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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. If you are referring to Alan Greenspan, he is hardly a billionaire:

    " He is not obliged to give exact figures for his wealth but must report within a range. At the top end his portfolio was worth almost $10m at the end of 2000, up from $7m in 1999. At the bottom, it held its own at around $3m.


    I am talking about his net worth. It is huge and of course he is not going to let the world know what he controls. Of course, I am exagerating. He has all the wealth he needs and then some. The point I am trying to make is whatever he gets paid, we do not need what he does. His efforts do not help the public good and he has no downside for his own wealth.

    I expect the Cyprus bankers lived pretty well for the 20 years since the failure of the Soviet Union.They were some wealthy people and likely still are. You can bet they moved their fortunes out of Cyprus ahead of the fall. Are they going to report how much, I hardly think so.

    Christine Lagarde, managing director of the I.M.F., said the bailout plan will require "great efforts from the Cypriot population."

    Lagarde puts the problem back on the people for decisions the bankers made. Why would she not point the finger at the bankers club who all got wealthy in the run up but now are asking for the people to save them. None of the banker club members ever consider that it is the bankers of the world who have to fix the problem and they have to fix it with their own money. The top tiers are wealthy beyond imagination.

    A growing number of federal judges have had about as much as they can take with Wall Street firms paying

    hefty fines to settle probes into serious wrongdoing without admitting any guilt or any executive taking the fall.


    Not just judges, a lot of the SEC and government taint is nor gone as Bush era boys are phasing out and SEC and Feds are getting pretty aggressive in these areas now without a doubt. I am not on criminal or regulatory side per se, but I see this daily in my firm's clients both new and old. Very active right now and a few 2011/2012 convictions emboldened the gorvernment to spend time and resources to prosecutethese guys.

  2. At this stage of the game I do wonder why - given the technology available - surgical strikes are not used to take out the fat kid and a few military leaders . . .

    One word


    I don't think China as much as the need to cross all t's and dot all i's. US has to protect US holdings in other countries from possible nuclear strike even if the chance of NK having such capability is 1%. Missile defense is being deployed and set up. This takes a little time, but is extremely prudent.

    Experts on morning news really doubted nuclear delivery capability, said it is very unclear who is actually calling shots in North Korea and that the primary concern is 10,000 artillery tubes pointed at South Korea.

    China has apparently already denounced NK and apparently wants this fixed so they can go back to being China without heavy US presence in region.

    • Like 2
  3. ''In a rare show of force in the region, Washington has deployed nuclear-capable US B-52s, B-2 stealth bombers and two US destroyers to South Korean air and sea space.''

    Along with deploying an advanced missile defense system to Guam. I suspect there may be some new toys in Washington's arsenal we don't yet know about to squash this bug if necessary.

    The scary part is that the joint chiefs are probably licking their chops at the chance to kick off another conflict. And a nuclear conflict at that! After all, the military industrial complex needs to be fed, just like the 1,000,000 man army in N Korea.

    Odd that the POTUS has not made any comments on this topic considering the severity of the consequences. Too busy shooting hoops I guess.

    President speaking on this simply encourages more crazy rhetoric and threats from midget boy. I imagine when we hear from the President on this it will be telling us about what has happened and what actions US has begun to take. Be very serious at that point and lights out for NK.

    Silence is strength here and President is very smart not to tip hand one way or the other.

    • Like 2
  4. This information has been published for several days now ... only the little guys got hurt... and it was the EU Commissioners who pushed this on Cyprus... If I had money in any EU controlled bank - I would move it ... If Cyprus can be done this way - so can Spain, Greece - then the dominoes will fall all over Europe...

    ... Russian oligarchs who still had large deposits in Cyprus likely withdrew most of it last week as Cyprus prepared to stop all unauthorized capital movements. On Monday, Reuters reported a major loophole that large Russian account holders may have used to jump ship while ordinary Cypriots lined up at ATMs to withdraw a few hundred euros: Uniastrum Bank, 80 percent of which is owned by Bank of Cyprus, did not place any restrictions on withdrawals in Russia in the week leading up to the restructuring decision.

