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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Your wife / GF would ditch you ?

    Dear Kitsune, never intended to join this discussion. We say a fool can ask more questions than a wise can answer.

    Be careful with your statements/questions. This particular one implies that all women live with all men for money!

    I personally do not have any objections to such a thread. It would be very controversial and stir a lively discussion.

    But something tells me you got carried away in this suggestion, so, - be careful. biggrin.png

    Dear ABCer,

    I am sure that not only I put a question mark at the end, but I also used "would" the conditional.

    But what I did forget the smiley ...There you go ............laugh.png

    Can you take a joke ?

  2. 'Unquestioning drones'.

    They sure as hell can smell the hostility of intelligent sophisticated educated farangs though.

    Especially the women.


    The real question though, is : Why are you hostile toward me ?

    If that is a self-reflective question which speaks about your neighbours ...

    Why do you think that they are un-social or hostile towards you?

    Is it a Cultural difference?

    Or maybe nothing in common we can relate to or talk about ?


    I think he has a problem with western women

  3. 'Unquestioning drones'.

    They sure as hell can smell the hostility of intelligent sophisticated educated farangs though.

    Especially the women.

    "Unquestioning drones" is a quote from a Thai man on this very forum.ie AnotherOneAmerican

    If you were honest you would recognize there is no hostility towards Thai on from my part, rather a critic of an oppressing system.

    So I am in fact I am taking side FOR Thai people.

    The real question though, is : Why are you hostile toward me ?

    • Like 1
  4. Maybe the question could be asked ... as Westerners bought up under a moderately universal Education system taught to ... 'Tink too much'.

    If you question everything, do you actually learn anything?

    Do we not try and encapture and enjoy some of the simple pleasures that Thais seem to do without having to analyse, contemplate and dissect them?

    I'm not saying that we have it wrong and Thais correct. For me, it is what it is.


    Yes let's all be "unquestioning drones easily manipulated by an elite" as said previously

  5. There are five universal truths relating to interaction with other humans: to feel respected; to be asked rather than told; to have option over threats; a desire to know why; and a desire for a second chance. Weave any of those themes into a discussion concerning anything from the weather to fried rice, and you'll be having a meaningful conversation with anyone in the world.

    I'm not pressing the like button on this one because it would be an understatement. Thank you Jasun.

    OK let's take the first universal truth : "To feel respected"

    I see my neighbor on my soi, the one eager to know every single detail about my life, and say " Sawadika", she ignores my greeting and turns her head the other way. She's been like this from day 1 with me, always refused to say "hello"

    I see my other neighbor the nicer one, the one who does say Hello, so I say hello and ask her about the rude one, what's going on here, why would she refuse to say Hello?. As she is Thai and does not want to take part in conflict. So she just says "Mai Lu ! "

    I feel disrespected and I don't know why.

    I cannot earn any of my neighbor's respect (except one).

    I will never have their respect and will never have any explanation, and frankly I'm starting not care.

    Really meaningful experience !

  6. Okay StreetCowboy, I understand what you are saying basically. But this isn't about "can we converse about something, anything ..." we all can, I am sure.

    When I went one day to a regular restaurant I visited often, I found out a 20-21 year old waitress had died the night before due to a fluke medical event, that happens from time to time. Not an accident or anything she could be blamed for. I was appalled to hear everyone talking about her, like she was some shit on their shoe, because now that she had DIED at a young age, everyone decided, she DESERVED to die, due to her karma, therefore she must be a bad person, and deserved now, everyone's scorn!

    I was seriously distressed by this. On the other hand, when somebody gets a new car/motorbike, has a blessing ceremony, gets crazily drunk to celebrate, drives with no lights and no helmet or seatbelt/aribags, and then crashes and dies on the way home, and I SAY, it was really stupid to let him drive so drunk and suggest this might be a lesson for others, people look like they will faint in shock at my analysis! They can't believe it, anymore than I believe their story, that a bad ghost caused the accident.

