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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. when you speak in Thai to other local farang as "it's simpler to understand"....

    :o:D:D Today an Italian came to visit my Italian neighbour who had already gone out somewhere. I can't speak Italian so I shouted to him "Bai laew". He understood :D

    Just in case his brother calls. and he doesn`t understand Thai this will do the trick

    " Buon giorno, Ill signiore a uchito, ma non so dove."

    ( The gentleman has gone out, but I don`t know where)

    If it was evening when he called start " Buona Sera". :D

  2. Nice one Police man, you just swim away from a boat full of drowning people and then walk home don't make me laugh.

    Feel sorry for all involved but yet again most of the boats workers like the busers drivers in Thaland are crap.

    Shall we sail or not wait maybe the waves will get bigger then we will go. :o

    actually having spent a lot of time on boats in thailand ( worked as a divemaster on koh tao ) I can safely say your judgement of thai people's ability with boats is offensively wrong.

    possibly the boat was overloaded or in a bad state of repair, but the experience of the crew has never been an issue.

    /appears like just another thread for people to express their racism, maybe they should ###### off back to such miserable countries as the us and uk?

    What an idiotic post...This guy is trying to tell us that the experience of the crew of this boat is not an issue.

    The crew sailed this boat which was greatly overloaded into a stormy sea and it capsized.

    Not racism fact..the crew were stupid and crap...

  3. Its not only foreigners who get fleeced. 'Er Indoors is bloody hopeless when it comes to shopping. I either have to tell her the maximum price to pay for something or do it myself if I'm not feeling too lazy (not very often).

    Once in Phuket my better half was offered a trinket for ฿100, she actually said' 'That's cheap, don't you mean ฿200 '

    I assume Lampard that you settled for 150... :o

  4. another crackdown?
    they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

    You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

    Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :D:D

    There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


    You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

    Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

    :D You've got a good eye! OK, 300 baht, but I think the owners walking the other 3 dogs might get upset :D .

    But yes, they were in and out of the water all the time. I'm sure I saw one of them up to its b*lls wading in the water and having a pee. Just like the humans I suppose :D .

    Surely they wouldn't ! I'll never go into the sea again ! :D

    You gotta watch where you walk on the sand, too... eeeww :D !

    :D ! Subject: :o

    Yeah I agree that the beaches are looking a bit RUFF these days...maybe doggie loos could be a major tourist pull.... Maybe one of Thaksins friends has spare factory capacity to produce them.....but I suppose it would be 5 baht for Thai dogs and 10 baht for Farang dogs....you can just see the Farang dogs crossing their legs because the owners won`t cough up... :D

  5. So if the dog was playing around near some cows and got stepped on through its own "stupidity" would it really be that big of a deal.  So do you go back and put the bird that smacked your windshield out of it's misery? How about the snake you ran over?   Sh1t happens.

    1. If a dog runs out in front of you slow down the best you can, swerve a little if conditions allow. I'm not going to risk getting in an accident or worse hurting someone else over an animal that spends it's life around cars and motorbikes... It ought to have learned by now that running out in front of something way bigger than itself is going to hurt (I'm sure the dog had seen plenty of his "buds" getting squashed). Your evasive reaction ought to be consistent too... you never know when this will happen on a rain slicked road, going around a turn with oncoming traffic on both sides (motorbike on the shoulder, big dump truck on the oncoming lane).

    2. If you still end up hitting the dog, drive on.  Sure it sucks.  The dog is  screwed up... hopefully dead, but it wasn't your fault. Too many things can go wrong with going back to "clear your conscience". I mean really, aren't there other things you've done/doing in your life that you can feel more "guilty" about?

    I've missed lots of animals in my time driving... Feels good too when I've missed them. I've hit 3 dogs though. Felt pretty bad too. But got over it quick... There wasn't anything I could have done different in those situations.

    Oh here in Thailand... a quick honk on the horn works really well. I was initially a little worried about doing that.. Thinking the dog would be surprised and run in front of me... The dogs, however, seem to be conditioned to make the right move and get out of the road.