    Laiki Bank and Bank of Cyprus branches in London did not limit withdrawals that week, either. No one knows exactly how much money has been transferred out of Cyprus, Reuters reported. Moreover, several solvent commercial banks, including a Cyprus subsidiary of state-controlled Russian bank VTB, will be left mostly unaffected by the restructuring, the Christian Science Monitor reported.

    An editorial in the Thursday edition of Vedomosti concluded that the Russian authorities' accepted the Cyprus restructuring after it became apparent that mainly medium-sized businesses would suffer losses, not the large investors that are the Kremlin's first priority.

    Now an exodus of all remaining Russian business likely is beginning, some in Cyprus say.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/03/28/russia-support-for-cyprus-seizures-deposits-may-mean-big-money-already-out/#ixzz2P8QBViAd

    Foxnews??? You base your opinions on Foxnews??? And you think you should share them with us???


    Yes, Foxnews covers situations like this with great accuracy - expecially when backed by news gathering agencies ....


    I suppose you trust that paragon of virtue MSNBC ... the totally unbaised news reporting cable news outfit / sarcasim off

    Apart from commanding the best news resources, you seem to be a man with a keen sense of political developments. Would you agree that the events in Cyprus are part of Obama's masterplan to install a communist world government that's going to take away your guns and bibles?

    Haha, exactly.

  5. Going by your rhetoric F430murci are you willing to lead the offensive on North Korea, that is of course if it doesn't interfere with your recently announced upcoming family vacation tour plans to this part of the world ? wai2.gif

    Being as Audie Murphy is no longer available it seems as if you would be a fine candidate to assume his cloak of bravery and heroism.smile.png

    I am a lover and not a fighter. Audie Murphy before my time. Yeah, I hope things remain calm for many reasons and I hope Russia is chill after Cyprus and other issues. Some crazy, whacked out MFs in Russia and my wife's family has a few of them. Fun people though.

    One of my partners is ex special forces, and jag. I full faith and confidence in those guys leading the charge and have full confidence in our millitary. Leave short stuff in power and just take away his millitary capability and US can be in and out. We just screw up when we try and stabilize and nation build.

    So as long as somebody else is "leading the charge", you have complete confidence in the US and South Korea being able to destroy the largest military in the world in four days.

    IF the North attempts something it could get very ugly, very quickly. If the North lobs 10,000 artillery shells into the South it could cause a great deal of havoc and loss of life.

    Be glad you are behind that mahogany desk in NSB, Florida, should that happen and somebody else is leading the charge in your absence.

    You gotta be grumpiest old bitter dude ever. Yes, higher education and paying 6 figures in taxes a year gives me right to sit behind and desk and be proud of our boys. I know many military guys, Eglin pilots and many special forces guys live in my high-rise in Destin. These guys are the best and ready to do whatever is necessary. I have complete confidence in these guys.

    • Like 1
  6. It all comes down to how woman are viewed in these countries in general. {quote: the middle east, north africa, pakistan etc} and the LOS attitude is not too different. I believe the death penalty is expected for the perpetrators of the student gang rape - but only because it's now such high profile and international news.

    You never hear [or at least I've never heard] of the outcomes of the tourist rapes that are often reported on ThaiVisa - why is that you think?

    And one rarely hears about the outcomes of rape in the west. The poor dears are often let out on parole after a short stay in prison. The press rarely covers such releases.

    Rape is generally a class 1 or class 2 felony in various states in US. Rape us generally class 1 if accomplished through force or accompanied by injury. The presumption of alternative forms of sentencing (probation or any form of suspended sentencing) is inapplicable to rape and aggravated rape. Judges cannot deviate below minimum sentencing guidelines of (25 years for class 1), but can order more based on presence of enhancement factors.

    Parole eligibility for violent offenses such as rape, aggravated sodomy, child rape and etc. Are not typically parole eligible and may have to serve day to day.

