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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. I would absolutely hold off on buying a laptop now. It is a bad time to buy a laptop. The new Haswell chips are coming (both mac and PC) and it is having a major impact on battery life. The new macbook air with the Haswell chipset saw around a 50% boost in battery life. That should hold somewhat true for PCs as well. Either way, it's worth the wait.


    & You could watch the 2013 WWC keynote - will give you an idea of the system integration.

    Vs 'dis - integration'.

    Been Mac since 1984 - some friends pissed with me for not pushing Macs onto them some years ago.

  2. I've got to admit, this writer knows a lot more about Thailand than me. I was at immigration today in Bangkok and there was red-shirt protest outside, I had no idea what they were even doing there, maybe they'd cottoned on to the idea that the government wasn't really championing their cause.

    I do disagree with some of the points in this article though.

    The car tax rebate was silly and I'm sure lots of wealthy Thais abused it, but I personally know several Thais who were first time buyers and did benefit from it so it can't have been a total farce. I didn't think their choice to buy a car was wise, but it was their choice.

    Also, there is a lot of investment in public transport - like the BTS extensions. These cause major traffic congestion, there's only so much the government can do at the same time without adding to the already chaotic situation.

    The greater problem with the car subsidy has yet to manifest itself.

    There are growing concerns that many people who could hardly afford to buy a car jumped in with both feet since they felt that the THB 100,000 subsidy was something not to be missed. However, they are now saddled with four years of repayments on the remaining value of the car which they can ill afford to pay.

    I have heard many commentators suggesting that, by the end of the current year, we are going to see huge numbers of these vehicles turning up in used car showrooms as a result of a massive spate of repossessions, and I have to say, I also envisage that happening.

    Nevvermine, we'll just have a new new car subsidy - lets make it 200,000 this time to counter the depression caused by the last one - if we're still in power.

  3. Would you care to quote anything recent history? i.e. in last 4 - 5 years?

    At least one of those clubs announces at the start of each meeting that no speaker or business is endorsed and they are only chosen on the basis of appearing to be in the members interest.

    Clubs cannot be responsible for arrangements of which they are unaware. 'Caveat emptor' is always the case - especially in Thailand.

    Errr nope i wont quote anything about these so called clubs because of the strict libel laws and defemation of character wich some of these "honest" business people in patters like to hide behind and i dont wont to get banned by the mods.

    But most long term expats ive met over the years are wel awere of these individuals maybe you should do some googling to catch up on things.

    The question is COULD YOU quote anything that is RECENT history?
    Mate get youre head out of youre arse and look it up on google and the drummond website and you will find cases wich are much more recent than 4 to 5 years as you are saying .

    Yes there is/are/maybe case/s for one club, but for the other nothing less than 8 - 10 years ago, notwithstanding media references to more recent activities of 'former officers'.

  4. Would you care to quote anything recent history? i.e. in last 4 - 5 years?

    At least one of those clubs announces at the start of each meeting that no speaker or business is endorsed and they are only chosen on the basis of appearing to be in the members interest.

    Clubs cannot be responsible for arrangements of which they are unaware. 'Caveat emptor' is always the case - especially in Thailand.

    Errr nope i wont quote anything about these so called clubs because of the strict libel laws and defemation of character wich some of these "honest" business people in patters like to hide behind and i dont wont to get banned by the mods.

    But most long term expats ive met over the years are wel awere of these individuals maybe you should do some googling to catch up on things.

    The question is COULD YOU quote anything that is RECENT history?

  5. Update-- Met another Canadian today that needed help with directions. My wife and I decided we should get in our car and lead him to his destination which was just a few minutes away but could be confusing to find. Ended up having lunch with he and his wife at a great local guest house/ resteraunt for Farangs in Nong Khai. Had a very cordial and polite lunch which I made sure we went Dutch on even though he wanted to pay.

    Great old gentleman of 81 years Young and Enjoying Life in Issan. It was a true pleasure to meet and talk.