    I could give you a list of 100s of events, like this, in my anecdotal life here in Thailand. These are the times one decides that we have nothing in common with Thais, in general, for the most part, not ALL, etc.

    This is the part of life that "theblether" is missing. I could also list 1000 things he is missing because he hasn't tried to accomplish certain things here, in his part-time tourist life. And he probably THINKS he is getting along so well with everyone here, because THAI people make you feel that way, by telling lies, and agreeing with everything you say ..at least at his point here. I would suggest, as a test of course, for him to open a business here, get married, have kids, build a house, invest money with his new friends, and see what differences come up, if any??

    ......and join the sea of misery that far too many people here have entrapped themselves in?

    You must be joking. cheesy.gif

    it's easier to stay back and bash those who try hard to make a difference here.

    • Like 1
  7. Your comment, the blether,says many things. Probably without you realizing it !

    I know what I said, it's no shock to many members here, they know I have stated I will never live in Thailand full time before. I see no reason to, I can be here when it suits me, gone when it doesn't.

    There are tens of thousands of us in this category, if not even hundreds of thousands. Thailand has deliberately made it difficult for foreigners to establish what would be regarded as normal in many other countries. The right to own your home, the right to residency with your family, the right to own your own business.

    I look at these bare facts and deduce that while Thailand is a wonderful holiday location, it's an atrocious place to put all your eggs. I for one will never do it, there are countless others that wish they never did.

    It's as simple as that.

    Thai bashing ! w00t.gif

  8. I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

    BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Everybody's opinion is based on their location and/or class. Something most wouldn´t do back in the west but C'est la vie... this is Thailand. I have lived on both sides of the fence and to be honest I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me... Yet for me it´s hard to understand some foreigners who can't communicate one way or the other with their spouses and yet claim they know Thailand and its people.

    I can't believe anyone can be happy living surrounded by people they can't communicate with.

    Doesn't matter how nice the house and surroundings are.

    For god's sake learn their language (whatever that is).

    Prime example of 'nothing in common', not even the language.

    mmmh I don't know ....All these efforts in learning a challenging language to -at best (with educated lawyers) - talk about women's legs ...

  9. Hi SC,

    Well you might be just like Thai people, you might be a Thai person, I don't know much about you at all. If you think just like Thai people, than I would not consider you one of "us" as far as this conversation goes. If you are just like a Thai person, maybe you don't get along well, or like, many Western people. This discussion is about generalities, which will not, by definition, fit every individual.

    I can bet, that if you put me in a room, with 1,000 people in Los Angeles, (who were born there) that I can't find even one person who would say that a ghost caused the above accident I described. I can bet if I was in a room with any amount of Thai people, some huge percentage, maybe all, depending on the demographics, would say the ghost, bad luck, bad blessing ceremony, something along those lines would be the reason given for the accident. His bed was located facing the wrong way, there are all sorts of similar answers.

    If you think more like Thai people, than I can only guess you are very happy here and that is great for you!!

    Amy ...........SC is not residing in THL, neither is TB and that explains alot.

    Honestly when I used to come here regularlytourist as I did not see any of this

    • Like 2
  10. It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

    I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

    He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

    And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

    I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

    I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

    Back in the West you talk to your neighbours about the weather, gardening etc etc, they are people who you just happen to live near. Once you have a solid friendship with a Thai you will get to know their real opinions, they do have views on more than whats in your stereotypical thinking.


    I have stereotypical thinking

    Thai people are actually able to talk about world politics.

    It just that among the thousands of Thai citizen that I have met, I never heard one single educated opinion about anything outside THL...

    I must be very unlucky !

    Can I meet your friends ?

    Because right now my gardening convo is wearing thin ...closedeyes.gif

    Why are so many people obsessed with talking about world politics? Thais have enough politiics of their own to talk about.

    Damn why did not I thought about that before !

    Thai people are just keeping world politics for when they are tired to talk about their own !

