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Posts posted by joepublic

  1. I use the word Judeophobia only because the more appropriate word antisemitism has become impossible to use anymore on this forum. Every time it is used, some jokers try to act like they don't know that it only refers to Jews and not Arabs as well. So you can't talk about hatred of Jews on this forum like in normal society with the more common word ANTISEMITISM. So the word that makes it more specific about Jews is Judeophobia. It is NOT my choice to use it. Antisemitism is clearly the more commonly understood word. BUT ... there is no other way to communicate the concept here on THIS forum.

    Here you go again!

    Criticism of Israel, IDF, or the Zionists is not Judeophobia and not anti-Semitism. It's outrage against cruelty and injustice.

    When you use these terms, you lie and insult us, by implying that we hate jews for simply being jews, This is your way to avoid the issue, and paint your opponents as racist at the same time. Its not only offensive, its a transparent, and tired tactic.

    If you need to use a term, use Anti Zionist, because this way, the focus is on the cause of the misery and injustice, which is Zionism, the militant philosophy that many Jews disagree with.

    • Like 2

    We the Jewish people control America, and America knows it.
    Ariel Sharon.

    It has already been pointed out that this is a FAKE QUOTE and several sources have confirmed it. Why do the Israel-haters have to constantly resort to dishonesty and lies to make their case?



    I've discovered the quickest way to find out if a statement involving Israel is true or false.


    Ask Ulysses, and invert the result.

    • Like 2
  3. Now perhaps the Zionists might just come to realise that their actions are actually endangering the Israeli cause.

    .>>A tiny country surrounded by everyone who wants them dead- not because of the local land issue but because they are JEWS,<<

    And your assertion for this is what exactly?

    No one here is anti jew, anti semite, or Judeophobic.

    Why do you persist in trying to sneak this lie in every time.

    There have been SEVERAL Judeophobic posts on this forum and a noticeable spike since the Israel-Hamas conflict heated up.

    There have been Islamophobic and anti Arab posts on this forum, yet you don't see us reaching for these terms every time someone disagrees with us. Stop pretending the world is anti Jew, when what its really is is anti genocide.

    • Like 1
  4. Now perhaps the Zionists might just come to realise that their actions are actually endangering the Israeli cause.

    .>>A tiny country surrounded by everyone who wants them dead- not because of the local land issue but because they are JEWS,<<

    And your assertion for this is what exactly?

    No one here is anti jew, anti semite, or Judeophobic.

    Why do you persist in trying to sneak this lie in every time.

  5. Why do you defend the warmonger Netanyahu who has has slaughtered nearly 2000 Palestinian civilians in an act labeled war crimes.

    Noam Chomsky, the renowned Jewish American thinker, says Israel has committed “a major war crime” as it continues to attack the besieged Gaza Strip.

    Israel has been pressing ahead with heavy offensive on Gaza amid international condemnation to stop the bloody onslaught which has claimed the lives of at least 1,700 Palestinians. More than 9,000 people have also been injured since the beginning of the aggression nearly four weeks ago.

    Chomsky told Press TV that Israel is much worse than the former apartheid regime in South Africa.


    I see a pattern here on this forum. and now in the world.

    People who disagree with Israeli actions in Israel, people who were obviously already infected with Judeophobia, are now feeling that it's open season now for them to publicly act out their Judeophobia. Whether in anti-Jewish racist posts on internet forums and social media or actual violent attacks on Jewish people. I guess I'm stating the obvious but in case others aren't getting this, it's happening.

    "Judaphobia","infected", "anti Jewish". You are SUCH a drama queen.

    STOP abusing the English language and START dealing with what Naom Chomsky said.

    • Like 1

    An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.

    Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.

    Can anyone suggest a label for a Jew that wants to have concentration camps for another people?

  7. Some very disturbing accounts of how the IDF use children as human shields here


    Are you seriously wanting me to believe a report written by a group in Gaza and backed by the Hamas government? LOL OK, right,. Are you nuts? Would you believe a similar report about Hamas if written by the Israelis? Didn't think so. Nice try anyway.

    We don't need a report from Hamas - we can see the footage of children being murdered, the schools being bombed, hospitals being demolished every day.


    The Israeli military continues to use Palestinians, including children, as human shields during ground
    military operations despite the October 2005 ruling of the Israeli High Court of Justice that banned this
    practice.117 At least seven children were used as human shields by Israeli troops during Operation Cast
    Lead. Most of them were subjected to abuse and ill-treatment while detained and were psychologically
    affected by the experience. After repeated calls from NGOs the Israeli authorities began to investigate
    the incidents in June 2009 to start investigating the incidents. However, even well-documented incidents
    rarely lead to indictments and prosecutions.
    Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights and Defence for Children International - Palestine Section 2009
  9. Washington (CNN) -- Divided on other issues, U.S. lawmakers united in support of Israel on Friday with the Senate approving another $225 million for the Iron Dome missile defense system.

