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Posts posted by candypants

  1. Custom Customs Custom's - give me a break "Typo"....!

    Not well educated ?...I would bet they have first class honours degree in street wise scamsterism....I made that word up it is not a typo...

    actually, customs are the people you duty on stuff you bring into the country. the word you are looking for is immigration

  2. Purely based on second hand values and availability of dealerships Vigo every time. Your never to far from a Toyota dealership if you have problems. Ford are few and far between. The locals consider anything other than Isuzu and Toyota as inferior in my experience.

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWKz7Cthkk[/media] how a Hi Lux Toyota stood up to top gear hammering.

    What has Top Gear got to do with buying a new pickup? Top Gear is entertaining but not something to base a purchase on. Dropping a 20 year old old Hilux from a crane, nudging it with a wrecking ball and drowning it in a river has nothing to do with living with the current model Hilux Vigo Champ etc etc.

    Ford and Toyota both make a good pickup, the OP should buy the truck he likes and forget the urban myths.

    it is calld entertainment my friend. i for one enjoyed the clip, and i am certain i was not alone.

    im sorry you have trouble discerning from a serious discussion and tongue in cheek.

  3. i had a program II, it went like snot and i never had any trouble sourcing parts. every bit as fast as my nc30 which i owned at the same time. 90k is steep. i paid 55k k for it say 12 years ago and sold it for 60 last year. biggest mistake i have ever made.

    i sold my nc 30 at the same time and planned to by one of the newer bikes, but to be honest nothing out in thailand now appeals.

    as i said 90k is pretty steep, but 2 exhausts, and and 2 complete fairings and other mods may be worth an extra few k if they are useful to you

    • Like 1
  4. It's a known fact that if you want some recreational extras that the supplier is usually of African descent.

    That's <deleted> for a start.

    If you're stupid enough to buy drugs on the street then, for sure, the person most likely to sell them to you in that area will be of African descent but I don't think anyone with half a brain could seriously harbour the notion that these idiots sell to all the drug users in Thailand.

    The fact of the matter is this: 99% of the contraband sold in this country is sold to Thais by Thais. Whenever I've seen drugs delivered to the door, it's always been delivered a Thai. Whenever there's a big bust, the people sitting at the hastily-assembled tables with Thai cops standing behind them posing for the cameras, are Thais.

    The Africans are just far more visible because they sell to the passing trade on Sukhumvit and the overwhelming majority of that passing trade is made up of white men and Thai hookers.

    The majority of the charlie moving around Bangkok is coming from Africans and has for years. Deliveries are generally made by Thai women, usually chubby ones.

    Meth seems mostly to come from Thais.

    i would agree that the majority of drugs dealt in the kingdom is Thai on Thai.

    I believe the poster meant in Bangkok, or in that area.

    • Like 1
  5. Because he was making and selling his own ya-ice, police said Mr. Philes sold the drug at a much cheaper price to his customers than the street market value, because he was eliminating the suppliers and lower-level dealers who want a big cut of the profits.

    Ahh... so that's why he was arrested.

    indeed, not very smart at all.

    you will note also he was from Mozambique, rather than Nigeria as seems to generally be the case.

    it does not pay to be an outsider.

    What do you think the chances are, that his meth lab contaminated rental home goes right back up on the market and the next tenant gets a bonus exposure to toxic chemicals without any mention?

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