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Posts posted by herwin1234

  1. Fidel Castro back on the streets. 


    Red shirts, bunch of agitators and manipulators and a direct threat to peace and stability in Thailand.

    Anyone who doubts that should know his history. Anyone who lived in Bangkok a decade ago know what these agitators want.

    For months they were allowed to have "protests" in bkk, in reality just cleverly wrecking the city with month longs blockades of the innercity. when these "democracy protesters" failed in provoking the governement, they started to burn down buildings including Central which hurned to the ground.

    The majority of these protesters were human cattle imported from Isan for a few baht each ignorant peasant. 

    If you think Fidel did a great job, you sure will love the red shirts, otherwise, think twice before supporting these thugs.

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  2. 16 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Thats a bit over the top, obviously fining them was not enough

    sure, a small fine and than these fine gentlemen laugh their heads off and ridicule these "stupid Thai officials". They would take it as a badge of honor to get a fine.

    a fine hardly will deter ppl from doing this. so yes, revoking visa is a clear signal. if you cant behave, go be a bad boy in yr own country. ????

    • Sad 2
  3. it completely baffles me why the Thai governement targets and favors well to do expats mostly from other Asian regions and some from farang country who want to invest and do business, over the sexpats and pensioners. According to some ppl belonging to these last focus groups, their pension euro and bargirl money is what keeps Thailand economically afloat.

    Confused. lol.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    So, they declared that he fell off his bike without looking at CCTV ? Doesn't give you any real confidence in them , does it.


    Person that told them it without checking should just be sacked immediately for incompetence 

    the cctv footage is not from the actual place of the tragic accident but "nearby". so obviously there is no cctv at the accident so logically there is no cctv for the police to check.


    Its a vague story and if you look at the photo, a motorcycle that doesnt appear to have been hit by a car, its normal to assume at first the motorcycle did fall. I work near a road and see it DOZENS OF TIMES motorcycles suddenly losing their balance and smacking on the road. 


    of course the family cant accept its an accident and they want to presume its a hit and run, and sure it might be or not, but there is no direct eyewitnesses nor direct cctv to collaborate that.

  5. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Sounds a lot like he wanted to pay a bribe maybe paid it but the service for the bribe was not delivered. Now he wants the money back. I am sure that bribing is a crime too. Hope they punish the DSI who took the bribe and if he really did try to bribe them punish him too. 


    Seems like he was ok with paying a bribe only when it did not work did he get angry. But the fine and punishment for bribing is probably less then what he paid in bribe. So that might be his angle. 

    throw in a dose of misunderstanding bruised ego and a farang who feels treated injust bc he didnt receive the VIP treatment and we get a better picture what went on...

    • Like 1
  6. a coworker of my exwife at a restaurant at a shopping mall once was told by a stranger she just met on the internet that he wanted to send her a box with money, an i phone, and "gold" , but first she had to transfer money to him "for customs".


    it was the most crude and obvious scam. my exwife with dollar signs in her eyes said to me "yeah we know its probably a scam ... BUT WHAT IF ITS NOT!!" she was asking my advice and HOPING i would say something like "it looks like a scam but darn it its a genuine kindhearted stranger just wanting to be nice!"

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