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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. "89% of teenagers do not use condoms during intercourse, which puts them at 9 times the risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV, compared to an average person"

    since its claimed that only 11% of the teen population, which counts for the 9x,

    Does that mean the non teen population uses condoms to a rate in excess of 90% ?

    the term "bullsh*t" comes to mind.

    This issue is too important to clutter with bullsh*t.

  2. I would imagine that the correct Surname will also be influential in who gets into certain Universities

    yep, its always a combination of Grades, Exam Scores, Money, and Influence.

    Some combination of the four will get you in any university in any country.

    You just need to know the correct formula for the school you're interested in.

  3. What kind of warning are they going to give to tourist?

    "WARNING! Some Thai drivers will reach down to the floor of their cab to pick up stray baseball caps, bottles of M150, and other things while driving at high speed."

    Lets not be unrealistic here. This specific case is not a Thai issue, I dont believe. Several cases happens a year in california with similar results. A someone drops a ph, a lady is putting on makeup, a teen is eating a burger, and the winner almost every year, Someone is texting!!!. Yes, this happened in Thailand, but it happens everyday world wide.

    Its just a sad case, thats all. I know we'd all like to vent our anger, and fustration. but lets be a little more realistic about the cause, and how we can help prevent a similar thing in the future.

    In this case, the cause was an inattentive driver :( and the result is a particually sad situation.

    just my 2 cents

  4. The biatch on a Thai radio channel this morning just stopped short of saying it was the couples fault for not wearing bright clothing. mad.gif

    While i agree with pb regarding the inappropriateness of the reporter, she (the biatch :D) has a point. its always a good idea to wear reflective clothing or patches while on the road on a bike. Bicyclist die on US roads also, alot due to bad visibiliy.

    Sadly in this case, I think they could have been wearing LED clothing and it wouldnt have helped. :(

  5. Also of course, the woeful epidemic of comical lesbian finger injuries could be greatly reduced if Thailand legalized ... dildos. coffee1.gif

    Wait, i missed this earlier (its been a tough day :()

    in a land of soi cowboy and pingpongballs

    umm "ladies helpers" are illegal??


    How can they possibly rationalize that bit of legislation!?

    But then again coming from a country where in some parts

    its illegal to sell peanuts after sundown on Wednesdays.

    and laws as such,

    I really shouldn't throw stones whistling.gif

  6. I'm shocked!! and oh so disappointed!!!

    ummm, where can i get a copy? whistling.gif

    Better hurry, there's gonna be a crackdown on lesbians.

    This one almost got you the daily double! laugh.png

    OK i just saw the trailer. and i'm still shocked!!!

    umm, PS i'll need an english subtitled version.

    not for me you understand, a 'friend' requested it whistling.gif

    umm, PS i'll need an english subtitled version.


    I am in your debt! wai2.gif


    check that,

    My 'friend' says they are in you debt! whistling.gif

  7. Thanks DP. I am inclined to politliy refuse since they planting of evidence has been confirmed in the past. The shoplifitng scam at BKK for example. Basicly it is business as usual. Each individua;l has to make their own risk assesment.

    You need to pick your battles.

    Chance that you can fight and win is minimal

    Chance that you can get publicity and effect change is even less

    The odds are that you'll bring a lot of greif on yourself, still end up paying, and have no effect on anything.

    I say pay, move on, and live to fight another day.

    Just being practical buddy, Not being disrespectiful or trying to bring you down.

  8. I'd be very surprised if Thailand was taken off the Watch List.

    The US aren't stupid. This country is one giant IP infraction

    Stranger things have happened.


    you mean those vid booths,

    as prolific as air molecules,

    arent selling the real thing? blink.png

    I have noticed that internet based sources are drying up

    but i havent seen a single vid booth close.

    So they cleaned up somethings they can show,

    but didnt impact any votes, or income.

    Actually a pretty nice job, clap2.gif

    if the US buys it! (pun intended)

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