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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 8 minutes ago, graemeaylward said:

    And we are expected to believe this nonsense! That means that in the 340 days since Jan 1st 88,235 tourists per day arrived in Thailand, or the equivalent of 252 planes holding 350 non Thai passengers each.

    Thank goodness they didn't get up to their usual trick of exaggeration,     :whistling:

     I'd hate to think what figures would have been pulled out of thin air !


  2. 8 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Yeah,yeah,its all a con by the bank's.If they cant afford to live,how the F### can they afford to pay back loans.Although,i can see a few unscrupulous grand children pushing the aged GP's to do it,so they can touch them for a few thousand baht.

    This is a point isn't it, how many ' live for the moment ' family members will push their old folks to get some money now without bothering to think they may miss out big time later on ?

  3. The acting abbot has been charged but isn't in custody and up to three summons will be issued which if not answered will see an arrest warrant being sought. With all that's happening do they really expect this monk is going to show up ?


    Looks like 14 companies of police will now needed to be on standby but Buddha only knows what for and for how long.

    If the junta, BIB and DSI deliberately set out to make absolute fools of themselves they couldn't do a better job.

  4. 44 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

    Who is he to make demands??

    I totally agree with you but the ' who ' aspect breaks down to a senior member of a revered institution with a lot of followers and, it must be suspected, some powerful, influential backers who is managing to have a bunch of supposedly military hard men chasing their tails and very obviously scared to take him on.

    Disgusting isn't it ?


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