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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. For this reason, the Director said it is essential that members of the public are allowed to investigate government spending activities in order to ensure transparency and to protect the welfare of the nation.

    Members of the public investigate? That's one hell of a statement considering the level of education where many can't read or write and need a calculator for simply math. Corruption will continue as long as those in the elite quarter can hang on to power ... still if you don't like the government there's always a coup to fall back on.

    There's little hope of Thailand every coming out of the darkness. Wait until the ASEAN agreement needs signing ... guaranteed it'll be the same message ... Thailand is not ready and they gov are going to take measures by increasing education level, blah, blah, blah. Two morons and a monkey could run this country better.

    • Like 1
  2. Seriously ... enough with the nationalistic rhetoric.

    The truth is that Thailand will remain as it is for centuries to come until the elite are removed and the people educated. Considering Thailand's position within Asia it truly could be a great nation but whilst it continues to be run by the ruling elite who take every measure possible to keep the people dumb and ignorant their fate is sealed.

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  3. If they were serious about cutting down on the inconvenience then a simple one year stamp without the need to mess around with a stamp every 90 days would be a better solution. The only thing the 90 day stamp achieves is wasting a foreigners time and it's a draconian practice that shouldn't be needed. Either that or set up an online registration system... it ain't rocket science.

    I know for a fact that Thais living in the UK are not required to undergo such bs so why should foreigner here have to do it.

    I'm happy to say that this crap no longer affects me as I left and I'm much happier for it.

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  4. Amazed, shocked and stunned ... not at all and anyone who is doesn't know how Thai society operates. Like anything else the government touches it is bathed in corruption. The truth is that the cycle of elected government and military junta will continue to be played out until the country is finally bankrupted and plunged into civil war ... by which time all those who made vast sums of money on the backs of the misery they peddle will be flying out on their private jets.

    Sometimes you want to feel sorry for the average Thai on the street; after all they have nothing and spend all their time looking up to the riches above. Unfortunately each and every one of them would be f*&^ing someone else over, even killing them, for a slice of the pie.

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  5. “We have already set zones for jet-skis at the beaches. There are 286 jet-skis in total operating on the island, most of which [about 90 per cent] belonging to local villagers, not big companies,” he added.

    And I'm a secretive multi-billionaire. Life the beach vendors, if these were just villagers they would have been removed. Who does this guy think he is kidding.

    Seriously you would think this guy runs a dairy farm with the amount of cow crap that he talks.

  6. Who cares? It merely concerns Thais and no foreigner is legally able to own land. OK, I'll concede there are many morons who got roped into buying property using a Thai company with nominees - unfortunately for them this is also illegal.

    I don't get it... if I asked someone to put 51% of their assets in my name I'm assuming most would simply laugh in my face and yet a Thai does it and they can't wait to sign on the dotted line. And they call the Thais dumb crazy.gif

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  7. I’ve lost all faith in this guy , arrogant , abrasive and totally rude….he forgets he is a public servant looking after the rights etc of 70 million thais

    All I see that things are slowly returning back to the shambolic ways of before all the PR clampdowns.

    Another huge opportunity lost to basically a one man PR scam

    He's certainly not a public servant - public servants are generally voted into power. He's a dictator who took power from a democratically elected government (like it or not).

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  8. With each and every day that passes I consider myself extremely fortunate to have left Thailand. I no longer have to be subjected to their nationalistic and violent ignorance. I also now fully appreciate that my money no longer supports organized crime, corruption and worse even terrorism.

    Expats need to wake up and truly understand what happens to the money they spend in Thailand and how it ultimately fuels a crime ridden country that has effectively been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks around the world.

    Each and every one of you has the power to make a difference ... I'm guessing that bar stool is way too comfortable and that many are not sober enough, long enough, to truly understand the consequences of spending money in such a society.

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  9. The lack of trust for the Thai Gov and especially the RTP shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone when you have a society that literally survives of elitism and corruption.

    The entire investigation will never be resolved until the British police are allowed to conduct their own independent tests - something that is never going to happen.

    I for one will remain outside of Thailand and will never return.

  10. Didn't an earlier report say it would take a least two days to get the results back? Was the entire process observed by the British police?

    The latest revelation is just going to cause more suspicion that there already was; for instance, how does anyone know that the boys DNA samples wasn't tampered with or even swapped for someone else?

    The lack of transparency in this case is staggering - I just hope that the world doesn't forget nor forgive Thailand until a full and independent transparent investigation is conducted - preferably by the British.

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  11. With widespread publicity across the internet it's not difficult to avoid the activities that could get you killed or leave you open to extortion.

    You would have to be a moron of the highest order to enter into a cage with one of natures most effective killing machines. I don't care how many hours these animals have been trained or how they are drugged to keep them docile it is simply suicidal to attempt such.

    Again the same could be said about the jetskis and yet there never appears to be an end to the number of morons willing to rent them and then face being scammed.

    Thais care about one thing only... we all know that and yet often brains are left at the baggage counter. blink.pngcrazy.gif

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  12. beatdeadhorse.gif it's the same old story with no idea how to achieve it. You could write a book on all the issues that need to be covered and yet write all the benefits on the back of a postage stamp. Until Thailand's greed levels are significantly reduced the only thing that will be achievable is a continuing decline in tourists. This is not rocket science however I doubt many could score well on any IQ test.

  13. thailand makes me more despondent by the day ..I have wasted so much of my life here putting up with so much garbage in this place..it gets worse by the day

    I really am starting to hate this placesad.png

    So what would it take for you to leave? I have to admit I came to the conclusion that Thailand isn't a place for Foreigners or Tourists and so did the only sensible thing... I left and I can tell you I feel all the better for it.

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