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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. I often visit the military rehab center in Hua Hin. There is a beach which is maintained by the army and which is often crowded with Thais. It is kept clean. The Thais collect their garbage and put it in one of the many garbage receptacles. I think that the fact that the beach is clean to begin with is a major factor, and most importantly of all, there are rubbish cans. Part of the problem in Thailand is that there are no public waste bins. Have a look at the beaches in Phuket or even the tourist section of Hua Hin. A garbage can is a rarity. The end result is that people just abandon their trash.

    IMO part of the issue is that someone has to deal with the trash collection and no one wants to do that. Putting out a garbage can means it will fill up and then the disposal has to be paid for. Easier to make it some one else's problem. Mai pen rai. Some companies are exemplary with their approach, many of which are the multinational fast food companies. McDonalds (which I loathe) has many garbage cans and regularly collects the trash around the premises. Compare that to the food vendors on the beach in Patong and their foreign clientele that just toss their crap all over the place.

    Dunno if you've noticed, but in the past couple weeks, bunches of nice new plastic garbage bins have been showing up around bus stops and elsewhere along Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok. Light tan color with lids and clear plastic panels (presumably to allow visual inspection in the event of bomb threats, etc etc.)

    I'd sure like to know who put them out, and who maintains them, assuming anyone does. I'm presuming it had something to do with the resolution of the BKK governor's election, but that's just a guess.

    Now all Thailand needs is about one million more of them spread around the country and someone to go around and collect the garbage periodically. I know I'm dreaming, but hey.... whistling.gif

    Don't really have to worry about us farangs "trashing" Thailand. The Thais are doing quite a good job of it all by themselves. tongue.png

    Recycling would also be pure fiction

  2. Thais have nothing on rural/provincial Chinese for staring. Or queue-jumping. wink.png

    Or India - I remember arriving in Bombay and eating in my first restaurant. As I was eating a bowl of porridge for breakfast about 30 locals were staring at me for the whole meal. There was no looking away when I looked at them. DIFFERENT culture!!!!

    In India it's different they really never seen a white face, you could just have been from Mars

    Here in BKK (which the topic is about remember) they have seen plenty

  3. When old guys stare at me I go and stand right behind them and stare at their back intensively, they can't turn around and do feel like an object in their turn...it drives them nut as it give them a taste of their own medicine.giggle.gif

    No you don't....


    Wanna come with ? it's great fun

  4. Honestly, I´m getting used to it and you would get this anywhere in an undeveloped country. I find the stare from Europeans, more to the point, the European women more bothering. The supposedly educated bunch who eyeball mixed couples everytime they meet them on the street. Surely they cannot be together coz they like or love each other, no must be something sinister, like an arrangment.

    If you see some locals stare at you, just ask them nicely in Thai, if there is something you can help them with and you´ll see smiles present themselves across their faces. In our part of the world we are taught not to stare, yet many do, but the Thais are not taught this, so go easy on them. coffee1.gif

    They don't like it when they're been stared at, why would I have to put up with it ?

    Maybe because they don´t think in the same way you do, read the whole post and you might understand.

    They don't like to be stared at, I don't like to be stared at, that's the way we ALL think

  5. Sorry to have to say this, but I don`t think the OP will ever adapt or that living in Thailand is suitable for him and appears to have no common sense.

    In many of the villages, including where my family and I live, the locals are still very much a community and when events happen, good or bad, everyone wants to become involved and be a part of what is happening with a neighbor. This does not mean they are nosey neighbors or just trying to stick their noses into other peoples business just for the sake of. I believe this is wonderful, lovely people showing concern and taking interest. Having lived in a local community for many years, but still being an outsider, I and my family have come to respect and rely on those such as doctors, other professionals and our closest neighbors for all sorts of things in the past

    Shouting, insulting and showing outright disrespect to a member of the Thai medical profession and making her lose face either directly or in front of others is certainly not the way to make friends and influence people here in Thailand. In fact this will archive an opposite effect of making himself and family despised. The one fact that should be learned and noted; is that it`s not what you know, but who you know that gains desirable results here. Who knows, perhaps in the future, if the OP suffered a heart attack or a serious medical problem and urgently required medical attention, the doctor may not be interested and also considering that the word gets round.

    Our thequiteman`s lack of community spirit and Western attitudes is one of my main reasons why I would not welcome having a farang as a neighbor. In some cases it can prove very embarrassing by they’re unwillingness to adapt their Western attitudes and even to slightly assimilate into a country that is playing host to them.

    What happened is no big deal, chill out and live a stress free life in peace here.

    My sincere sympathy over the loss of the baby and hope the lady makes a full recovery.

    Whatever about depending on the community for help this scenario is nothing of the sort. In Thailand, there is doctor patient confidentiality, so you cant say anything about western values and accuse someone of not being able to adapt to a new culture, in fact I think it's just a cheap shot at the OP on your behalf, happens all the time on TV.

    Adapting to the culture is learning the language, learning and going along with customs, and yes accepting that things are different and handled differently from your native country. The local doctor going around the village spouting your business does not fall in any if those brackets.

    Sent from my LT26i using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


  6. Honestly, I´m getting used to it and you would get this anywhere in an undeveloped country. I find the stare from Europeans, more to the point, the European women more bothering. The supposedly educated bunch who eyeball mixed couples everytime they meet them on the street. Surely they cannot be together coz they like or love each other, no must be something sinister, like an arrangment.