    "1) An offender will not become eligible for parole consideration who is serving a non-life sentence for a serious violent felony (rape, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sexual battery, armed robbery, or kidnapping) committed on January 1, 1995, or later. Contrary to a common misconception, these offenders are not eligible for parole after serving 10 years on sentences greater than 10 years. An offender convicted for any of these offenses, and not sentenced to life, will serve the entire prison sentence without the possibility of parole."


  7. Some US citizens are very boastful, but no doubt whatsoever that US & S.Korea can destroy the N.Korea military & nuclear threat. I never suggested otherwise. What we do not see is the ones who beat their breast about the all powerful US military is how the US & S.Korea intend to stabilise the peninsular and support the N.Korean population after a war, should it occur. Hopefully the US and some of it's citizens have learnt from some very painful lessons, after being so dismissive of the aftermath of war in countries that have been ruled by dictators for years.

    Leave midget boy and just neutralize his millitary capability. We were in and out after Kuwait/Gulf war and things were fine. Repeat of that here if necessary. Chest beating is being done by short stuff running around threatening to blow everyone up.

    I just respond to statements regarding whether NK has a chance, how long it will take and likely collateral damage. I prefer peace route and would be happy if everyone walks away with zero loss of life. I, however, am concerned that giving stump more time simply provides him with a bytes opportunity to create weapons that really can hurt a lot of innocent people.

  8. Going by your rhetoric F430murci are you willing to lead the offensive on North Korea, that is of course if it doesn't interfere with your recently announced upcoming family vacation tour plans to this part of the world ? wai2.gif

    Being as Audie Murphy is no longer available it seems as if you would be a fine candidate to assume his cloak of bravery and heroism.smile.png

    I am a lover and not a fighter. Audie Murphy before my time. Yeah, I hope things remain calm for many reasons and I hope Russia is chill after Cyprus and other issues. Some crazy, whacked out MFs in Russia and my wife's family has a few of them. Fun people though.

    One of my partners is ex special forces, and jag. I full faith and confidence in those guys leading the charge and have full confidence in our millitary. Leave short stuff in power and just take away his millitary capability and US can be in and out. We just screw up when we try and stabilize and nation build.

  9. On the 24 news channel this morning in OZ, was a message from the Sth Korean Prime Minister. She stated, in my words that if Nth Korea provoke the South any more, Sth Korea would mount an all out offensive against the North. She stated, in my words roughly, that her military and the people of the South had had a gut full and would put up with no more crap.

    OZ news said, the US sent a couple of jets to the South yesterday, they are the best and allegedly the fastest in the world. The best the Nth Koreans have date back to 1980, Russian Sabres.

    Hope all goes well for the little leader and his threats.w00t.gif

    N. Korea has more modern fighter aircraft such as the MIG 23 & 29 variants, but in limited numbers. The big question is do they have up to date avionics and counter measure capability, that I doubt. The other question is do they have the necessary real time war fighting integration capability such as AWACS

    NK airforce is an outdated joke. MIG 29s??? MIG 23s??? US weapons can also hit them long before we are in their range.

    "North Koreas Geriatric Airforce is a Harmless Joke Straight out if the 60s,"


    The oldest South Korean warplanes date from the late 1960s and early 1970s and form 51 per cent of South Korea's air power, while the Soviet- and Chinese-made workhorses of the NKPAF were developed in the 1950s and 1960s and comprise 78 per cent of North Korea's air power. Thus, the NKPAF is unable to marshal a three-to-one numerical superiority over the South, is antiquated and suffers from fuel shortages.


    Back in 1984, the U.S. prepared a campaign plan that would have made possible the destruction of the entire North Korean air force in 100 hours. Retired U.S. Air Force generals say the military could do it even faster today.


    Walsh said despite the rhetoric, the "war fundamentals" have not changed. North Korea would be obliterated by South Korea in the event of a war, with or without U.S. military support -- and the North Koreans know that.

