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Posts posted by Shaksey

  1. The 744's are great planes. When i went with TG in Nov 11 the 744 LHR-BKK sector was newly fitted with IFE and coming back it was not. All the 744's are being "upgraded" though now, should actually all be done now i think. The one without was far better imo as the IFE boxes on both Thai's A34X's and 744's intrude heavily into the feet area on the seats in a lot of the positions. Check Seat guru to see which one's are not affected but beware it's not always right! My two trips this year were on the A34X's and i never like these as much as the 744's.

  2. This kind of sh1t does happen. When my Nan died we found out my uncle had taken about £1.5M of property and investments from her over the last 10-20 years and had not a penny to show for it. We've never found out what happened to the money and that's with a lot of PI's and lawyers looking. That's in farangland, anything is even more possible in LOS.

  3. just real quick (and not because i agree with it... but) 18k for a service is about 580 US dollars. thats cheap in US. its at least 700 US here.

    ok guys heres the deal. her and i enjoy watches. some i keep forever some i wear a little get tired of and sell. but its not a job by any means. just sell one to fund a new one or whatever. here is what i currently have. (for those who asked or care to know) its nothing crazy.

    1- Rolex sub no date

    1- Rolex GMTIIC

    1- Breitling Super Avenger

    1- Panerai 112

    1- Marathon SAR (i doubt anyone knows what that is)

    and some gshocks

    she has a chanel J12 and a panerai 111 and a gshock or two.

    obviously we wouldnt wear more than one on a visit over.... and i typically try to wear something more understated than ROLEX. everyone knows what those are. but i guess you are saying if i brought those in my luggage when/if we move to LOS i should be fine....?

    hows the watch market there? anyone making any spare cash buy grabbing a few in the us and then selling? you know just a little change to use on your personal collection?

    thanks and good to hear from some guys who are watch geeks like me! best of health to you all.

    I have a similar collection to yourself (16750 GMT, LV Sub, Lumi DJ, B-SA among others) and when i come to LOS the only watch i bring is my Marathon Navi. Like you i certainly won't wear my Rolex and the Super Avenger is far too big....and far too conspicuous with Diamond bezel, lol.

    TBH, when i move there permanently later this year or early next year i'll probably sell them all and just keep the DJ to wear to the office or more formal events as well as the trusty Marathon for leasure time use.

    • Like 1
  4. It will affect all gyms in all countries they opperate if they can't sort themselves out. The casue of their problems stems from too fast expansion into foreign markets on borrowed money. I'm sure a good deal of off the books tea money in certain countries was involved too to secure prime sites and premises etc (Terminal 21 anyone?).

  5. Remember Fitness First is basically insolvent and on the verge of Bankruptcy right now.....might want to wait and see if they manage to restructure before handing them any money or signing up.

    On the plus side, i dated a girl in Bangkok who was a PT for them and she really knew her stuff...however she left as it was a bad company to work for who treated the staff like machines/robots and paid sod all.

    Are you not mixing california wow and fitness first up. I believe california wow is the one on the verge of bankruptcy.

    No, FF is too for sure, it's over half a Billion Quid in debt.

  6. Remember Fitness First is basically insolvent and on the verge of Bankruptcy right now.....might want to wait and see if they manage to restructure before handing them any money or signing up.

    On the plus side, i dated a girl in Bangkok who was a PT for them and she really knew her stuff...however she left as it was a bad company to work for who treated the staff like machines/robots and paid sod all.

  7. Yeah i'm interested in one of these. Curious about the mount though, hate things hanging on my windscreen. I was thinking a pen type cam linked to a box with the gizmos in it in the glovebox or elsewhere but the only one's i can find seem to be the whole thing in one chunky unit.

  8. Last time i flew with them a couple of months ago we landed normally at Swampy (wasn't a hard landing, normal imo) and as the pilot used the rev thrust and braked the cockpit door flew open! So much for security! Dolly bird sheepihsly got up and pulled it shut again.

    Aren't those things supposed to locked and able to withstand a ton of force and bullets?!?

    Quite worrying,

  9. On the subject of Steve Leather, i've just read another book by him (altough it's published as by "anonymous" and not by his usual Thriller genre publishers, same as Private Dancer had to be published) which is basically the secret diary of a Thai Escort in London. It's quite good and fairly accurate, worth a beach read.

  10. Because there's a lot of easy money to be made. Maybe they say they'll do it for a few days or a week to get through a rough patch..then it's easy to become addicted to the massive amounts of "easy" money to be made. Then it's a like a roller-coaster - hard to get off.

    At the end of the day though doing it for any other reason than desperation to be able to feed yourself/family or put a roof over your head is down to greed and stupidity.

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