    I guess I've run it over for the 72nd time. One of the guys I used to work with used to say about something that's been talked to death.. "That cat is flat" :D

    I did hear, Ken Dodds dads dogs dead too :o

    Surprisingly...most of the dogs look both ways before they cross the road...infact some of them are better at crossing the road than humans......Pity about the speeding motorists, the dogs never stand a chance... :D

  6. Dear Members,

    My Thai girlfriend and myself want to open a joint account.  I tried at Bangkok Bank but was told that I needed to have a resident visa or work in bangkok but I could if I had a business in bangkok.  My question is about HSBC banK in Bangkok.  Since this is a International bank I thought that they would be under a different standard then with a local Bangkok bank.  Does anybody have experience with this matter.  Thanks

    You can actually open a Baht savings account as a non resident.

    You will have to produce your passport and they may ask you to produce proof that the initial deposit has been derived from foreign currency i.e. from GB Pounds or US Dollars etc.

    As you are not living in Thailand I cannot see the advantage of having a joint account. maybe separate accounts for you and your girfriend would be easier to operate for the both of you. You can then control the amount of money going from your account into your girfriend`s account, and you could always transfer funds into your girfriend`s account very swiftly from abroard should the need arise.

    Bangkok Bank as suggested above in Silom Road are very helpful.

  7. The question is, would you lie for your wife or girfriend, but really the question is, would you lie as an indirect face saving issue for your girlfriend?

    I'm sure that many people here have experienced a Thai significant other telling a "white lie" in order to save face. But at what point would you be willing to propagate the lie in order to save face?

    In my case, it would not be my wife's face that I would be saving, it would be that of a friend of hers. I have a bit of a dilema as I don't have a relationship with my wife's friend, so I don't feel she has a right to expect me to lie about her. Also, it is not exactly a "white lie".

    I told my wife I am taking a "don't ask, don't tell" stance. Meaning, she shouldn't put me in a position where I would be expected to lie for her friend and I won't make an effort to expose the lie her friend is living with. But this seems to have upset my wife.

    Of course, my wife would prefer that I simply lie for her, and through her, for her friend as well. But I value my integrity too much for that.

    What would you do?

    I seems to me that you need to have a serious talk with your wife.

    You have told her that you don`t want to be put into a position where you have to lie for her friend and she does not seem to want to accept that.

    She should realise that your relationship should comprise of respect and understanding from you both to each other.

    You are right to protect your integrity, because lies can only harm your self esteem and will definitely not solve your wife`s friends problem whatever it is.

    Stick by your guns and tell her no...

  8. Latest update about mr Eriksson in swedish press reports about his stay in Nhongplalay jail in Pattaya, saying that he got pretty bad beaten his first night there. Friends of the murdered woman are in that same jail and several of them beat him up and took the few belongings he had. The jail is said to have "more than 1000 prisoners held under tough conditions". Another swede who was in that jail the first couple of days with Eriksson but is now released on bail says that it's difficult to talk to Eriksson; "He's only crying and talking about committing suicide".

    Link to the article:http://www.expressen.se/index.jsp?a=251035

    ...well that`s one way out....

  9. Having seen the sad demise of the alleged Viagra user, I wondered if anybody out there has heard of the new form of Viagra being sold over here in the form of Eyedrops??

    Not only does it enhance your sex drive but it makes you look hard as well!!!

    ...So watch out for erect produding eyelids. :o

  10. :o  I took a songtaew up soi Bukao to the market from Soi Diane. An English chap with his new Thai g/f got on too. He was obviously taken with her, chatting away, probably going to the market to lavish her with gifts.

    They alighted the stop before me, and as he reached for his wallet, he asked her how much it would be. 40 baht, she said. He duly paid. It made me so angry, I would have expected her to take care of him, and ensure he paid a fair price. I wonder what he will think when he finds out the correct fair. I know I would be dumping her smartly.  :D

    He probably doesn`t care...he`s in love :D

  11. "Sometimes you don`t realize how good your staff are until they have gone.

    Always best if possible to compromise."

