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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Thai don't even know what it is they are wearing can hardly blame the kids if they haven't been educated about the world outside. My niece was wearing a shirt/shorts that appeared to be made with the Union Jack and when I explained to her what it was she was very suprised. She thought it was just a trendy design. When I suggested that she make some clothing out of the Thai flag she was quite disgusted, saying you can't do that as it is disrepectful to Thailand.

    My ex-girlfriend told me that during high school education they did not get an lessons on international history, geography, literature etc. She was a sensible, university graduate but had little or no knowledge of the world

  2. Considering the other rich kid murder topic posted today he has nothing to worry about.

    The story about the young lady who wiped out all on board a university minibus has gone very quiet, no doubt being "thoroughly investigated " too. As soon as the story broke, including pictures of her texting at the scene, her mother asked that everyone forget she has a " family name' or in other words don't forget

    No, it's not "being" thoroughly investigated. It's all done and wrapped up, and that's why it's gone very quiet.

    The under-aged, un-licensed driver whose crash killed people on a van got a suspended sentence, no driving until age 25.

    It's a case that certainly set a "good" precedent for what's likely to follow in the Red Bull case.


    Thanks for that because following the initial theatre of hand wringing and promises of justice and no special treatment it all went quiet which can mean anything here

  3. Chappakwidik again?

    Wasn't the real name of the place Chap Acquitted? What's in a name like Kennedy or Red Bull? Freedom.

    Happens everywhere. If it didn't Bush and Blair would be in jail by now for mass murder, not just for that of one life.

    Blair also guilty of Perverting The Course of Justice by instructing a 2 year fraud enquiry involving BAE be dropped in the " national interest " because a Saudi prince was involved and the Saudis said they would not buy fighter jets if it went ahead. You can put a price on justice

    • Like 1
  4. Considering the other rich kid murder topic posted today he has nothing to worry about.

    The story about the young lady who wiped out all on board a university minibus has gone very quiet, no doubt being "thoroughly investigated " too. As soon as the story broke, including pictures of her texting at the scene, her mother asked that everyone forget she has a " family name' or in other words don't forget

  5. "they denied the accusations. The suspects refused to answer any questions or make any statements to police".

    Doesn't go down well in Thailand, I believe you are suppose to make full admissions and sign pre prepared statements written in Thai.

    The courts won't be happy with them trying to test the system and could be looking at a long stretch.

    Hat's off to them very brave guys.

    They could always " disappear ' and in 6 months there will be another headline that Thai and Danish police arrange more co-operation. Cynicism rules OK or KO if you are dyslectic

    • Like 2
  6. Has anyone ever read of anyone being charged with leaving the scene of an accident here in Thailand ?

    More likely to be declared insane for sticking around. The driver who hit the two " around the world ' cyclists was arrested at scene but it wasn't explained if he had tried to run, however he was himself " seriously injured " so maybe couldn't. The young girl, with the family name, who ran the university min-bus off the road stayed at the scene but was too busy texting to do anything else

  7. Travellers' welfare - my butt. The real concern is tax dodging, and at the rate the country is being plundered at the moment, it needs all it can get.

    Sounds like the coffers are empty - need more tax to be plundered! Never knew it was about the health and well being of tourists - more to do about control.

    The problem with collecting more tax is that there's an annual battle between Revenue and Customs to see which will be named the most corrupt government department

  8. Wouldn't some of Asia's most switched-on businessmen already know, about Thailand's plans for new rail-links & expanding Swampy & Laem Chabang, or do their local news-media not report that sort of thing ?

    Perhaps she should spell out opportunities in the counterfeit-manufacturing industry, or the nascent furbie-destruction/recycling trade, also be offering top-quality year-old rice at an excellent negative-discount to world-market-prices ?

    HK businessmen will also know that one of their own, Gordon WU ( Hopewell Holdings ), HAD TO pay B500 Million in bribes to get road building contracts in the 90's which were never finished because of the big Asia crash in 1997. The figure I quoted was given to me by a Hopewell employee in 1998, someone I knew in a previous life and who wasn't prone to exaggeration

    • Like 1
  9. I recall that square headed lad in Dubai saying in 2004 that those provinces that didn't support Thai Rak Thai should not expect any help from the government. What the hell is the matter with these people? It is clear they have no understanding of representative democracy. Why am I not surprised...

    He said it to a meeting of teachers in Khon Kaen, there was a reaction in the media and he made the usual politicians crap excuses of " misquoted "and " taken out of context " but it was quite clear what he meant.

    His sister is a political novice but there again she's a Thai politician and they live in that world of saying and doing what they like with impunity

    I forgot to say he also wanted to zone the south into graded areas and the most troublesome would not get any government aid. As usual he had opened his mouth without engaging his brain but it was glossed over without explanation

    • Like 1
  10. I recall that square headed lad in Dubai saying in 2004 that those provinces that didn't support Thai Rak Thai should not expect any help from the government. What the hell is the matter with these people? It is clear they have no understanding of representative democracy. Why am I not surprised...

    He said it to a meeting of teachers in Khon Kaen, there was a reaction in the media and he made the usual politicians crap excuses of " misquoted "and " taken out of context " but it was quite clear what he meant.

    His sister is a political novice but there again she's a Thai politician and they live in that world of saying and doing what they like with impunity

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