    An over reaction. As I said dependent on up to date avionics, weapons systems etc did not even suggest that N.Korean airforce is a strategic threat, but will have to be dealt with if push comes to shove; for the moment looks highly unlikely

    Haha, some people are so serious and never wrong.

    Fulcrum doesn't stand a chance against a super hornet or F22 regardless of what avionics or weapons. I also doubt NK has Archers, but even if they did the Archers would be useless even against good old 120s. NK's airforce would be neutralized completely within hours and not one single US plane would be shot down.

    NK's only threat is how many scuds or crappy missiles could get through to Seoul before those are taken down. Ground forces would get slaughtered as NK's armor division and artillery are perhaps as old and as outdated as the air force.

    Perhaps this is a good time to neutralize their capability before they have additional to fully develop nuclear tipped missile capability. Is there a general consesus that they even have that in short range capability? By general consesus, I am excluding what dwarf boy with fancy hair cut says. Anyone else notice how short his arms are!

  10. Stories like Cyprus bring out the loonies and doom and gloomers.

    Cyprus is failed bank because they screwed up and they have two options: let bank and dissolve (pay deposit insurance and a pro rata percentage of what is left over beyond 100k); or restructure to save bank. The restructuring is a weird scenario, but must be necessary evil for a litany of reasons. They may feel this bailout mechanism is necessary to shelter this small community as much as possible. Cyprus banks apparently took on so much foreign money that their little economy cannot even begin to do a full TARP type bailout.

    They also have to deal with Russians, mafia type and etc. who have their own way of doing things . . . People like Michael Sarris are probably not sleeping well at night and constantly watching their back. Play with fire and you eventually get burned.

    " Stories like Cyprus bring out the loonies and doom and gloomers."

    I will bear that in mind, meanwhile..............the picture which is gradually evolving regarding the world banking system should be of grave concern to everyone

    ( 1 ) New Zealand Government Now Planning a Cyprus-Style Confiscation to Fund Bank Bail Out


    No doubt many countries are in and have been in big monetary trouble for some time, especially in the Euro zone. To suggest, however, that the US and UK banking system are conspiring to convert deposits to equity or debt holdings and take our money is ridiculous. I can think of multiple FTC/SEC/FDIC or banking regs this would violate in the US. Don't know about UK, but I would suprised if they did not have similar regulaitons.

    Look, if you feel safer not using banks and putting money into tin cans and burying it in your yard, more power to you. Do what you think is best for you. The moral of the story here is you cannot get good returns with zero risk and if you lay with dogs, your gonna get flees. Unfortunately, many innocent people just using the bank for legitimate purposes got burned.

    I have lost count of the number of arbitrations and securities lawsuits I have handled since 2008 because people reallocated most if not all of their portfolios to funds heavily weighted in CMOs, CDOs, and junk bonds. Yeah, these funds were providing 18% annual returns and etc., but they were extremely risky investments. People got greedy and took a big hit.

    " To suggest, however, that the US and UK banking system are conspiring to convert deposits to equity or debt holdings and take our money is ridiculous "

    Yeah well I am sure many Americans in February or

    March 1933 would have also considered the possibility of their personal gold holdings

    being confiscated by the US government as being equally ridiculous.........only

    to find in April of that year it became a reality..sad.png

    A lot has changed since 1933 and government and Fed did the miraculous and bailed banks out in 2008. I represented 2 large banks and was involved in rerating and TARP process. I saw government trying to help people save not just US, but world banking system. US could have easily done what you are or that article suggests in 2008 and 2009, but it didn't and banks paid every cent back. Some small bank could not absorb losses, but those were handled appropriately.

    Perhapsi chose to place my faith in certain things, but we pretty much have to function as a society. If BofA and the big 5 go down, trust me . . . We all have very serious problems then. Just not going to happen.

    Europe is lagging behind in recovery and we will ultimately see failures. Cannot be avoided. Perhaps need those failures to occur to get recovery in full swing. Too much bad debt on the books. Cyprus though had many compacting factors.

