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Posts posted by Johnsen

  1. Why aren't the police made to explain a bit more about this SAFE HOUSE they were taken to..... How normal is that to take supposed crims with matching DNA (according to the bib) to a safe house.... Why would they need to do that. Bags over there heads. Those 2 young boys must have been absoluting frightened beyond words.... Can you just imagine the treatment they have had since then.... I'm actually amazed they r still alive...

    What about this meeting by the islanders.... Wouldn't you think somewhere in that meeting they might suggest not employing illegal aliens with no I'd... I mean isn't that the problem here. What a joke. They don't even have the smarts to talk about their cover up to make the offenders look guilty. No mention of better CCTV footage. I think the meeting might have been held and chaired by students of the local kindergarten...

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  2. Wow, suffocation with a plastic bag. That's pretty serious. Actually that could be construed as attempted murder. If they get released can the Burmese lads press charges... Inhumane and all starting to unravel for the individuals involved... How much longer can this nonsense go on. Release them already...

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  3. Wow, what about reports coming in about this A/C bar. Apparently another murder there new years eve 02/03. Multiple, multiple reports of druggings. Allegedly they are responsible for burning down another competitors bar for being too successful and then running the owners off of the island.

    Do some Google searches people. The place is out of control. These people need to be stopped. Some people on the island are now even posting names and photos of the guilty people. You just couldn't make the horror stories up. Its inhumane. Forget these 2 British kids. A world run investigation into every death on the island needs to be done. Simply shocking and to think these people from the A/C bar have been allowed to get away with it for so long... No wonder they didn't try to hide the bodies. This is everyday business for them. If the truth ever comes out the islands are finished and the many people involved should b in jail for life, police included. How can human beings in positions of power employed to serve and protect allow this to happen. Its just not human.

  4. BBEast 10/10 for your effort and explanation and I wish it were true. Put simply it won't effect the people of Thailand at all.... Nada, zilch nothing... There are several reasons, one being that human nature is what it is. People will forget and return to Thailand. Unfortunately you are only quoting British numbers. How many non English speaking nations due you think know about this incident. Then ask yourself what percentage of Russian and Chinese citizens have ever travelled abroad. Go find out.... Then ask yourself if these minimal figures were to easily double how much damage to tourism would b done here. I wish you were right but your not. Thailand is indestructible and will be proven again to be long after this is over. They know it and have known it for a very long time. Failing that the islands elite make much of their cash by exploiting migrant workers. Those workers will never stop coming. I hate writing this and I hope your right and I'm wrong, but this merry go round that is Thailand is impossible to get off. Of course only time will tell as it already has done in the past.

  5. I think most people believe its him. Thai authorities have gone to a lot of trouble to set up an alibi for him. Like I said elsewhere it only takes 1 photo, 1 piece of leaked phone evidence, 1 piece of leaked CCTV footage to blow his alibi out of the water. If you were the Thai authorities and you were fabricating his alibi you would b shittttting yourself this might happen. Someone out there must have proof.

    Guess it could b time to fight fire with fire if money can buy you anything. Perhaps someone is prepared to give him up for the right amount. Alternatively if someone's business is destroyed through lack of tourism they might just speak out. The chances of the real killers being caught are very slim. Anybody know what phone company he uses. That one would b the killer for him/them.

  6. What about the banana pancake man. Is he Thai. What's his official capacity on the island. Does he have a work permit or a passport. Does he have accreditation to officially translate in a police investigation. R u allowed to have 2 work permits, one for pancakes and one for translation. I thought cooking pancakes was a job reserved for Thais only.

    Matters not I suppose, I think its what Cameron said was one of the major concerns wasn't it... Something about forced confessions or police brutality..

    What's his punishment for working without permits and smacking people about. Why is he wearing a police shirt. Who sold him that. Isn't that illegal... I'm so confused.... Is he still selling pancakes.

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