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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. Your best purchase will be an auto cpap machine. The cost is somewhat higher than the regular preset machines but in the long run will give you a more comfortable experience. You may want to check out... www.cpapsupply.com...They are located in Oregon and ship products world wide. I have no problem receiving cpap products by international mail here in Thailand.

  2. When we lived in the city my wife hired our neighbours maid. She would come to our house on her day off. My wife paid her the price she asked. 500 bahts for 8 hours. Her work ethic was excellent.

  3. OK, wrong choice!

    Drug mule never a good idea.

    However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

    Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

    Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

    finally someone writing something (besides me) that has some compassion for the plight of poor people. However, some people sell drugs just out of greed even if they are poor. If things like the exploitation of the poor were given a lot more notice, less poor people would be in prison, it's really the crime not the drugs.

    I have no compassion for people who break the law if they are rich or poor. If you start to relax the law for poor people where does it stop. Do they get a "get out of gaol free card" for murder? post-148255-0-20785700-1350295468_thumb.

    The elite in this country do.
    • Like 1
  4. I like it when people do off the wall things. However for it to work they have to provide excellent coffee and above average breakfast. Also one of the keys to new business success is advertising. Unfortunately most new small business spend all the budget on just getting the place open and hope the customers will come. But unless they advertise nobody knows its there.

  5. 'So amongst all the excellent tradesmen out there (that I have largely yet to find in 16 years) does anyone know who/how /where to clean and seal sandstone and terracotta tiles that are constantly exposed to rain and sun?'

    Do it yourself using a pressure washer to remove stains, fungus etc, then treat it with chlorine and finish it off with a water sealant like 'thompsons'......job done

    I thank you very much.

    I agree with pressure washing and chlorine. However Thompsons water seal is meant for wood. When applied it is abosrbed into the wood and will last for approximately one year.. I think that if you apply it to tiles it would flake off very quickly.
  6. Back in Canada they had a fairly popular show on called Homes on Homes. This fellow named Homes would go in to Homes where remodeler's had made a mess of it or not completed the work. He would do the work and show where the previous supposedly competent company had cut corners and done shoddy workmanship. It was amazing some of the crap work that some supposedly tradesmen supposedly did. He even did some work on homes in California.

    You can find HOLMES on Homes on True visions TV here in Thailand.
  7. I wish the mods would pin a license topic to clear up this on going mess. There are far to many uninformed opinions and way too many "I heard that..." comments. You can get a license on a TV - I have two (bike and car) from last year. I realize that the old saw that says "your mileage may vary" holds true in many cases but, there are some basic rules of operations that should be cleared up,. How about it guys, can we put an end to the misinformation.

    Sorry don't agree with you.
  8. Legally you cannot drive here unless you have an international drivers license or a Thai license.

    Untrue. For most people you can drive in Thailand with your home license if it's in English and has a photo. Most countries are contracting states to the 1949 UN Convention on traffic act. Thai law says if there is a treaty in place governing mutual acceptance of drivers licenses (ie the UN Convention) then you can drive as long as you are a tourist.




    The problem with an international drivers license if you have an accident the police may or may not say it is your fault even if your are not at fault.

    So you're saying that with a foreign license with an IDP (or without for that matter) you will be found at fault simply because you are a foreigner? That is an urban legend perpetuated by drunk beer bar conversation and internet forums.

    Urban legend.... I know from experience with the police in Chiang Mai.
  9. I'm still holding out for a nice, sage-seasoned homemadeb breakfast sausage patty like good old Jimmy Dean sausage.

    I've actually looked up copycat recipes for Jimmy Dean Sausages. And one ingredient they all seem to agree is necessary is MSG. Lots of MSG. So I may try to do one of those recipes. But I'm pretty sure my efforts will fall at least a bit short because I'm not going to use Monosodium Glutamate.


    Thank goodness you will not use MSG. Many people are allergic to it.
  10. Darraghg hope you don't mind me asking a related question on your post. When the one year license is due to expire and you go to renew for the 5 years license. Does one need to go to immigration again for residence certificate and have a health test?

  11. I wouldn't recomend that you drive any vehicle here without the proper license. If you should be unfortunate enough to have an accident without a license the police will hold you responsible even if you are not. To obtain a license you must go to immigration and get a certificate of residence 500 bahts. Then health certificate 30 - 100 bahts. Then go to the motor vehicle department on Hang Dong road. Show your Irish drivers license. Then you will have a colour blindness test and a test to see how fast your reflexes are. Give them 200 bahts and you are on your way with a one year license.

  12. I have used Dr Rattiya. All her education and training in USA and at Mayo Clinic.

    Although I elected to have my treatment in my home country I still use her for follow up checks and she is very good.

    However worth getting 2nd opinions anyway.

    Oncologists usually specialise in certain types of cancers, for example head and neck,lung,lymphoma etc. They will then recommend certain treatments or combinations of treatments eg radio therapy or chemo therapy at which time other experts will be consulted to design the treatment program.

    Need any more info let me know.

    Liver and/or lungs. The doctor in Chiang Rai and the radiologist say 2 different things and we'd like to get a second opinion.

    Lungs you should be looking for consultation with a Thoracic oncologist.
  13. Anyone who mentions Nescafe or Starbucks contextually in a "where to find the best coffee" thread ought to be BANNED. Or banished to the mashed potato thread.....

    Guess I better be banned. Because back home in Canada I went to Starbucks daily sometimes several times a day as it was located right beside my place of employment. Now that I am living in Thailand I have graduated to Nescafe espresso roast. 5 - 6 cups a day.
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