    • Like 1
  11. Cyprus should be a wake-up call -a shot across the bow. I definitely would not keep my money in the bank on these terms!

    It should give us clear warning to those of us (which I don't mind admitting includes myself ) who had the wrong idea of what depositing my money in a bank account was meant to represent

    It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for U.S. and U.K. Depositors

    few depositors realize it, legally the bank owns the depositors funds as soon as they are put in the bank. Our money becomes the banks, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay. (See here and here.) But until now the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash. Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into bank equity. The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank. With any luck we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills.


    Stories like Cyprus bring out the loonies and doom and gloomers.

    Cyprus is failed bank because they screwed up and they have two options: let bank and dissolve (pay deposit insurance and a pro rata percentage of what is left over beyond 100k); or restructure to save bank. The restructuring is a weird scenario, but must be necessary evil for a litany of reasons. They may feel this bailout mechanism is necessary to shelter this small community as much as possible. Cyprus banks apparently took on so much foreign money that their little economy cannot even begin to do a full TARP type bailout.

    They also have to deal with Russians, mafia type and etc. who have their own way of doing things . . . People like Michael Sarris are probably not sleeping well at night and constantly watching their back. Play with fire and you eventually get burned.

    " Stories like Cyprus bring out the loonies and doom and gloomers."

    I will bear that in mind, meanwhile..............the picture which is gradually evolving regarding the world banking system should be of grave concern to everyone

    ( 1 ) New Zealand Government Now Planning a Cyprus-Style Confiscation to Fund Bank Bail Out


    ( 2 )Cyprus-Style Bail-Ins Are Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!


    No doubt many countries are in and have been in big monetary trouble for some time, especially in the Euro zone. To suggest, however, that the US and UK banking system are conspiring to convert deposits to equity or debt holdings and take our money is ridiculous. I can think of multiple FTC/SEC/FDIC or banking regs this would violate in the US. Don't know about UK, but I would suprised if they did not have similar regulaitons.

    Look, if you feel safer not using banks and putting money into tin cans and burying it in your yard, more power to you. Do what you think is best for you. The moral of the story here is you cannot get good returns with zero risk and if you lay with dogs, your gonna get flees. Unfortunately, many innocent people just using the bank for legitimate purposes got burned.

    I have lost count of the number of arbitrations and securities lawsuits I have handled since 2008 because people reallocated most if not all of their portfolios to funds heavily weighted in CMOs, CDOs, and junk bonds. Yeah, these funds were providing 18% annual returns and etc., but they were extremely risky investments. People got greedy and took a big hit.

  12. On the 24 news channel this morning in OZ, was a message from the Sth Korean Prime Minister. She stated, in my words that if Nth Korea provoke the South any more, Sth Korea would mount an all out offensive against the North. She stated, in my words roughly, that her military and the people of the South had had a gut full and would put up with no more crap.

    OZ news said, the US sent a couple of jets to the South yesterday, they are the best and allegedly the fastest in the world. The best the Nth Koreans have date back to 1980, Russian Sabres.

    Hope all goes well for the little leader and his threats.w00t.gif

    N. Korea has more modern fighter aircraft such as the MIG 23 & 29 variants, but in limited numbers. The big question is do they have up to date avionics and counter measure capability, that I doubt. The other question is do they have the necessary real time war fighting integration capability such as AWACS

    NK airforce is an outdated joke. MIG 29s??? MIG 23s??? US weapons can also hit them long before we are in their range.

    "North Koreas Geriatric Airforce is a Harmless Joke Straight out if the 60s,"


    The oldest South Korean warplanes date from the late 1960s and early 1970s and form 51 per cent of South Korea's air power, while the Soviet- and Chinese-made workhorses of the NKPAF were developed in the 1950s and 1960s and comprise 78 per cent of North Korea's air power. Thus, the NKPAF is unable to marshal a three-to-one numerical superiority over the South, is antiquated and suffers from fuel shortages.


