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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. I'm not saying the evidence wasn't enough but this is a very Thai decision. The army and red shirts won't get upset by being blamed and " forced " to take action to protect their good name. The government can take a welcome step back and put their bums back on the fence and finally this will go away and be forgotten except by the victim's nearest and dearest but who gives a toss about them ?

  2. Somsri Sa-nguansri, wife of Kamla Chuenchom, a red-shirt protester detained for stealing government firearms, believes that clemency would help reduce anger on both sides of the conflict, which could lead to reconciliation.

    Suspicion that the protest leaders of both sides would also benefit was a key obstacle to the effort to issue an amnesty law.

    "So the leaders of all the political colours should declare that they don't want to be entitled to amnesty," she said.

    Which is what Abhisit has said from the beginning, he and Suthep won't seek amnesty or avoid judicial process, and so did Yellow Shirt leaders. It's Thaksin's henchmen who want a clean slate for themselves.

    Why can't the Red Shirts open up their eyes and see that, indeed, they are being used as hostages by those that claim to represent their best interests?

    Oh, massive propaganda, that's why.

    Years ago I discussed Thai education with an ex-girlfriend, a university graduate, as I was shocked at just how naive she, and as I was teaching at her old uni, my students were. Her explanation went to the root of the problem when she pointed out that the government and politicians in general did not want the populace to be well educated as they would be seen through and would not get away with all they do. She also explained Thai politicians etc. do not just expect to be believed, they demand it

  3. What nonsense, it's all about increasing Pheu Tai's control over more of the country

    Exactly, remember the disgraceful politics, finger pointing etc between the BMA and central government over the flooding. If central government wields absolute power no one will argue with them, everything they do will be accepted and supported, the truth will be told and all will be well, WON'T IT ?

  4. This is the most stupid biased and uninformed article i have read in awhile

    To the author; wake up moron!!

    Another aspect of Thai cultural hypocracy with the right thing to say about a situation that makes a lot of peoplT a lot of money and that does not include the girls involved. Many thai families can only survive of the remittance from daughters working as a " waitress " in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket etc. The sex trade also supports taxi drivers, guest houses, restaurants, clothes shops and so much more and many of the people who look down on the girls happily use their services not to mention those rich enough to support a mia noi.

  5. I am quite sure the PM will instruct his sister to order his passport be revoked but in any case he has one other tucked away, from Montenegro I think. i was always under the illusion that Thais were not permitted dual nationality, or should i say not every Thai !

    After the coup Thaksin was not actively pursued, it took a long time for his diplomatic passport to be revoked and no Interpol Red Notice was issued. Perhaps a la the Philippines where they were happy to have Marcos out of the country and avoid him being a figurehead the Democrats felt the same way. However unlike Marcos they didn't bargain for Thaksin to install his own government, democratically elected of course, and run the country by remote control. This latest issue is just more " talking the talk " !

  6. This would be great news, if I could believe anything he says.

    Many things in life can be classed as impossible and this is one of them. As Churchill would have said " he is inebriated by the exuberance of his own verbosity " and is even worse when he's on the sauce, that is if he's ever of it. No doubt he'll find an excuse to give an interview to explain again why he isn't giving interviews

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  7. As for concerns that the prison does not have a health center to care for sick inmates and that they have to seek medical care outside and might escape, the corrections department chief voiced that he did not believe Kamnan Poh could escape as he is an old man with bad health.

    May as well leave the cell and prison door unlocked. He's old and sick. He's not going anywhere.

    He aint going anywere, is what he told his son.

    Of all the prisons in Thailand they send him to his home province which he " ruled " for decades and where he can expect favours, extra consideration and to be treated as a VIP prisoner. He still has a lot of clout which probably helped arrange this favourable transfer and I would never suggest that his son would have assisted in any way.

  8. So why do ministers and other faithful keep making the pilgrimage to the Middle East, whenever a reshuffle is in-the-offing, and how to explain her clone-brother's reported remarks in the New York Times article ? wink.png

    Someone once said " the truth is just a tale told often enough "so mabye she's been talking to herself a lot and actually believes it but she's probably the only person in Thailand that does

  9. I hope she gets about 20 years in the monkey house to think about it and would love to question the parents of the 15 year old girl to see if any trafficking was involved.

    Welcome to Thailand, i doubt she will ever see a jail cell, a huge number start working in the industry at the age of 12, at 15 they already working gogo bars

    The parents are, of course, totally unaware

  10. Thank heaven it was not a Thai shooting the tourists....Not sure Phuket can withstand any more bad news......

    Missed shots times two ??? Strange........

    Well, I wouldn't exactly call this "good news". It merely reinforces the opinion of many of us that Phuket is a place that is best avoided.

    The Thai tourist people must be close to suicide, as if recent publicity hasn't been bad enough they now have foreigners shooting each other

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