    Actually, she was complete crap. I'd wanted to fire her for weeks, since I figured she was stealing some small stuff like cutlery and her idea of cleaning included rearrangign toothbrushes and not cleaning the toilet. She was recommended by the owner, though :D

    The condo staff do - and will - clean the apt, I just prefer an outsider really. Less gossip for the staff and security guards... "oooo those farang... i tell you... "


    What you have not realised is that she is not rearranging the tooth brushes but useing them to clean the toilet - she must have thought you were a crap employer too.

    Now there`s Thai initiative for you.. :o

  12. hi its me the animal person again:


    Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

    There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

    It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

    Avoid them like the plague that they are.

    Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

    Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

    I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

    So then if you were starving, suffering and near death`s door and begging for food should we decline to feed you because it might make you live a little longer???......

    When dogs can do algebra, I'll consider your analogy between dogs and humans...

    but just to show I don't discriminate between species, I do support euthanasia for humans that choose it.

    ...Shame that the poor dogs don`t have a choice as well...

    that's the way it's supposed to be... but they need not feel alone. I support the same treatment for rats, flies, cockroaches, mosquitos, disease-causing bacteria, the HIV virus, and any other life form that is a threat to humans.

    Yes I`ve gathered that you seem to like the word analogy or parallelism.....Let me know how you go on with the branch of mathmatics dealing with relations and properties of numbers by means of general symbols...and I am sure that you could teach a dog a thing or two...

  13. Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

    Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

    Solid gold I hope at that price :D

    I don't think that's what he meant :D he must have a lot of stamina :D:o:D

    Yes that thought crossed my mind as well...but I decided on the polite option. :D:D

  14. hi its me the animal person again:


    Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

    There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

    It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

    Avoid them like the plague that they are.

    Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

    Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

    I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

    So then if you were starving, suffering and near death`s door and begging for food should we decline to feed you because it might make you live a little longer???......

    When dogs can do algebra, I'll consider your analogy between dogs and humans...

    but just to show I don't discriminate between species, I do support euthanasia for humans that choose it.

    ...Shame that the poor dogs don`t have a choice as well...

  15. This is all getting out of hand.

    Its rude.

    Its messy.

    Its dangerous to pederstrians.

    Really, the Thai government ought to allow a new kind of entrepreneur.

    The suicide hotel.

    Check in and don't check out.

    They give you a room ON THE FIRST FLOOR.

    They give you a huge pile of pills and a nice bottle of Johnny Walker Scotch.

    They give you one night, and you pay A LOT but who cares, it is only one night.

    Everybody wins.

    Ideally, suicide counseling would first be offered, but for those who have made up their minds, why not be civilized about it?

    Could compete with casinos as the nest big thing.

    I suppose that the only drawback is that they`ll make you pay upfront....ah well I suppose that you can die happy knowing that you`ve paid your hotel bill. :o

  16. As we will be moving to Thailand in the future, I am thinking about how we get around there.  I don't lean towards buying my own car and driving myself, and would like to get a general idea on how much it would cost to hire a driver and car for, say, 5 days a week.

    Also how hard is it to find reliable drivers/cars and is there any liability involved on my part?  I would expect to check out the person/company to insure they have proper licenses and insurance, but wonder about the "falang liability".

    The reliability is never delivered up front. Afterwards you know.

    So ask people with 'afterwards' experiences. And tell from where you want to start your trip. Maybe somebody knows somebody.

    It depends also on the type of car. If it is the kind you have to push yourself it is much cheaper, if not cheated.

    Last time I had a fifty year old lesbian driver with an extremely old Nissan NV.

    She drove very fast, but if I would have been drinking a cup of coffee, which I didn't , I would not have spilled.

    Don't worry. Drivers are like pilots: They want to survive as well.

    Lesbian driver......did you feel safe with her??? :o

  17. Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

    Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

    Solid gold I hope at that price :o

  18. another crackdown?
    they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

    You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

    Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

    There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


    You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

    Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

    :D You've got a good eye! OK, 300 baht, but I think the owners walking the other 3 dogs might get upset :D .

    But yes, they were in and out of the water all the time. I'm sure I saw one of them up to its b*lls wading in the water and having a pee. Just like the humans I suppose :D .

    ..Yes I thought it would be Peeluted :D

  19. another crackdown?
    they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

    You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

    Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

    There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


    You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

    Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

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