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Posts posted by wealth

  1. Snowden: UK Intel Spied on G20 Summit Officials’ Phone Calls, Emails

    The British government spied on politicians and officials who participated in two G20 summit meetings in London in 2009, the Guardian reports. UK intelligence agencies monitored the G20 participants’ computers and intercepted their phone calls, according to documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and seen by the Guardian.


    well their job is to keep their sheeple leaders in line for the top of the prism/pyramid. This is just another link and hint towards this development unfolding.

    In the US we see the dems and the reps split now.

    Obama was probably told by little Queeny, when he holidayed there to obey, or was even subject to occult ceremonies.

  2. what I see here is a war of words but not many facts. There's no marry go round possible. Obama has repeatedly lied, that's a fact. Now his last cannons for damage control are in full swing. Nice try though. But assumptions are no facts.

    Damage was done, unfortunately, and affects everyone and on purpose. Speculations about Snowden's income are just like that, speculations. It will come to light in due time. But as a matter of fact I observed prez Obama lying three times over this issue within a couple of days and had to be debunked. It feels like that there is no prez in the USA.

    Honestly, I always sense him as a puppet. It takes a sixth sense for that, and I'm afraid without investigating the manipulators who pull the strings, things will get worse. There's more fear than reasoning taking place right now and on all levels. The tone is getting more unfriendly which is a bad sign.

    I do understand the fear some express about the tea-party among others. Still it's a red herring in many ways, not all. Many don't see the obvious. Obama was put in this place on purpose and not through achievements as some would like to see, including myself. Dr. Ron Paul would have won in a landslide, but the reps decided to keep Obama for scapegoating him when the time is ripe. Now it's unfolding in front of our eyes.

    To unload the frustrations on Snowden is emotionally understandable, but will not serve the chance to opening up to the truth which will prevail at the end. Pride, ego, fear and greed play a major role.

    If it wasn't real I could laugh about the cyber gladiators ruffling their feathers.

    Figure out what is behind that. The name Prism is a symbol, it's meaning and goals nurtured since a long time. - hint. You can even see it on the dollar notes, no coincidence.

    Don't know much about the eastern cyber gladiators yet, but it will reveal itself soon. Basically both are controlled by the same toppings of the pyramid/prism as a given.

    No fun!!! This is serious, especially for the 99.99%

  3. NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants

    National Security Agency discloses in secret Capitol Hill briefing that thousands of analysts can listen to domestic phone calls. That authorization appears to extend to e-mail and text messages too.

    ... There are serious "constitutional problems" with this approach ...


    Flashback: NSA intercepted and mocked soldiers' phone calls as far back as 2008

    Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home, according to two former military intercept operators who worked at the giant National Security Agency (NSA) center in Fort Gordon, Georgia.



  4. Has anyone any idea what the salary of an infrastructure analyst with access to highly classified material in the NSA data banks is?

    I don't, I am only asking the question. I would assume (not out of character for this and the other thread as so much is based on it) that it would be quite substantial. This would probably allow him to live in Hawaii quite comfortably.

    Also, I remember reading that Snowden has no qualifications (read university education) for his position; I think this was in one of the earlier articles. Soooooooo, either he is a whizkid at what he does, or there should be a big question raised over vetting by Booz Allen Hamilton and all the intelligence agencies involved.........wink.png

    I only mention this point as there are assumptions as to how he can pay for accommodation in Hong Kong.

    As a disclaimer, all the above is speculation on my part, but I would be willing to have a few facts added and would not be upset if those facts discredited my opinion for this story............thumbsup.gif

    I read his last salary with Booze Allen was $122,000 annually.

    Don't have the link nor the inclination to look it up now but that's my story and I'm sticking by it.wink.png

    the difference to 200 000 could be the escape bonus added on by the same, just to follow their scripts. I don't think Snowden made it up.

  5. The CCP is reviled in Hong Kong, which is why the estimates of demonstrators ranges from 300 by the police and 900 by the demonstrators themselves. There's virtually no support in Hong Kong for Snowden or his deeds. This is true even after Snowden gave a lengthy interview to HKG's respected leading English language newspaper, the South China Morning Post.

    The people of Hong Kong know Snowden provided U.S. national security intelligence to the CCP, just as the people of HKG know Beijing has agents and state security operatives crawling all over the city, 24/7. More like 10,000 in Hong Kong demonstrated a few years ago against Beijing's required learning and use of Mandarin over the native tongue of most HKG people, Cantonese.

