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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. He is paying, He will be gone for life and never get paroled. Candidly, prosecutors probably pled him for a litany of reasons including a PTSD defense that a jury could have conceivably dropped him down to a lesser included such as 2nd degree or manslaughter.

    I'm not sure. Remember that Florida gal named Casey Anthony who walked on a not guilty verdict while tried for killing her little daughter, Caylee Anthony?

    I'm not sure how military courts work, but jury interviews after the Casey trial showed that had she been charged with a lessor offense she would have been found guilty. But prosecutors went for the whole deal - first degree murder - and the jury couldn't be sure of that "beyond a reasonable doubt."

    They didn't have the option to lower the charge because it wasn't made by prosecution. It was all or nothing. First degree murder is premeditated, for one thing. Second degree doesn't require that. It can be a sudden burst of anger. There's a lesser one called negligent homicide that probably would have gotten her a bunch of prison.

    I don't think, but I'm not positive, that a person can be convicted of something he isn't charged with. I think the guy's only hope at trial might be insanity or temporary insanity and that one hardly ever works. If it did, we might think that every killer must be insane and that would cause a mess. Insanity requires proving that the guy didn't know that what he was doing was wrong. PTSD or anger won't cut it if he knew it was wrong.

    They trip up the insanity defense by showing the guy tried to hide it or something. If the guy did anything like that, then he knew it was at least illegal and he's toast.

    We'll have to see how this plays out with his guilty plea, and hearing on extenuating circumstances.

    What in the world are you talking about?

    If someone pleads out to first degree to avoid death, the case does not go to a jury on guilt or lesser included offenses.

    Looks like he will have a sentencing hearing to determine appropriate sentence for crime to which he has pled guilty, premeditated murder.

    RE: Lesser included offenses

    A guilt phase issue. Past that with a guilty plea to premeditated murder.

    My recollection is that it is error for judge not to charge all lesser included offenses of the indicted offense.

    Casey Anthony was indicted on and a jury found not guilty on 1st degree, manslaughter and aggravated child abuse. The doubt related to defense of baby drowning in parents' pool and being disposed of by them. Nothing to do with mens rea.

    PTSD would be a diminished capacity defense on mens rea which has nothing to do with Casey Anthony case defense.

    My only point is that ALL prosecutors take into consideration the availability and likelihood of a successful defenses such as a diminished capacity defense when pleading a death eligible crime to a life sentence.

  2. GJ:

    The question I have is if it was really about WMDs, then why didn't we follow them into Syria. Why didn't we hear about all of thus moved into Syria evidence in 03/04,

    If is was all about WMDs, then why did we stay and pursue Sadam after knowing, allegedly, WMDs were gone into Sryia?

    Could it be Bush lied about true mission from the start? His purpose from day one was to remove Sadam, save face, show US he was string and in control and etc. WMDs, whatever.

    He lied. Blair lied. Hans Blix and everyone else says they lied. They wanted Hussein out, he was no longer useful and had threatened to use the Euro as their oil currency. There were no WMD's. There was so many satellite assets positioned over Iraq at the time, you could not scratch your ass without someone seeing it, let alone move WMD's into Syria. It was about oil, it was about money, it was about the arms industries, that is the truth and in that respect and that respect alone....Mission Accomplished.

    Exactly, so the old we they had them, buy moved them to Syria argument is just mire intellectual dishonesty or simple denial.

  3. GJ:

    The question I have is if it was really about WMDs, then why didn't we follow them into Syria. Why didn't we hear about all of thus moved into Syria evidence in 03/04,

    If is was all about WMDs, then why did we stay and pursue Sadam after knowing, allegedly, WMDs were gone into Sryia?

    Could it be Bush lied about true mission from the start? His purpose from day one was to remove Sadam, save face, show US he was string and in control and etc. WMDs, whatever.

  4. I'd say the vision didn't work out as initially planned. Time to exit stage left and let the country find a harmony not ever going to be present while we are there. Interesting how this country has responded compared to say a Japan, Germany or even Russia after being decimated by war. Looks like too much of the population has no interest in anything but killing and terrorizing. Not going change under present leadership there.

