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Posts posted by stovepipe9999

  1. Hello There

    I'm Phil Im a Railway signalling tester working in Austrailia , Looks like Sunee and Naam know more than me than solar powered cells (and to be honest would not be a great feat) but in Railway Signalling I'm sure I'd win , all the same I respect people that know their stuff and can confirm that you guys do . I've got a simple request for the gurus and that is to attach a couple of solar cells on a hard hat (using velcrove , coz no doubt HSE would say it would destroy the integrity of the hard hat blah blah blah) Do you think that it would be possible to generate 24 volts to give some sort of effective power source to drive a strong enough fan ( as probably seen in the Dyson new fans that are out) to blow a strong enough flow of air down your face (not just to keep cool ) but to keep the flies off your face (that drive me nuts) , also keeping in mind that the sun is unrelentless in NW Austrailia

    I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel , just simply trying to think of a way that could benefit me and my mates for practically free , Im in Chiangmai for the next month and welcome any response to tell me yeah or nay


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