    Every June 4th 10,000 or more turn out to honor the young people massacred in Tianamen Square in 1989.

    This attempt to show support of Edward Snowden is feeble and ineffective. The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can ignore it based on the fact the demonstration was barely noticeable or notable. The Boyz in Beijing will ignore any demonstration regardless of its number.

    The people of HKG know Snowden's present handlers are the CCP. They know anyone who allows that to happen is a dim bulb.

    it's not the number, it's the quality that counts. Or do you prefer split glass of a windshield over a diamond? wink.png

    We have to lock horns here because in a public demonstration with all the media there and the government watching, numbers are the most important matter. The numbers for Snowden in HKG, a politically active city of democrats, are pathetic. And how do you know the quality of the people? Only on the basis of their support of Snowden? That's a pretty subjective judgement and determination. The bottom line is that if you can't get a couple of thousand people in HKG, you're nothing.

    I lived in HK for a number of years. The number of protesters is important.

    It's not Chinese style to mob up big style (not now), especially when agents and state security operatives crawling all over HKG 24/7 wink.png The mass don't see it as a national matter (yet). Therefore each of these protesters have a deeper understanding of the whole issue and count for 20000 or more each.

    Instead of a massive Gaga indoctrination I prefer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZanRMviUfzM

  6. Interesting how he has become this "hero" over something that has been in place over 7 years when it was openly debated in US courts and no body gave a sh*t then. Why now? Plus the people demonstrating are foreigners to the US. The way it works: They only track numbers called "to" or called from "known" terrorist and criminals. No other numbers are tracked unless the number matches numbers listed in a criminal database. No other personal information is passed on without a Federal Search Warrant issued by a Federal Judge on an "as case basis". There are no violations here except of you are a criminal. And if you are do you want me to cry for you? Get a life! Simply put, that is what they do but people continually want to expand and over dramatize the issue. Snowden then makes claims on what he could do from his computer which actually is only hype to build up his own image. There are too many other safe guards in place for him to do what he said he could do. This guy is a High School dropout with only marginal knowledge of how the security business works. But everyone still believes he some sort of Saint. What he did was criminally wrong anyway you cut it. He signed a sworn document not to reveal this information and he gave it out with the knowledge of committing a crime. If your girl friend, boyfriend, wife or husband gave out your "PIN" number and bank account numbers do you think they would be Saints too? Think not and it is the same thing.

    Think about it for a second. How many phone numbers are there world wide? How many email addresses are there world wide? To track each and every one, even with the most powerful computer today would be near impossible. Now if you are only tracking known numbers the odds change drastically. And still its only a number. No personal info attached until a warrant is issued. Now if they are doing this without a warrant then that's a problem. That's a realistic question to be asked. The risk of them doing so is too great when they only need to do it the right way. JMHO

    It's a progress and takes time to wake up the sheep under the wrong shepherds

    One of my spiritual mentors. Ring the bells THAT STILL CAN RING


  7. The CCP is reviled in Hong Kong, which is why the estimates of demonstrators ranges from 300 by the police and 900 by the demonstrators themselves. There's virtually no support in Hong Kong for Snowden or his deeds. This is true even after Snowden gave a lengthy interview to HKG's respected leading English language newspaper, the South China Morning Post.

    The people of Hong Kong know Snowden provided U.S. national security intelligence to the CCP, just as the people of HKG know Beijing has agents and state security operatives crawling all over the city, 24/7. More like 10,000 in Hong Kong demonstrated a few years ago against Beijing's required learning and use of Mandarin over the native tongue of most HKG people, Cantonese.

    Every June 4th 10,000 or more turn out to honor the young people massacred in Tianamen Square in 1989.

    This attempt to show support of Edward Snowden is feeble and ineffective. The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can ignore it based on the fact the demonstration was barely noticeable or notable. The Boyz in Beijing will ignore any demonstration regardless of its number.

    The people of HKG know Snowden's present handlers are the CCP. They know anyone who allows that to happen is a dim bulb.

    it's not the number, it's the quality that counts. Or do you prefer split glass of a windshield over a diamond? wink.png

  8. what bothers me most is that almost nobody talks or presents solutions, All act as if everything is OK with the current settings and nobody's willing to give up a little in order to contribute then more to the public good. Instead leaders roll over the problems they have created to the population. Everybody knows that the settings are terribly wrong. This should ring alarm bells, because nobody of the 99.99% would/will be spared.