    Back in 1984, the U.S. prepared a campaign plan that would have made possible the destruction of the entire North Korean air force in 100 hours. Retired U.S. Air Force generals say the military could do it even faster today.


    Walsh said despite the rhetoric, the "war fundamentals" have not changed. North Korea would be obliterated by South Korea in the event of a war, with or without U.S. military support -- and the North Koreans know that.

  13. Cyprus should be a wake-up call -a shot across the bow. I definitely would not keep my money in the bank on these terms!

    It should give us clear warning to those of us (which I don't mind admitting includes myself ) who had the wrong idea of what depositing my money in a bank account was meant to represent

    It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for U.S. and U.K. Depositors

    few depositors realize it, legally the bank owns the depositors funds as soon as they are put in the bank. Our money becomes the banks, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay. (See here and here.) But until now the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash. Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into bank equity. The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank. With any luck we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills.


    Stories like Cyprus bring out the loonies and doom and gloomers.

    Cyprus is failed bank because they screwed up and they have two options: let bank and dissolve (pay deposit insurance and a pro rata percentage of what is left over beyond 100k); or restructure to save bank. The restructuring is a weird scenario, but must be necessary evil for a litany of reasons. They may feel this bailout mechanism is necessary to shelter this small community as much as possible. Cyprus banks apparently took on so much foreign money that their little economy cannot even begin to do a full TARP type bailout.

    They also have to deal with Russians, mafia type and etc. who have their own way of doing things . . . People like Michael Sarris are probably not sleeping well at night and constantly watching their back. Play with fire and you eventually get burned.

  14. Perhaps fractional reserve banking is on the outs after some 500 years.

    Fractional lending is here to stay, at least in US. Fed is not going anywhere. Unfortunately, tighter regulation is still needed. Banks should not be allocating large portions of their portfolio to high risk investments, CDOs or junk bonds. That is for hedge fund investors and there is a reason hedge funds are for qualified accredited investors. Issue of very poor regulation and trying to cover high interests paid to encourage large deposits from foreign investors.
    What I think you are saying is Banks are not doing a very good job of regulating each other. Virtually all bank regulation comes from the banking community itself.

    US banks have heavy and sometimes overlapping regulation from multiple sources. FDIC and Federal Reserve regulate holdings, reserves or capital requirements, SEC and CFTC limits risks and aggregate indebtedness requirements or thresholds. Many other regulators depending upon department.

    US crisis in 2008 was due largely to systemic risks or asset bubbles in housing and commercial real estate market along with lax lending practices.

    Cyprus is different, although it would take to much time to great into great detail as to everything going wrong in Cyprus. Gravamen of the issue is that you cannot expect to safely pay huge interests on deposit only type of accounts without covering those payments with risky investments.

    Heck yeah, I would love to get something greater than a CD rate on my money with zero risk and federal deposit insurance. Banks should not be placing banking customers' or depostor's money at risk by seeking higher yields on risky investments to pay higher interests to lure huge deposits. Flawed system bound for failure.

  15. The fun stops.



    On Sunday, March 31st, at 10 pm there was a report about 9 bodies inside an abandoned SUV on the road Victoria-Soto de la Marina, km. 7,5 by the ejido Santa Clara, Victoria municipality.

    Staff from the PGJ found there a grey GMC Yukon with plates from Texas, 94 HFN 6.

    Inside the vehicle the remains of 9 unidentified males, most of them dismembered. The bodies were sent to the forensics for the autopsy.

    • Like 1
  16. Another bar shooting. 4 dead including an American. 14 injured. Nah, Mexico ain't that bad.


    For those that can not read language:

    Attacks by an armed commando two bars in the City of Guadalajara left four people dead, including a U.S. citizen.

    The group handles manned when two vehicles opened fire on nightclub Classic, east of the metropolis, which killed two people, a few minutes after 22:00.

    The deceased were identified as Jerry Goemer, of American origin and Ramos Julio Cesar Chavez 19 years old.

