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Posts posted by wealth

  1. The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

    Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

    I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

    when the money flow from Dubai is broken it will become peaceful again ... wink.png Thaksin's job is to keep the war coffers full with money and gets a lot of support from those in the Arab Nations, go figure that out ...

  2. It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

    The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

    Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

    The problem with this argument is that the Reds intentionally bussed in thousands of people and stood on stage, yet again, provoking to violence and the killing of Suthep. Until this point there has been silly and even illegal moves, such as invading government offices, and violating the ISA, but no violence. For what reason other than to violently counter the protestors are the Reds here? It was provocative and stupid - it was in direct violation of the ISA also and yet they continued to bus them in. As with many crimes, guilt can be arrived out simply by showing that it could not have happened without the initial action - that is, the Reds by being in Bangkok en masse have caused the escalation and as provocateur they must be guilty of any crime that results from that - on either side. Of course, it could be said that it would not have happened if the demonstrators were not there either - however they were already there (committing their own crimes), so their intentions can not be to confront the Reds; unlike the reverse.

    Thaksin is making his money in Dubai with short loans and 2% interest per day for the mainly Muslim business societies. Reminds me on the shady deal with Manchester City Club. Same deal. He must be a welcomed tool for them to keep troubles in Thailand alive.

  3. just came back from a stroll in that area. The stadium is less than half full now(the picture from above was made long before), but with a kind of party atmosphere. Outside, from Interplace Hotel to intersection where it goes to BiG C the road is full with glass, stones, rocks, iron bars. One has to wade through(about 600m)The gate at the back of the University is damaged. Outside the gate about 150 red shirts with iron bars. Ugly picture. All 7-11s and Family Marts are closed and covered with newspaper from the inside with the staff inside. Considerable damage to property can be seen all around. They also patrol the surrounding Sois. Police isn't in that area and stops at the back-gate of the stadium(about 30 cars with their red headlights on). The streetlights are shut down. Heard these kind of loud fire crackers a couple of times. One I made out came from around the shooting range inside the sport complex. Saw one guard with a broom stick not older than 14 ...

    Things can turn bad in the morning hours again I guess. It's very quiet inside the University campus. - Haven't seen anybody.

  4. as for now, thousands of police are arriving in 7 Baht buses with no chance to get through. The road is helplessly jammed. Also thousands of demonstrators are moving out right now(back of UNI, New Rama road). Kind of peaceful chaos at the moment and the sounds of squeaking can be still heard from the stadium. To me it looks as if the peaceful people looking for a way out. Give them support in any way you can. 7-11s and family marts are almost empty in that area.

  5. This is another picture of a gentle "student" (most probably from the Bangkok middle class) expressing his concern regarding the Yingluck administration, and trying to make these evil and dirty red shirts understand what he means.

    (if I believe what I read, the picture is from Ch7)

    This time, no need for the army to come to help, Suthep has everything he needs whistling.gif


    not necessarily an anti gov supporter. Learn about how Thais wage wars. I'm in the area and could tell it coming. Since students and student leaders are involved there will be more troubles ahead. Not easy to be stopped now. I myself witnessed it here. No students around in the area for days in the evening hours. Haven't checked it today, but it seems they're in the campus. 2 Cambodian workers were shot as bystanders. There are plenty of them around here ...

  6. it's getting worse by the day in Ramkhamhaeng area. Since days not a single student in the market area at the back-gate area(normally thousands). Last night a very nervous police, detectives and roadblocks around. Last week the demonstrators arrived in mainly new VIP buses and old people. This time they arrive mainly in old buses with young people. Might be a sign? People also start camping out in the Sois nearby, occupying parking lots as their center of recreation. Yesterday I witnessed some neighbor quarrels, seemed as of the opposite camp and using some irrelevant front arguments for cover. In one instance that turned physical police was called in.

    I also witnessed a girl talking with Nigerians and other blacks offering them to join "someone will give you 300B and a T-shirt" was her offer. The answer was "when they pay me 2000 I'll come to help. Maybe another long term setup by the self appointed 'blood diamond trader'.

    2 nights ago I witnessed 3 blacks in front of a family mart dealing and paying alleged drug money. Heard one saying "I'm supposed to give you 2 grams". Talking with other Nigerians about the situation it is confirmed that most are here dealing with drugs. Especially rich Nigerians with hotel chains back in Nigeria. Last week alone 2 new black restaurants were opened in an otherwise quiet Soi.The three I witnessed seemed to be guests in one of those places.

    Not sure what your racist rant has to do with anything. Hopefully your post will be reported and deleted soon.

    don't worry, I was talking with one Nigerian who helped his brother to come to Thailand and ended up arrested with narcotics trade. Yes, there are still hundreds if not thousands around like this, like on Sukhumvit road. To be fair not all are involved, but even their own country men are worried, especially when they got nothing to do in narcotics, many study here or do some export of consumer goods.

    Yep, another Guinea Muslim living here for 3 years is announcing "this is my country". Be aware that locals will notice that too.

