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Posts posted by pizzachang

  1. In America more than half of the people believe that the earth was created a few thousand years ago by an entity they call god.

    ...and the other half believe it was created billions of years ago by a strange entity called 'Nature'...

    ...which would obviously raise the question of who created 'Nature' itself...

    ...and who created the creator of Nature.....and so on..blink.png

    Suddenly, the 'God' theory doesn't look so ludicrous..

    No it still looks just as ludicrous. One just needs to get the head round the idea that the universe can exist without being intelligently created.

    As I stated, the (from what I've read) the mathematical probability of the universe not being designed is very low. This is just science and mathematics - not "religion". The use of statistical evidence, i.e., observations of physics in the expansion of our universe, point to those probabilities. I find it more interesting to observe that somehow this one area of science has relegated to a much lower scale of 'belief' by the folks that take the 'high ground' of - I can't see it, so it does not exist". Regardless of what Thai people believe or do not believe - humans in general believe in a basic moral code - one that favors our species but not necessarily other species. Evolution must have seen a 'need' for these kinds of beliefs. The ability to "see things or hear things" that are not there (not observable to current physics science) has actually contributed to our survival as a species. Most physicists believe that (at present) there is no way for humans to travel to other star systems. There are some that believe (read: keep an open mind) there may be other ways to travel - once again pointing to the fact that our universe is governed by physics, logic and mathematics - all used at present by intelligent enities

  2. It should be the same paper work as the first time.

    Basic normally are 2 copies of all the following:

    Passport photo page, visa, entry stamp, extension of stay and TM6 departure card.

    Marriage certificate and recent Kor Ror 2 marriage registry.

    Wife's ID and house book.

    Photos of you and the wife in and around the house with one of them near or under house number.

    Financial proof

    If not living where your wife is registered in house book would require some proof of residency.

    Why would one need a "recent Kor Ror 2" ? Does the registry expire after 1 year? Or might this be a way to check if you are divorced? That doesn't make sense if you go in for renewal with your wife.
  3. We have found out, "proved' if you will, that nature (systems that we observe) is a perfect, self-sustaining system.

    I'm not sure the millions of species of animals that have become extinct would agree.
    The universe only exists for those that can observe it. In the sealed ecosphere, there are no longer "outside" influences - hence its sustainability. Since our universe is still expanding, it is still subject to changes that include extinction.
  4. And its best reported or checked on BEFORE construction goes to more than can be easily torn down... I had a similar situation and got some help from the municipality but not much. A window wall was removed because it was only 20cm from my wall(window removed and wall made at 50cm from mine) The worst problem is their roof was going to dump water on my side of the wall between properties! I asked that they make gutters that would deflect this water and drain it on THEIR side. I have to say that there was a lot of resistance to changing anything because they had hired an "architect". And of course, the owners went on a long vacation during this construction, making it even more difficult to do anything. The end result advice would be to get your complaint in early as they will likely push against the building codes. The place next to me was a very nice looking house - brand new - until these folks bought it and added on until nearly every inch of land is covered by buildings, add-ons and sheds. They are actually nice folks and I don't bother them and now they don't bother me.

  5. I've never understood why educated people in the West believe in astrology, crystals, aliens, bigfoots and plenty of other bizarre therapy.. Then some of the same folks turn right around and call other people fools for believing in a creator. Actually, I have seen no proof that a creator does not exist and I try and keep up with science and technology. What I've observed is that humans only copy "nature". We have found out, "proved' if you will, that nature (systems that we observe) is a perfect, self-sustaining system. At this point in our observations, we do not have enough information to make such broad proclamations about the existence of creators or a creator. Here in Thailand, as in every other country I've visited, there people believing in strange things, mostly because of tradition - education doe not seem to help much to prevent this. I like the physical form analogy of the famous enclosed ecosystem that exists. A photo of a guy standing beside this sealed "terrarium" (for many years now) A beautiful picture of a "creator". The good thing is, that it doesn't take much 'imagination' to imagine the same picture on a universal scale.

  6. A good illustration why, in general, it is best to have a small (read survivable) daily withdrawal limit. If you want to buy a car - go to the bank with the seller (if private) and withdraw the money.. By the way, have any other readers had the experience of being asked by the teller(if making a large withdrawal) 'why do you want the money'? This is not a standard practice in the States - unless you appeared under coercion.

  7. I've come to believe that people that don't travel much give the kind of advice that your parents did. Or, if they do travel outside their own country for 'holiday', they could just as well be in any generic resort anywhere that has a beach. Some folks are just not comfortable outside the familiar, clinically hygienic, 2 weeks in the Hilton resort. After living in Thailand for 5 years, all 'problems' are or have been of my own making. Best of all is having visitors from the States and educating them on bathroom hygiene! I tell them all that paper just smears everything around and at least start carrying "Baby Wipes" from now on.