    So it's all gone to a can of worms so 'time to exit stage left and let them find harmony' !! Don't have to worry about it again then, 'well we tried then didn't we' sick.gif

    That sounds remarkably similar to what people with an ounce of intelligence said before the invasion. The same people also said 'and as for Afghanistan you do know nobody has EVER successfully occupied it in over 2500 years".....oh never mind then.

    Just what was the 'vision' that was going to work? Invade a sovereign territory be directly responsible for over 1 million deaths and hope the locals pat us on the back and say thanks a lot. ?

    I am in agreement. I don't think there was a vision when this started except revenge, economic opportunity and a way to save face, divert attention and flex our almighty muscles. My vision statement was sarcastic.

  5. I'd say the vision didn't work out as initially planned. Time to exit stage left

    They already have.

    31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq).

    Iraq withdrawl

    My bad, I thought we still had some security forces assisting theirs.

    Okay, so is it a complete failure and no solution in sight? If so, we pretty much decimated and ruined a country all to take out a leader? Nice?

  6. I'd say the vision didn't work out as initially planned. Time to exit stage left and let the country find a harmony not ever going to be present while we are there. Interesting how this country has responded compared to say a Japan, Germany or even Russia after being decimated by war. Looks like too much of the population has no interest in anything but killing and terrorizing. Not going change under present leadership there.

  7. Carl Young from Discovery Channel, meteorologist and renowned storm chaser is one of the dead. Tim Samars another.

    Shocking here! These guys used to come down to hurricanes which we used to follow with our boards in hand. These guys were not amateurs or thrill seekers.

    Tim Samars also lost his son during same chase Poor wife and mom. Big loss there for her.

    Samaras achievements include:

    He held the world record for measuring the lowest barometric pressure drop which was 100 millibars inside a tornado. This specific tornado destroyed the town of Manchester. South Dakota on June 24, 2003.

    Samaras also built a camera probe that was able to safely look inside a tornado.

    Formed the research group TWISTEX (Tactical Weather Instrumented Sampling in/near Tornadoes Experiment.

  8. I spent several years in Iraq. It was a country that was replete with false information. Saddam was always everywhere, he was seen everywhere, he knew everything....he was the boogyman. There were WMD everywhere, and everyone seemed to know he had them, but no one seemed to know where. It was a country that was full of false information.

    My staff was certain I was a CIA agent as did everyone where I lived. I asked them one time, since I was under 24 hour guard and had no phone service and only they could speak the language on the two way radio, where I got information and who I passed it on to. I mean, they knew everybody I met with and they knew I didn't speak either Arabic or Kurdish.

    Any information coming from Iraq was questionable at best.

    Living on the edge. Had to be very tense at times and I bet it puts the little daily aggravations and annoyances in perspective.

    If WMD was an automatic green light to invade, why weren't we in North Korea, Syria, Iran, and etc. in 2003.

    Perhaps Iraq had zero do do with WMD and more to do with hit attemp on Sr. reaction to 911, and a misuse of power by someone adiitrdly letting power go to his head.

  9. I'll always struggle to be critical.

    Unless you were sitting in that chair, getting the same information and advice that he did, then you are never going to be fully aware of the forces leading to him making a call on Iraq. People elect people into these positions to make the tough calls that can't be made by some junior flunky farther down the decision tree. And by tough decisions, I mean the ones that no matter what decision they make, there will still be huge losers. In this case, the question was, "how to I best ensure that there is not another attack on US soil on my watch"?

    You elect them, you place your trust in them, for the most part you have to believe the decision they've made is the best one, on balance, for the country.

    Okay, so who really believed that we could go in and take out Sadam Hussien in a few months, the people of Iraq would cheer and put us on their Christmas list, we could then immediately leave and Iraq would be a better and more stable place.

    Either Bush administration believed that in which case they were stupid or they had another more surreptitious agenda.

  10. The other big f up no one is discussing is how the OK City channel 4 forecaster, who is one of the best, told people of Moore and just West of Moore to get in their cars and flee south if they could not get beneath ground.