    If you see some locals stare at you, just ask them nicely in Thai, if there is something you can help them with and you´ll see smiles present themselves across their faces. In our part of the world we are taught not to stare, yet many do, but the Thais are not taught this, so go easy on them. coffee1.gif

    They don't like it when they're been stared at, why would I have to put up with it ?

  7. i remember being shocked while travelling in first class and being surprised and impressed that the well dressed Thai next to me was actually READING A NEWSPAPER. You guessed it: on finishing it, out of the window it went.

    They seem to hate their country, they do all they can to make it ugly.

    Yeah but, no but, yeah but.......don't forget (just in case anyone would let you), it's their country, they are our hosts and we are merely guests in the land of smiles and as such have no right to voice our concerns over the spoiling of this beautiful country. People will tell you that if you want to live here happily learn to adapt to our hosts ways, so 'whoosh' everything, pick every orifice whilst someone is eating and buy a few dogs, but don't train them. You will fit in blissfully. wink.png

    It's not about their country

    It's about the planet

    What they throw all end up in the oceans destroying marine life, without which we could not survive.


    Sorry my post went over your head. smile.png

    We are all guests here on planet Earth nothing is "ours" and we should start behaving accordingly

    • Like 2
  8. When old guys stare at me I go and stand right behind them and stare at their back intensively, they can't turn around and do feel like an object in their turn...it drives them nut as it give them a taste of their own medicine.giggle.gif

    Why can't they turn around,am I missing something?

    Because you get sick of the zoo experience, and if that's nothing why do they feel uncomfortable when they get stared at ?

  9. When old guys stare at me I go and stand right behind them and stare at their back intensively, they can't turn around and do feel like an object in their turn...it drives them nut as it give them a taste of their own medicine.giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Well now you know what type of company is Nestle and you are free to boycott their products and they do sell water too!

    Quick reminder of Nestle's scandals

    Chocolate Price Fixing, Marketing of formula, Ethiopian debt, Melamine in Chinese milk, Greenwashing, Zimbabwe farms, Palm oil use, E. coli, Child labour, and Horsemeat scandal


    • Like 2
  11. Its funny, one of the things that first attracted to me to Thailand, was the simplicity of life here. The first place I really called home was a village called Ban Rong Ku, near the town of Wiang Pa Poa. Which is in Chiang Rai Provice in between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. I still have a house there.

    Everyone but everyone barbecues their food there because there is no mains gas. Gas cylinders are expensive and so its the done thing. Every evening, the whole village is a filled with barbecue smoke and people dont sit around on TV, they used to talk to each other about who was getting married, who has moved to BKK and what to plant the next day and where.

    I dont know how it happened, but my old life somehow caught up with me and started to take over. Mobile phone, broadband, even VPN so I can keep my UK IP address and avoid the 3BB blockade on porn sites.

    My car is thirsty and is only ever used for long distance, where I usually fly and I ride around on a red vespa moped.

    I have a flat screen 60" TV which has sky tv, which I dont watch and a canyon coffee outlet just 100m from my front door.

    Every conveince has been afforded me and yet all I want to do is be bitten by mosquitos, while some old fella puts string around my wrists and blesses me, to the point where I cry like a baby. Go to bed at 8am and sleep, like I have never slept before.

    Thailand is changing, but so am I. The more Thailand becomes like the UK or other western country, the more Thai I am becoming, isnt that strange or perhaps its not as strange as you think, we are after all here for a reason and its not just for the sex.

    Sorry I missed the tip to cut down cost of living (which was the original topic remember ?)

    • Like 1
  12. You get that in UK too, some pools in London give you a hard time if you wear something that resemble shorts. You have to get the Speedo genital hugging type or nothing

    Even if it's a real swimming suit with inside net.

    I think it makes their job harder to refuse when some blokes turns up in actual shorts, he can always turn around and say that other guy wears short too.

    Having said that, swimwear's style here is very Mao tse tung 1950's period which make anyone looks dorky and farangs all the more smile.png

    • Like 1
  13. Rub pine needles under your arms instead of buying deodorant.

    Or take extra napkins from fast food restaurants to save on toilet paper?

    Or maybe share your partner’s toothbrush instead of buying your own?

    “After eating avocado, rub the inside of the skin against your face,

    it makes a great face pack. You can also use it to buff your shoes.”

    “I buy whole milk and when nobody is looking the milk gets a good glug of water from the tap to eek it out a little further.”

    “When we have toast and jam, I spread the butter on the outside edges

    of the toast and spread the jam in the middle to fool my other half.

    Train your dog to beg for food from strangers, so you won't have to buy dog food.

    And finally , brew your own beer and wines. Not

    only will you save money, but will also

    save on housing costs when you spend 6 months

    in rehab

    Wow !


  14. Soi dogs in Thailand are getting kidnapped and loaded onto truck in horrific conditions (many die suffocated) to be tortured (inflicted pain or skinned alive to supposedly taste better).

    Please help to stop this disgrace defacing the human race


    That was very difficult for me to look at that website. But it compelled me enough to make a donation! So damn sad....really :-(

    Thank you wai.gif it's amazing how even little money can save lives, AND you get good karma !

    Karma such a saving others' lives, refraining from killing,

    relieving others' worries, curing others' illnesses, generously

    helping hospitals and medical research, or aiding environmental

    improvement may cause one to be reborn as a human being with a

    long life and good health, a person to be liked and supported by

    many people!



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