  8. If you eat fried food all the time, it isn't good for you. Lots of fruit & vegetables, less meat and enough calcium, along with not smoking, drinking or drugging are good bets anywhere in the world. Chiles are good for you by the way. I grew up in the Southern USA and the custom was to boil the s**t out of vegetables and eat as much fried meat as possible. Glad I left as a 18 yr old before I died. And of course, just eating quality doesn't do a lot of good if you don't exercise.

  9. Chiang Mai is a good place to retire. Get a house out of town, don't expect life to be the same as where you came from and most of all don't complain that Thais should do this or that, like did back where you came from. You can save money by not having a car - but if you live out of town, you will probably need one. The more money you have, the higher quality of retirement you will have, unless you are very ill. Abe Lincoln once said, " People are as happy as they want to be" - lot of truth in that because I see people that have much less than I do and they seem very happy.

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  10. Again terminology raises it's ugly head.
    A VISA is issued by a Thai consulate outside of Thailand.
    If you have a one year Non O visa it is good for one year from date of issue.
    It should probably say "multi" in the "number of entries" space on the visa.
    It will say it is valid for one year or have a date stamped or written on it that is one year from the date it was issued.
    An EXTENSION to such a visa may be granted for a year based on marriage.
    An extension is not a visa, there is actually no such thing as a "marriage visa". What you actually get at your local immigration is an extension to your non O visa for a year based on marriage to a Thai.
    The extension requires you to do 90 day reporting at your local immigration, an actual visa does not require 90 day reporting.
    If you actually have a multi entry non O visa issued outside of Thailand, each entry gives you a 90 day stamp ... a 'permitted to stay" stamp good for 90 days from the day you enter Thailand.
    If that's what you have, one day before the multi entry non o visa is due to expire you can do a "border run".
    That means you go to the nearest border, exit Thailand (making sure you are stamped out correctly), and then immediately re-enter Thailand.
    You will get another 90 day 'permitted to stay" stamp.
    Even though your visa expires the next day, you can stay legally until the date on that 90 day "permitted to stay" stamp.
    That allows you to effectively stretch a one year multi entry non O visa good for one year into a 15 month stay.
    You can do that on a VISA, but you can not do that on an EXTENSION.
    An extension must be renewed yearly at your local immigration.
    If you are doing 90 day reporting you are on a marriage extension and that extension must be renewed annually.
    That's why I keep harping on the difference between a one year VISA and an EXTENSION of a visa for one year by reason of marriage.
    Because they are different things, like apples and Oranges, and they require different procedures from you to use them.
    Calling an extension a visa confuses many people, and causes them problems because of using the wrong terminology in referring to them. Thanks for clarifying the differences. I still have a question as to (if this is not a visa) why the page is stamped for a one year stay (ending 6/29) Are 1 year extensions normally granted in this fashion. From your description, I am assuming that on this last 90 day report , I'd have to cross the border. When I go to CM Immigration (as I mentioned) I fill out form TM47 and it is clearly stamped "This is not an extension of stay -Please notify Immigration of your address again on June 01 2013"
  11. What "check in" are you talking about? There is no need to visit immigration on a single entry O visa - you got 90 day stay on entry. You can not renew a visa - either obtain a new visa or extend stay. What exactly is your stay now and when was last entry?

    I check in every 90 days at CM Immigration. Fill out form TM 47. Get it stamped. Takes 5 minutes. A single entry is a 1 year stay visa/w 90 day check-ins. If I had to cross the border every time, I'd need to get a re-entry permit. Of course, I could actually be wrong about the "type" of visa I have. I received this visa in CM Immigration last year, assuming I did not qualify for a O-A( fell about 70K baht short of the 800K) but am married to a Thai and greatly exceed the 400K requirement. I did mean "get a new visa" and not really "renew" the old one. My next check in is 6/1 and visa expires 6/29

  12. I seriously doubt that farangs are flocking to Thailand to "steal money" from Thai people. I suspect that a real list of foreigners would show that most permanent residents have an O or O-A visa and the others (business and students visas) are more closely monitored, anyway. All the rest are here on tourist visas. Can anyone suggest another scenario? Tourists spend money and retirees spend money - much more than they could ever earn here. This breakdown leaves little room for the statements in the article - frankly, it sounds bigoted.

  13. Monday, June 25 2012,

    After applying for the non 0 extension about 1 week ago, I received a call to bring a "witness" /close neighbor for interview. I think this must be the home check that other posters speak of. The officers were very polite and questioned my neighbor for about 15 minutes. My wife and I waited and chatted informally with a higher ranking officer. This took place in the rearmost building and without going through the queue. After my neighbor left, my wife and I signed some more copies of passports/ pages and her Thai id card and they said "welcome to Thailand". I still report back after 30 days( I assume to receive my 1 year visa stamp). Everyone was polite and helpful.

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