    I saw this live, Channel 4 broadcast through WC, just after Bettes got hit by Union City tornado. The highways then got clogged and the Mayor, Governor and everyone is now saying people trying to flee clogged roads and led to a lotof injuries and some deaths,

  11. Sounds like 3 of 9 killed were tornado chasers. The Inion city tornado took a really hard left, which it nit unusual when back build and strengthens. I am just amazed how season chasers got caught such as Ken Cole, Mike Bettes and his Weather Channel team, and many smarter chaser chaser videos as seen on videos.

  12. I wonder who really had the power. He's too dim to run a hairdryer let alone an aggressive military power. It must have been those shadowy figures who always stood by his shoulder.

    Whoever wrote his little speech should be sacked. How on earth could he be prompted to say words to the effect that 'he doesn't 'feel sorry for them' and that they were 'volunteers' in war'? He never did have much in the way of speaking skills, I suppose.

    They were basically cannon fodder.I wonder if G.W. will ever face a war crimes trial. Cheney (sp?) called the shots for the military-industrial demons.

    I just discovered the RT network here. It's the anti-Fox news channel. I think it's from Russia, but they seem to know what is really going on. It's scary.

    Not sure why mods deleted this before, but his dad. He went to his father a lot and according to Barbara Bush in mud 2000, Jr. relied upon and listened to his father a lot. Father probably had way more influence on Bush's administration member with whom he had the ling relationship.

    Bush, however, still had the power and is still responsible. A lot of chefs in that kitchen perhaps led to bad decisions, particular when certain chefs had certain personal agendas.

    I believe toward the end he began to realize how he was manipulated and tried to do things that he believed in. I actually began to like him as a person and felt a bit sorry for him. His demeanor and the way he spoke revealed a lot of regret the last two years.

    He made an effort to change his legacy and I believe he shut a lot of people out that had manipulated him for years toward the last two years. The damage, however, had been done and was irreversible at that point.

  13. I heat the free pass thing, but Bush completely and totally initiated the process. Great Britian would have never even considered invading Iraq but for US and I am afraid that they had little option but to participate. US was clearly posturing the for us or against us.

    Candidly, I don't care what Blair or Great Britian did or didn't do. We the US tax payers are paying and will be paying for this mistake for a long time.

  14. Hi IQ or not, he can't string together a coherent sentence and his grammar is appalling:

    "One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009[/size]

    "I've been in the Bible every day since I've been the president." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 12, 2008[/size]

    *Deleted quote edited out*

    Actually, I think power was given to him by his daddy and his daddy's connections on capital hill. I think a retarded pedeophile could have run in 2000 on anti abortion and still win as the Christian right needed to act due to the upcoming Supreme Court justice retirements. They did not care who or what what for President as long as they regained a majority in the Supreme Court.

    What Bush did with the power was not short of miraculous. Took a country with a strong market, booming business, booming housing market, booming commercial lending, solid GDP, a balanced budget and . . .

    7 1/2 years later all of out largest banks were insolvent (bankrupt, gone, failed), AIG was insolvent which would have taken down the little guys like State Farm, Allstate and maybe even CNA due to reinsurance, had most the terrorist related deaths inside US on his watch, stock market lost 60 %, Americans lost more wealth than any other time in history, 10 Trillion debt, and our housing and commercial lending market was decimated.

    Yep, nothing wrong here. Attaboy G.W. Great job!

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  15. I grew up in Texas and also in the tornado alley in the mid west and in school tornado drills were regular events. One time in school it wasn't a drill though and pretty terrifying. Seen many and the aftermath. This one in Oklahoma is massive though.

    My brother and I used to storm chase back in late 90s until about 2002. We were in Moore in 99 shortly after storm. That is perhaps why this one bothered me. Saw some messed up people.

    Daughters gave gone to Joplin twice for volunteer work and I spent a day there and saw Alambama damage shortly after Tuscaloosa to Birmingham tornado.

    Television does not portray damage, smell and eerie feeling in the aftermath of these strong F5 paths. You feel like you have been dropped off on a different planet and human side of it will change you when seeing these bad F5 aftermaths.

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