    Ten minutes later, the same convoy broke into the Route 66 bar located on Avenida Javier Mina, where is also located the site of the first attack, opened fire with a 9mm gun.

    Local police said the armed group within the establishment threw a fragmentation grenade, leaving one worker seriously injured.

    When trying to escape from the place died of gunshot wounds two men, identified as Hugo Rodriguez Espinoza client located bar and a waiter as Vicente.

    Of the two attacks were a total of 14 people injured and authorities report that when there have been no arrests of people involved.

    The movement of Javier Mina Avenue has been suspended for carrying out investigations.

    • Like 1
  17. Funny how everyone is blaming the EU and ECB on depositors losing money. The facts are a little different though;

    People and companies from outside Cyprus put their money in the hands of a bank in a tiny country because of tax reasons and high interest rates. That bank doesn't know what to do with all this money, so start buying Greek bonds, Greece being their big brother. Greece goes nearly bust, although saved by EU taxpayer money. The Cypriot bank is overexposed to Greek crisis, so will collapse. All depositors will loose all money initially and curators will step in to see what can be salvaged to pay creditors, including the depositors. The Cypriot government guarantees first 100,000 Euro, so will have to fork out that amount, coming out of the 300,000 or so Cypriotic tax payers' wallet. Result; Cyprus bust, depositors lose nearly all, Cypriotic residents screwed.

    Now the EU together with the IMF step in to offer help. But no way they can 'paying for Cyprus' past party lifestyle' sell to their own taxpayers. More so knowing that 60% of the money involved is not even from EU people or companies, but dubious Russian money. So EU and IMF say fine; we will bailout your banks for 10 billion (likely more to be needed), but in return you need to come up with 5 billion yourselves. So Cyprus went to Russia to ask for the money. Problem was that they already got money from Russia a year earlier, so they wouldn't help anymore. So Cyprus had no choice but to go along with the haircut of deposits. Mind though that these depositors will be getting shares in the bank back for it.

    All the fuss about governments stealing money from depositors is pure BS, and just rhetoric from large companies and criminals looking at losing some of their tax avoidance money parked offshore. You don't see any riots in Nicosia. Why you think that is?!

    Without the ECB and the IMF much, much more money would have been lost.

    Lesson to learn; don't park your money in a tax haven whose economy is only a fraction of its banks' debt. And if you do, make sure it's at least in a country with strict banking rules and preferably can count on some backup from larger economies for whatever reasons (the Euro currency in this case), so you won't lose all your money if the shit hits the fan.

    Ps. Wait for Slovenia, then Luxemburg to go. And after that all those tiny off shore havens! Give it 3 more years and then finally we will see an end to this 'banking' crisis that started exactly 5 years ago.

    Exactly. The crux of article I posted. The deposit insurance issue is sketchy sounding, but if trying to save banks I get it and there is a lot more going on here than we can glean from a few articles. The 40% above insured losses may be reasonable in a bank failure. Again, we dint have all the facts and seems like a lot of speculation out there. Will take time to sort out.

  18. I'll be very happy to debate the role of the US in helping to perpetrate many of the world's crises in the last century and this one. Start a thread! It's an issue worth spending time on, IMO.


    Great, you want to bash the US which generally takes care of it's people yet refuse to acknowledge a country that treats its people in such a way that 1/3 of it's children have some form of dwarfism due to malnutrition and lack of care. Very disingenuous. Maybe personal beliefs, prejudices or pride have blinded you to true human sufferings.

    I think I've adequately acknowledged the shortcomings of the current and past N Korean regimes in my multiple posts on this subject. I said 'debate'! 'Bash' is your emotive response. Whether or not your other assertions about my motives are true will only come to light when you take up the challenge ... and DEBATE the subject. Start a thread. I can assure you my responses will be backed by good data from erudite sources. Many from your own citizens in trusted educational establishments. But perhaps you fear there is a lack of substance behind your rhetoric.

    I'll look out for the thread.


    Yeah, I'll get right on that. Better yet, why don't you start your own thread and do what you do best.

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