    Don't expect Snowden to be an Einstein, but his action have set off an avalanche of changes ahead. What will it be? A slavery incomparable to anything happened in the past in it's severeness? Or will we all stick our heads together and name the problems and implement solutions - a win-win-win?

    It is possible when there's a will.

    Freedom with responsibility!

    • Like 1
  9. Perhaps they are sure that the Chinese government will not honor it?

    It's a process that US government would issue an international arrest warrant that is actionable by police forces working with Interpol; yet for some reason has not. China is a member country of Interpol, but as you say would they honour the agreement if Snowden is in their jurisdiction. For the moment it appears he is still in Hong Kong.

    too many irregularities, secret courts vs public courts, secret agencies vs executive agencies the list goes on ...

    BTW, has Leviticus left the board? (the third hand in the game)

  10. It seems bizarre that you have many in the security agencies and US government calling for life imprisonment of Snowden, but to date the US has not issued an international warrant for Snowden's arrest. Putting aside the rights and wrongs, can anyone provide a reasonable explanation why

    maybe because his case is handled in secret courts? What a mess ...

    How to pass secret court rulings to official courts? ... unless he is proven guilty a secret court won't stand I think, but he's in grave danger.

    I also can see the secret courts will be thrown out by the high court now. In meanwhile the smear campaign to find official court rulings for an warrant is in full swing. But will it happen?

    at the other hand I believe that there is a higher %age within the agencies, to have Snowden his way of public hearing, than in the major public. They want to be set free too and the public is usually screwed to control them so to speak. Those who set that up forgot maybe one thing, that the cleaning comes from within.

  11. As time goes by, his motives do not seem so pure. Advising China that the USA is hacking their websites has nothing to do with personal privacy and is posssibly treasonous.

    true to some extend. But I think his main motivation was/is to bring it to global attention and traded to buy time. I believe he didn't give or have sensitive data. He also mentioned other things among that. He's aware of his fate and I still hope he gets a fair trial. He actually wishes that.

    In meanwhile nearly 900000 signatures and rising on the petition site https://secure.avaaz.org/en/stop_prism_global/?fp

  12. Now that this topic has not found the presence of the "anti-Christ," despite a frantic campaign, it looks like it might be time to try to resurrect the IRS thing, if that's possible. That one certainly collapsed quickly after Cong Darrell Issa, the burning bush, er, the torched factory guy, finally started flailing away by making a lot of noise without any proof whatsoever. It's now become obvious the IRS matter is exactly that, the IRS matter.

    Let's see what this NSA thing looks like a month from now too. It's already beginning increasingly to fade. Looks like one side has pretty much shot its wad. It's become clear that when they go overborad trying to convince us Obama is the devil incarnate, and we still don't buy it, there's nothing else much for the tea party to say about their America - and they mean not us.

    You admit that it is all wrong.

    Now why do Google and Microsoft ask the German Government for help? It's headline there.

    You only have to look at the puppeteers selecting their puppets and the legislators/legislation before anyone could blame the agencies. There are only a few on both sides that will pqass the test.

    Good luck if you're really looking for the truth that will set you free.

    Secret shadow governments, secret laws, secrecy everywhere, private federal banks (12) and so forth. Oh my ...

    Google will do what is in Google's best interests. Google is in a heap of trouble in the EU over its alleged large scale tax evasion. You bet it is going to make all sorts of offers of cooperation with the EU authorities if it keeps Google from being fined again or having its executives prosecuted. Google’s Paris office was raided in 2011 during a French investigation that eventually led to a request by the government that the company pay 1.7 billion euros in back taxes.

    When people are caught doing bad things and want to avoid the consequences they often do whatever it takes.

    so is Microsoft with a combined approx $3 billion of fines already done.

  13. Now that this topic has not found the presence of the "anti-Christ," despite a frantic campaign, it looks like it might be time to try to resurrect the IRS thing, if that's possible. That one certainly collapsed quickly after Cong Darrell Issa, the burning bush, er, the torched factory guy, finally started flailing away by making a lot of noise without any proof whatsoever. It's now become obvious the IRS matter is exactly that, the IRS matter.

