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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. Other risky places are generally those such as private house parties, drinking circles....




    that almost all of the new cases are being driven by private gatherings, primarily small ones with 2-3 people outside of the household having drinks or food together.



  2. 5 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    I think the US, Europe and Australasian countries should pass a reciprocal rights bill, that applies to all foreign visitors. So a Thai visitor would be denied healthcare until all indigenous citizens had been served, be told to report every month to immigration, and pay 5 times more to enter zoos, theme parks and national parks. 

    it’s only fair.

    So you want our farang countries to be as racist, discriminatory and xenophobic as Thailand. We should lead by example not punish by reciprocating. 


    How childish. 

  3. 2 hours ago, cauldlad said:

    I went out for a walk this morning at 6.30am. beach road Pattaya.


    I saw many Thais not wearing a mask. Every farang I saw was wearing a mask.


    The Thais just do not care, until they catch it that is!!

    My observations in Pattaya malls is exactly the reverse. Thais, visitors and staff, all properly masked up while farang tend to wear them as chin straps. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I wonder if a lockdown goes far enough here?


    They should be prevented from leaving the locked down area and entering other provinces.


    I live in Hua Hin where many people who live in Bangkok have holiday homes and I have to wonder how many 1000's of Bangkok based Thais will make their way to Hua Hin bringing COVID with them when they come.


    Look what happened last time someone with COVID came to Hua Hin from Bangkok - it was reported on this forum earlier today that 90% of the 1034 Hua Hin cases were related to a single event (a concert) attended by at least one infected person who previously visited the Thonglor hotspot in Bangkok.


    Keep them out of the provinces!



    I would say it is pretty much the same for Pattaya. Some infected Bangkok individual(s) visited Pattaya for beer and girls. Selfish and irresponsible. 


    Stay in your own area and stop the spread. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    I will be vaccined today in home country no lockdowns and life back to normal. I've been waiting for a window to go back to Thailand but even vaccinated why would I an expat or any tourist want to fly into a country with so much chaos. 

    No thanks Im happy right were I am for the near future. 


    And I'm happy for you. Please stay away as long as possible. 

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