  7. Seriously! You need to cut down on your caffeine intake! And/or do some meditation.

    If the OP wants to carry that much cash with him, he just needs to declare it to Customs when he enters the U.S. It probably would not be a bad idea to keep a copy of the record(s) of the wire transfer(s) that he did moving the money out of the US. Then, if any questions are asked, he can show them that.

    See "How much currency / money / monetary instruments can I bring into the U.S.?"

    There is no super double-secret nefarious conspiracy behind this requirement and other associated required reporting that banks must do. It's a result of the "Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act" and is part of the efforts to fight against money laundering operations, primarily by organized crime and narcotics trafficking organizations.

    I do consume quite a bit of coffee throughout the day. It's quite possible I could use more meditation, but these issues would not change what I posted above.

    I agree, there is no super double-secret nefarious conspiracy behind this requirement. Most of these requirements are wide-open for all to see, except many can't see them for what they truly are.

    I do admire the "efforts to fight against money laundering operation, primarily by organized crime and narcotics trafficking organizations" shtick, but unfortunately, I don't buy it for one second. You can call me a "conspiracy nut" or "fruitcake", until your tongue is bleeding. Something has always stunk in Denmark. It's just taken a loooong time for most people to wake up.

    Anyway, peace, love and happiness to all. I'm heading out for another massive cafe latte. Zoom Zoom!

    hope nobody has a Chase Manhattan account. They're really screwed now with a business saving account. One can't swift money into foreign country and ATM international is limited to peanuts.

    the suggestion of buying physical gold or silver is the best in my opinion. silver has a better prospect for now.

    • Like 1
  8. Somtam helps avoid colon cancer, due to the green papaya. Fermented fish is extremely healthy when clean.

    Get your daily iodine supplement, but make sure it's from clean sources.

    Diabetes is a bigger problem in Thailand. Over 50% have it in Thailand.

    In the UK a 15000% cancer rate is expected in 2015. In USA over 10000% increase in diabetes.

    Watch out for depopulation programs. They are real ... eugenics movements put in place ....

  9. He's still an alien unless he contributes for a betterment in 'his' field. There're many ways for little improvements at any time given. Copying old styles of practice and adjust to slave labor is certainly against Nirvana.

    Just watched more interviews. It is always the same sequence and questions, one that you hear and see everyday and everywhere here. He doesn't (want) to see that he's played and secretly laughed at. 47 Rai and no helping hands? I think nobody wants to work below 300 B a day on their farm, that's it. For sufficiency that a family can handle one needs ten percent of that size.

    Supposedly educated and chose a third tier of farming practice raises eyebrows everywhere.

    He doesn't look enlightened kind of thing. Actually he looks more worried, tries to cover with his wits, and seem to wait that someone takes him out of this. Well, this will not happen until he frees himself from the bondage he's placed himself.

    He may get a few bucks for the many interviews he's making, but that doesn't last for long. What's after that?

  10. misinformation confirmed. This article on CNN has absolute nothing to do with Snowden or a canellation of cooperation by Germany with the US and UK.

    The NATO status from August 3, 1959, is still valid.

    Also reported by BBC & a few others. Nothing to do with German NATO status, just not officially sharing data with the US & UK. As quoted from the BBC "Foreign minister Guido Westerwelle said cancellation of the pact -- which dates back to the late 1960s -- "was a necessary and a correct consequence resulting from the latest debates in regards to protect privacy. The move is largely symbolic but reflects the public pressure Germany's leaders have been under following the revelations by Snowden, a former U.S. National Security Agency contractor."

    As said their will still be intelligence sharing & the quoted comment confirms the driver is a response to domestic poltical pressure.

    Yes, but it was/is clearly not understandable for the mass of people, even myself got it wrong first. It was a word game to irritate the mass. I'm not surprised that other MSM followed the same principle.

    At least in German Media it was described the way it should have been, with no mistakes or misleading tactics.

    Look at the responses on their site and you will clearly see how it was/is understood.

    This has nothing to do with journalism.

  11. interesting find ...

    It would be logical for NSA to use US embassies abroad as a family of outposts for X-Keyscore harvesting local communications. Embassies have always been used for full-spectrum espionage in all its guises and disguises, military, political, economic, social, so adding cyber was inevitable. The embassies have multiple networks for communications from minimal to highest levels of security. To conduct cyber-espionage would be a seamless extension of existing technology.

    Further revelations of Snowden's documents could describe how this is done with personnel, networks and data-server architecture, not only by PRISM and X-Keyscore. Staff of these spy systems may be seen as HUMINT androids safely bunkered for intimately wielding their remote-spying apparatus in concert with remote-commanding officials and killing-machine operators with whom they work to surveil, analyze, target and execute.

    LinkedIn and other social media, job recruiters, conference sponsors, have since 9/11 rushed to fill burgeoning "intel analyst" positions, many military and official spy-trained, now seeking greater pay and perks on the cyberespionage market. These "intel analyst" job seekers and holders (happily "endorsing" each other) parade the codenames of espionage tools and programs they have mastered, XKeyscore only one among these compiled by A's quick overnight search of LinkedIn1:




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