    Let's see what this NSA thing looks like a month from now too. It's already beginning increasingly to fade. Looks like one side has pretty much shot its wad. It's become clear that when they go overborad trying to convince us Obama is the devil incarnate, and we still don't buy it, there's nothing else much for the tea party to say about their America - and they mean not us.

    You admit that it is all wrong.

    Now why do Google and Microsoft ask the German Government for help? It's headline there.

    You only have to look at the puppeteers selecting their puppets and the legislators/legislation before anyone could blame the agencies. There are only a few on both sides that will pqass the test.

    Good luck if you're really looking for the truth that will set you free.

    Secret shadow governments, secret laws, secrecy everywhere, private federal banks (12) and so forth. Oh my ...

  14. From today's Drudge Report...


    U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms
    By Michael Riley - Jun 14, 2013 9:44 AM GMT+0700
    Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said.
    These programs, whose participants are known as trusted partners, extend far beyond what was revealed by Edward Snowden, a computer technician who did work for the National Security Agency. The role of private companies has come under intense scrutiny since his disclosure this month that the NSA is collecting millions of U.S. residents’ telephone records and the computer communications of foreigners from Google Inc (GOOG). and other Internet companies under court order.

    that gives free trade a new meaning.

    ... and this is still not all.

    Goodness, such butt-lickers. Lets call it terrorism from within.

    Wonder what will be with Mossad. So far only an outdated book from Ostrovsky (by way of deception), but nevertheless highly interesting.

    I may upload it again if it is down on the public domain.

  15. I made a post several days ago quoting Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) as claiming Obama's campaign had set up a data base that "no one has ever seen before in life...". She went on to say "that data base will have information on everything on individuals that has never been done before."

    It would seem the NSA information has already been used for somewhat suspicious motives by this administration in the last election, and future elections.

    Where else could they get information on everything on everyone?

    Google...Maxine Waters confirms "Big Brother" database 2013.

    They play God and the revelation " ... and books will be opened and you will be judged according to your deeds" now "files will be opened for the same and through the anti-Christ"

    I have seen quite a view rigged elections where they used names and data of deceased and filtered it into the elections. Now with this huge DB it is even more than likely that it will reach new dimensions.

  16. I believe that Mr. Snowden was compromised and that he has been working for the Chinese government. It is awfully convenient, that Mr. Snowden has made the allegations just as the US and its allies were getting tough with Chinese cyber attacks and spying. It is a strange coincidence that Mr. Snowden sought refuge in a Chinese fiefdom where he is assured of Chinese security service protection and support.

    I believe that the USA may have been blindsided or even bungled its investigation of Mr. Snowden and that the Chinese are now taking what could have been a spying fiasco and turned it into an opportunity.

    This is not the first episode of its kind in recent years, and I direct your attention to the case of Jeffrey Delsisle the Canadian naval officer that was spying for the Russians between 2007-2011 and compromised the Stoneghost surveillance network that tied Australia, New Zealand, the UK and USA information gathering systems. Because of Delisle's treason, Canada has suffered irreparable harm. The Snowden episode is quite similar except, the evidence to show that Snowden was being paid by the Chinese has yet to surface. It will come. The Delisle case, was bungled and the man was allowed to spy for too long despite CSIS surveillance. Even the FBI which was involved was accused of taking too long to investigate. I expect that similar ineptitude will be demonstrated in the Snowden case. The man is no hero. Instead, I am calling him a disgusting traitor.

    Yes, he is a traitor, but not a disgusting one in my opinion.

    The theory of Snowden being a Chinese spy is unlikely to be true. A 3 month contractor... 555

    Although, if that is the official explanation inspite of missing proof at the moment, I am sure such proof will be "found" later.

    it depends on the law, hidden law. Hidden courts and laws make it worse and that is on purpose. Nothing much to do with security, freedom or protection.

    I don't believe he will get busted when he receives a fair trial. That's actually what he wants and not to be ruled or judged by a hidden court.

    Good on you when you believe your God given rights and privacy are in good hands with these agencies. It's like when you have a saving account in Cyprus. Believe it or nor, this time will come to all of us and sooner than expected. The same who just steal your savings are conducting the governments and setup their puppets. This may explain the secrecy. In meanwhile they funnel all monies out into their pockets. They're in a position to gain all the time and even insured their gambling monies. Small investors don't have that privilege.

