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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 4 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

    Hate those overly aggressive reporter! They'll say and do anything for a story.

    I had a lot of Thai friends and locals that hated Nick Robertson for all the one sided reporting he did in Thailand when there was the red shirt take protest.

    Kyang Lah is another vicious dog, troll that should be locked up under a bridge

    What is the "red shirt take protest"?

  2. 1 hour ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

    Who have no history, nor real study of history. Bring in the the young and let them make the same promises that Banharn Silpa-archa and Chavalit Yongchaiyudh made.  Maybe they'll even be able to let their corrupt benefactors run wild like Thaksin and Yingluck did.


    I'm not saying the 'Generals' are ideal. I'm saying people should not be so naïve to think the "youth" should get their way.


    I also think us foreigners should butt-out of Thai politics.  

    If you have bothered to study Thai history, you'd likely be of the opinion that no history is better than way too much. We already know what the dinosaurs will do, over and over and over again. How could what the youth choose be any worse than this corrupt mob of unelected military men? 

    As to your contention that "foreigners should butt-out of Thai politics", what exactly are you referring to? It's clear you will be in trouble if as a foreigner you become directly involved in Thai politics. It's your opinion that foreigners shouldn't even be so bold as to express an opinion about it? This tendency to leave those who have wielded power for their own benefit for years in place over any possible change is pitiful. Be men, not mice.

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  3. What happens when your bright and shiny pro-democracy party gets co-opted by the Military and loses their principles in favour of straight lust for power? They go authoritarian as that's the only path left for them to get their snouts back in the trough. Remember why Abhisit is no longer the leader - his statement that he wouldn't support Prayuth for PM led to his ouster.

  4. 9 hours ago, JackGats said:

    Never heard of bears in Thailand. Parts of the world without bears are better off without them. Same applies for sharks. Many people these days like dangerous animals to enjoy special protection. I think there are enough harmless animals to protect without protecting killers.


    So, uh, you ever hear about ecology and the symbiotic relationship between predators, prey, habitat, etc.? Where you find disproportionate targeting of predators, there are always multiple negative impacts on the other animal populations and flora. Nature tends to strike a balance, and when we artificially remove one of or some of those aspects by allowing predators to be over-hunted, there will be major negative impacts on the "harmless" animals. Research about reintroduction of wolves into the Yellowstone National Park for example, fascinating story...


  5. While most posters have identified the need for improving swimming skills (something that surely needs to be done), I think many are still missing the point.


    You CAN'T swim out from being trapped under a weir in some flow conditions no matter what your skill level may be. These structures are inherently dangerous in this respect because the backwater flow is an integral and necessary part of the structure in order to dissipate energy from the water flows that would otherwise erode and undermine the structure from downstream. More consideration needs to be given to preventing access to and warning about these important and necessary water control structures to prevent unplanned and unnecessary deaths.

  6. 4 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

    My heart goes out to the parents of the two boys.

    The police need to pull out all the stops and find and arrest those responsible for this truly awful crime.

    Unfortunately, in Thailand this means "find a local powerless scapegoat and pin it on them". It just compounds the tragedy. The police here have no stops to pull, just rackets to run. 

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  7. I enjoy all three countries (I've included Laos as per the suggestions of the other posters) so it will come down to what you are looking for specifically and enjoy most. 

    Cambodia - people are the best and make the experience great regardless of location, bit of its Wild West character remains so not for tenderfeet, Angkor is the #1 single tourist attraction in Southeast Asia. Beaches are okay, not great. Party scene #1 from lowest of the low to high-end glitter, girls galore if that's your thang, great seafood, good smoke but becoming expensive though. 

    Vietnam - people are generally unfriendly and aggressive although hard-working and literate, easy to stay and keep out of trouble, lots to see and do but relentless hustle and bustle, and hustlers, great beaches, mediocre food, okay smoke that's difficult to find.

    Laos - nice people who are friendly, language more similar to Thai so if you have that easy to get around, cheap and great food and beer, spectacular nature, great smoke that is the cheapest around.

    At the end of the day, you can't really go too far wrong in any of these places.

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  8. 18 hours ago, Purdey said:

    I agree with people here who say Thaksin should shut up. He won elections without ever doing  anything for Thailand. Just grabbed everything for himself. I don't care if he created village-managed microcredit development funds, low-interest agricultural loans, direct injections of cash into village development funds (the SML scheme), infrastructure development, and the One Tambon One Product (OTOP), rural small and medium enterprise development program.
    I don't see why people kept voting for him when he did nothing for the country but...

    What have the Romans ever done for us?

    • Haha 2
  9. On 8/13/2022 at 5:50 PM, Atlantis said:

    Not even close. Try taking a look at dome damning polling data.

    But glad you crassly took the opportunity to insert your extremist culture war nonsense into a thread about the attempted murder of a renowned author.

    Sigh. It's now impossible to untangle the thread since a number of the posts including my original one and your response were deleted by admins. 

    To clarify since you're angry at me for some reason even though we're in agreement...I responded to Richard Coleman's typical attempt to indeed "insert [his] extremist culture war nonsense into a thread about the attempted murder of a renowned author." You then responded to me as if I were Richard Coleman. His post is still there if you'd care to redirect your anger to the correct source. Why he is allowed to post his nonsense while the rest of us have ours deleted is not something I know since I'm not a moderator. Perhaps Richard Coleman is?

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