    As we continued with our day of shopping I was able to say hello to a few other Farangs that were smiling and gave a great hello back.

    All this kinda made my day!

    I think many people just get stir crazy / cabin fever, going days or weeks at a stretch without just having a conversation in English (Or their native language)

    And many Issanoire can be considered to come from the 'no talk tribe' - even in put Thai. Or put Lao.

    Pick a nearby place cafe / pub etc, & just let f'lungs know to come along at a certain time each week for a drink & a chin wag. That way you can check others out before you decide to get too friendly. Mostly they're not too bad, but don't carry more than 2 big notes. ;-)

    F'lungs here are way behind the eight ball, we really need each other to help preserve sanity. That is the origin of the 2 expats clubs in Pattaya. PCEC & PEC. Google them, pop in when you visit Patters. (if you would admit to it)

    and a lot of people who joined such expat clubs in patters ended up loosing more than there sanity but the content of there bankbook according to a certain english journalist who cant be named here.

    Would you care to quote anything recent history? i.e. in last 4 - 5 years?

    At least one of those clubs announces at the start of each meeting that no speaker or business is endorsed and they are only chosen on the basis of appearing to be in the members interest.

    Clubs cannot be responsible for arrangements of which they are unaware. 'Caveat emptor' is always the case - especially in Thailand.

  6. Update-- Met another Canadian today that needed help with directions. My wife and I decided we should get in our car and lead him to his destination which was just a few minutes away but could be confusing to find. Ended up having lunch with he and his wife at a great local guest house/ resteraunt for Farangs in Nong Khai. Had a very cordial and polite lunch which I made sure we went Dutch on even though he wanted to pay.

    Great old gentleman of 81 years Young and Enjoying Life in Issan. It was a true pleasure to meet and talk.

    As we continued with our day of shopping I was able to say hello to a few other Farangs that were smiling and gave a great hello back.

    All this kinda made my day!

    I think many people just get stir crazy / cabin fever, going days or weeks at a stretch without just having a conversation in English (Or their native language)

    And many Issanoire can be considered to come from the 'no talk tribe' - even in put Thai. Or put Lao.

    Pick a nearby place cafe / pub etc, & just let f'lungs know to come along at a certain time each week for a drink & a chin wag. That way you can check others out before you decide to get too friendly. Mostly they're not too bad, but don't carry more than 2 big notes. ;-)

    F'lungs here are way behind the eight ball, we really need each other to help preserve sanity. That is the origin of the 2 expats clubs in Pattaya. PCEC & PEC. Google them, pop in when you visit Patters. (if you would admit to it)

    • Like 1
  7. Actually, I have seen drivers here move over for ambulances and I would go as far as saying most drivers generally do try. Having said that, the odds are stacked against the drivers of these ambulances from being able to get through traffic, sirens or not. It is thus up to the police. If the police who control the antiquated traffic lights made a rule that no one direction would be kept waiting at the lights for more than 2 minutes then traffic would flow more easily.<br /><br />It's so frustrating and random the way they keep some lights on hold for up to 45 MINUTES while another direction is allowed to go through that entire time.<br /><br />Last week after spending more than an hour on Taksin Bridge coming from Krung Thonburi around 4.45pm I followed other frustrated drivers across the Surasak intersection and blocked traffic (by accident) when the police unexpectedly decided to turn the lights in my direction red after we were already in the middle of the intersection. My car and a number of others blocked at least one lane of traffic coming from the left. Like I gave a crap about that direction of traffic...soon however one smart policeman did find a small space for me to drive into thus allowing that one lane to become unblocked - it did however involve me having to reverse and then turn into the lane adjacent to me.<br /><br />Surprisingly yesterday along the same route and roughly the same time of day (5pm) it was incredibly fast - took just 5 minutes to cross Taksin Bridge and the Surasak intersection, how do you like that. Anyway can't wait until the Skytrain network currently under construction is complete - it should allow you to travel from the outskirts of Bangkok from places like Bang Yai or Bang Khae right into downtown, no need for a car. Looking forward to that day but it might take a few more years.