    America is bankrupt and was declared so since 1933 I think. Since then people are placed as collateral to private banks, even newborns get automatically into debts. This explains most of it.

    There was never a jubilee since thousands of years. Why?

    Even the oversea Chinese have it in place.

    excerpt from "We are Chinese and proud of it"

    #6. We acknowledge life cycles. We accept that wealth in a family stays for

    three generations (urban myth?). Thus, every 4th generation will have to

    work from scratch. I.e. first generation earns the money from scratch,

    second generation spends the money on education, third generation gets

    spoiled and wastes all the inheritance. Then we are back to square one.

    Some families hang on to their wealth a little longer than most.****

  17. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

    Glenn Beck, Michael Moore call NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden a hero


    Aaron Russo would join if he would be still alive. It was him who was befriended by the Rockefellers who gave him lots of insight. Search it on Youtube. No doubt that the Pauls are in as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwtgrKKZUe0

  18. We call on you to ensure that whistleblower Edward Snowden is treated fairly, humanely and given due process. The PRISM program is one of the greatest violations of privacy ever committed by a government. We demand that you terminate it immediately, and that Edward Snowden be recognized as a whistleblower acting in the public interest -- not as a dangerous criminal.

    Snowden wants to fight at the court if he is granted a fair trial under fair circumstances!!! Possible?

    Avaaz collected over 530000 signatures in less than 24 hours


  19. Americans Disapprove of Government Surveillance Programs Americans split on whether leaker did the right or wrong thing
    by Frank Newport

    PRINCETON, NJ -- More Americans disapprove (53%) than approve (37%) of the federal government agency program that as part of its efforts to investigate terrorism obtained records from U.S. telephone and Internet companies to "compile telephone call logs and Internet communications."

    Gallup is the only one I'd trust. for this time. Explanation is well done on the site. http://www.gallup.com/poll/163043/americans-disapprove-government-surveillance-programs.aspx

    Yeah, 21% of Americans disapprove of the government's actions, but say there could be circumstances in which it would be right for the government to carry out such a program, yielding a combined total of 58% of all Americans who either approve or could theoretically approve under certain circumstances. (Emphasis added.)

    The combined 58% in the Gallup survey who either approve or say there might be circumstances in which such a program would be right is similar to the acceptable percentage in the Pew/Post wording. (Emphasis added.)

    It sounds like Gallup is pretty thrilled and tickled pink to find itself in the same ballpark as a widely respected pollster, the Pew Center, which does global polling as well as national polling in the U.S. and abroad. Gallup had to make a big reach to get up the level of Pew, but Gallup got themselves there by hook or by crook.

    Is this the part of the explanation that you think was "well done" and which makes you say, "Gallup is the only one I'd trust, for this time."?

    Opinions are like a river and surges forward (part of a democratic progress) and can never be put in a box as a given. This is one of the reasons Prism is terrible wrong and Snowden almost holy.wink.png

    Polls can never be a measure of anything. Still I trust Gallup more, at least they do field work and not just typing an excel file without action.

    So please no fishing here. biggrin.png

    BTW, flipping a coin is more accurate in a two party State.

  20. Prism Revelation: EU Weakened Data Protection at US Request

    Top European officials are demanding more information about the controversial US Internet surveillance program known as Prism. But new information has revealed that the EU weakened privacy regulations in early 2012 following intense US lobbying.


    "The Devil made us do it." rolleyes.gif

    ... and a black Porsche 911 could be a nice gift for memories of how it all began.

  21. Prism Revelation: EU Weakened Data Protection at US Request

    Top European officials are demanding more information about the controversial US Internet surveillance program known as Prism. But new information has revealed that the EU weakened privacy regulations in early 2012 following intense US lobbying.


  22. Americans Disapprove of Government Surveillance Programs Americans split on whether leaker did the right or wrong thing
    by Frank Newport

    PRINCETON, NJ -- More Americans disapprove (53%) than approve (37%) of the federal government agency program that as part of its efforts to investigate terrorism obtained records from U.S. telephone and Internet companies to "compile telephone call logs and Internet communications."

    Gallup is the only one I'd trust. for this time. Explanation is well done on the site. http://www.gallup.com/poll/163043/americans-disapprove-government-surveillance-programs.aspx

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