    The same goes for Philosophy, history, religion, sociology, etc etc

    In fact they are well versed in things of the world.

    the UN is just oblivious to their immense knowledge when making BKK 2013 book reading capital of the world to promote literacy.

  11. How about family?......is that not important in Thailand?

    I think it was 69% of husbands and 59% of wives that are unfaithful here.

    Obviously divorce being not popular, you can imagine the atmosphere in most Thai families : lies, deceits, betray, lack of trust, of respect etc

    Oh and they stay because of face & money of course wink.png

    These types of settings are disastrous for the kids

    Yeh dodgy lot these Thais.

    BTW. Not sure where these statistics come from?

    My extensive research in Thailand suggests that the Thai male is notoriously unreliable as a husband and father but Thai women are far more faithful. Apart from those that are making a living from it of course.

    I think it was a story on the daily mail, an article about sexpat

    Someone brought it here to attention, sorry can't remember the name of the topic

  12. It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

    I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

    He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

    And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

    I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

    I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

    Back in the West you talk to your neighbours about the weather, gardening etc etc, they are people who you just happen to live near. Once you have a solid friendship with a Thai you will get to know their real opinions, they do have views on more than whats in your stereotypical thinking.


    I have stereotypical thinking

    Thai people are actually able to talk about world politics.

    It just that among the thousands of Thai citizen that I have met, I never heard one single educated opinion about anything outside THL...

    I must be very unlucky !

    Can I meet your friends ?

    Because right now my gardening convo is wearing thin ...closedeyes.gif

  13. I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

    He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

    It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

    And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

    I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

    I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

  14. No it's not an extreme twist........we're in a debate here where some people believe that Thais are incapable of critical thought. It's a pathetic contention.

    No we're not. You're trying to make this into that kind of debate. You're trying to accuse people who want to make observations about the differences in CULTURES of being racists. That's an extreme twist, on STEROIDS.

    Not it's not......I know Thais who are very capable of critical thought, I'll defend them till my hearts content.

    There are people here saying that all Thais are incapable of critical thought, I say that's a falsehood and racist.

    I would modify the statement into "almost all Thais that attended Thai state schools are incapable of critical thought".

    Clearly those (like me) educated in other countries are capable of critical thought, and some also slip through the state system unscathed.

    The whole concept of Thai state school is to produce unquestioning and obedient drones for the powerful elite to easily control and manipulate.


    As Amy would have said I "liked" you comment, but wanted to like it 4 times !

    You are Thai you went through a different education system

    You realize you escaped a system producing "unquestioning and obedient drones for the powerful elite to easily control and manipulate"

    Thank you very much

    Could not have said it better

  15. No it's not an extreme twist........we're in a debate here where some people believe that Thais are incapable of critical thought. It's a pathetic contention.

    No we're not. You're trying to make this into that kind of debate. You're trying to accuse people who want to make observations about the differences in CULTURES of being racists. That's an extreme twist, on STEROIDS.

    Not it's not......I know Thais who are very capable of critical thought, I'll defend them till my hearts content.

    There are people here saying that all Thais are incapable of critical thought, I say that's a falsehood and racist.

    The inability is not related to their nationality or race

    It's due to the environment

    therefore it is not a racist statement

    • Like 2
  16. Laughable.

    The Western Universities benefit from reputations built over decades, centuries in some cases. Many are in partnership with big businesses that provide the funding for research and development, as well as substantive government funding for the same reasons.

    Well funded universities attract the cream of the lecturing crop, the brightest professors, and they attract a constant competitive stream of the brightest pupils. This is a situation where success begets success.

    There is no doubt that money is a critical factor in determining a Universities ability to attract the cream to their faculties, as well as there is no doubt that reputation is a critical factor too.

    Edinburgh Uni is 21st but I doubt you went there somehow ...

    Many example prove you wrong, you just make assumption...

    Fortunately money is not the only factor in education :Take Korea for example, not that much funding but doing very well in education right now

    Can you talk about something else than money ?

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