    Why doncher park WWY?

  8. "The fact of the matter is that many Australian farmers are as dumb as rocks"

    "Cashed up and as dumb as a rock...every Tirraks dream man"

    Moreso than any other farmers? I don't agree. Naive, yes, but the difference is the forked tongue women one can find here - seem to be able to take everybody for a ride.

    except Russians?

    Are you saying that nobody ever pulled a fast one on you?

    I think he might do better to sue her in Australian court if any of the offences (promises, etc) occurred there. At least he could predict an end date. Might give him an action which could be registered with the Thai courts.

  9. "He recommended that a special committee of all concerned officials should be convened as the problem might affect tourism in Karon, Kata and Kamala." Woe. That should make a huge difference! (sarcasm). I would guess the mafia must be paying off for protection from the police doing their duties, maybe the hotels and all other businesses should outbid them? I used to live in Phuket, but I am never going back. Rather be in free enterprise haven of Pattaya! 555

    In Patters nobody uses taxis because they refuse to use the meters -

  10. Back home we have specific phrases that easily define if a man is of quality (as judged by his peers, his associates, and the wider community) and worthy of being associated with, or not.

    A man of quality, irrespective of wealth, education, status, or job is called a "good bastard" or a "good keen bloke". The opposite to a good bastard or a good keen bloke is a "&lt;deleted&gt;".

    Good bastards, good keen blokes, and dickheads come from all walks of life, are rich or poor, highly educated or left school at 15, went to a private or a public school, and may have a highly paid job or be unemployed.

    The same applies in Thailand. The place is full of good bastards, good keen blokes, and dickheads - regardless of where in the country they live, what they do, how old or rich they are.

    '&lt;deleted&gt;' as in

  11. Ranong is wealthier than Bangkok, Chonburi and Samut Prakan ? You learn something new everyday.

    Apparently, yes. I've seen the stats. Have you? Ever heard of the Detroit of the East?

    Ranong ain't Rayong. Many of the fine execs of the 'Detroit of the East' live in Pa Pa Patta oh forget it.

  12. "remembering that entire towns and villages relied on the monasteries for work, business and food"

    or "remembering that monasteries relied on entire towns and villages for food, business & tithes. & girls. & boys.


    You would need a very active imagination to see the monasteries as wealth creators -

    • Like 1
  13. I actually like Aussies in an English / Aussie love-hate sort of way and as long as we retain the Ashes who cares.


    They call us POMs, when in fact it was their descendants who were Prisoners Of His Majesty's Government (POMS) . That is, they're all criminals anyway biggrin.png

    The other legend is the they were Prisoner Of Mother England...Poms as well. Don't think we will ever know for sure. Either way they turned out to be better than where they came from!!! think cricket (overall), swimming, rugby (on average) and pretty well anything else. our former prime minister still holds the record for the fastest yard glass (or pint, whatever) sunk at oxford, and I believe one of our cricketers also hold the record for the most cans of beers drunk (45 or 46 ) on a Sydney to London flight. I thank you for bringing us in to being the great nation we are. Buuurpthumbsup.gif

    "I believe one of our cricketers also hold the record for the most cans of beers drunk (45 or 46 ) on a Sydney to London flight"

    Sure it wasn't Sydney to Phuket - and recently?

  14. You say saving face is a "non aggressive behavior"? So when a bus driver crashes a bus because he's drunk or driving erratically and many people die, then he flees the scene because he' "SAVING FACE" That's acceptable behavior?

    The 'saving face' is the behaviour of his gutless passengers fully aware of the situation (before crash) and shitting their knickers rather than cause the driver to lose face by questioning (complaining about) his driving.

    Driver does not comprehend laws of physics, partic E = 1/2mV2.

    Driver running away is just more gutlessness.

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