but basically grew out of it.

    Looking back i'd say it helped me to meet tons of people, both in person and online. And had many groups of friends with kids who without this activity may have found it difficult to meet people and make friends.

    After meeting thousands of hardcore gamers i've only met a couple of people who took it too far (to the point of really messing up their schooling etc)

    But honestly they probably would have found another way to mess up their lives even if they didnt have video games.

    I guess Lineage 2 was not popular enough, and now Tashin/True are out for revenge...

  10. If the pay is just 30,000 per month you could probably make more (and work less) just doing free lance stuff...

    There is no thing as a legal foreigner freelancer in thailand as far as i know. Anyway, are you working with thai companies or foreign companies?

    For foreign companies, mostly US, some UK.

    Theres no way to get caught doing this kind of work, legal or not.

  11. If the pay is just 30,000 per month you could probably make more (and work less) just doing free lance stuff...

    I mean i've been here on vacation for the last 2 1/2 months making more than 30,000 per month just doing free lance stuff from my appartment. (got the cheap true dsl hooked up)

    And i only work maybe 3 hours a day average. If you get a 9-5 here it will probably end up being more like a 9-8 or something :-\

    Just find a niche and work the freelance market... only downside is its very unstable... some days i'm making 12,000 baht in a morning, next week get like 2,000 for the whole week...

  12. Thanks for the help ~G~

    Really surprised that the cost is only 50,000 for fees etc, the write up made it seems like your going to end up paying so much its not even worth trying.

    Couple of questions though, what is "registered capital", i'm guessing it means the par value of the stock issued? Such as par value of 100 baht per share then you'd need to register 20,000 stocks? But you only actually need to receive 500,000 for the stocks or what?

    The 7 stockholders doesnt seem to be that difficult, just give 51% to my wife, keep 48% myself and divy the other 1% amount family members, that works right?

    You said about the sole proprietorship, i've looked at this and it seems super easy if my wife were to setup this company via this method, only problem is if the police come in and i'm at the shop tinkering with a computer or something will i be headed for jail? As with this method i'd be here on a non-immigrate visa, but no work permit.

    Because if i wasnt actually able to be at the shop enjoying some hands on business, it would take all the fun out of owning a business i think.

    As for BRACCOBALDO's comments: unhelpful

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