    The House followed Friday night by voting 395-8 in favor of the measure.

    Good for them. America is united against Islamic terrorism. thumbsup.gif

    Sorry, what you mean is the AIPAC has terrorized the American administration into paying for systematic elimination of innocents in Gaza.


    How often have we heard the Zionist say Hamas uses human shields? The reality is, as ever, they try to pin the tactics they use on Hamas.

    It is Israel policy to use Palestinians as human shields.

    Two IDF soldiers charged with using 9-year-old 'human shield' in Gaza war

    Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz appeals the ban on the use of human shields

    Ulysses, jingthing and ggold can peddle the lies about Hamas and human shields, but everyone knows its the Zionists that actually use children as shields

  11. When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

    Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.

    Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh?

    Yep. Most people realize that Hamas are a terrorist group and that the IDF are soldiers protecting their country. I'm not too worried about what people like you think.

    Afraid not - Hamas are democratically elected, and the IDF are terrorists who use chemical weapon like phosphorus. While you may not worry about what the civilized world thinks, its is clear that you don't think full stop, as its easier to reach for IDF propaganda.

  12. And people call ME a drama queene.

    Hamas doesn't want peace. They want death.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Pure hysteria - No one wants death per se.


    - Hamas wants the occupation to end, and the Palestine to return to their land.

    - The Zionists want to keep and expand on the land they stole.

    • Like 2
  13. So you want permission to post obviously Judeophobic rhetoric without being called out for it?

    That is not fair. If posters are going to go there, for example some posters have actually posted explicit Neo-Nazi propaganda about Jewish global control / now we know why Hitler did what he did, they can go there I suppose (though I wish they wouldn't), but that doesn't make them immune from response. So, sorry, you don't get to dictate the rules of discussion. 



    What is the point using these labels - they are meaningless because they have become associated with propaganda.  Respond by all means, but without using these labels.  



    I believe that AIPAC controls American foreign policy, through its network of influential and powerful Jewish people. Im sure you will disagree. However, would you feel the need to use antisemite or antijew in your response?



    Incidently many of the Zionists appear to be blue eyed blondes of western decent not ethnic Jews from the region.


    Oh, no! Jews that don't fit ignorant stereotypes of what Jews are supposed to look like.




    The Zionists are primarily Askenazi Jews of Europe, who had designs on Palestine since the late 1800s.

    Their delusion is that a "heavenly estate broker" promised them Palestine, and so they flooded into the area, which, before the settler influx,  was populated with Sephardic Jews, Christians and Muslims who lived there relatively peacefully.


    The Askenazi settlers then used systematic terror to drive out the locals, and then unilaterally declare a state. This leads to the current conflict, where, they have to keep committing crimes against humanity to hang on to their immoral plunder. The core issue is not the rockets, its the original problem  of pre planned land theft.


    In summary, the Zionist are European Askenazi, who have zero connection to the Middle East. They use their adopted faith to invoke the "heavenly estate broker'. Its not a Jewish issue, because Sephardic Jews ALREADY lived there in peace. It is a Zinoist issue, it is an Askenazi issue, it is a European issue, for which the Arabs are paying the price




    It is easier to achieve peace in the region than that. Just cease All US support for Israel. End.

    That would make very little difference - other than allow Israel to take a harder line against the terrorists. Israels GDP is about 250 billion per year and the USA gives them about 3 billion per year in military support which is pretty much all spent on American military supplies. Israel could easily survive without it, if they had to.



    No, it is impossible. How can Jewish controlled US not support Israel? Oh well, hold on for a moment, it already happened at least once that Jews did something against Jews. At the end of Second World War II, the Allies, so the US or in other words the jewish controlled US, was instrumental in bringing many Nazi leaders to US controlled South-America. So business-savy Jews did save Jews-killers. Should we call these american jews now anti-semite? 55555...


    Actually "Jew hatred" was much stronger in the U.S. in previous times. The U.S. did not act honorably to help European Jewish refugees during WW2. In previous times, Jews, like blacks, were not allowed to join many social clubs, and there were strict "Jew quotas" at elite universities. My own father felt the need to change his Jew name to find any employment in his professional field as Jews were simply not hired at that time in his field. That's all in the past now but interestingly now some people complain that Asians are too successful in elite university admissions if judge only on merit. 


    Many people, including me, don't think it is a coincidence that the emergence of the strong and proud Jewish state was very helpful into reducing Jew hatred in the USA. 


    As far as American political support for Israel, I think that will lessen somewhat over time due to demographic changes (largely more Latinos), but overall will remain strong and and any weakening will not be determinate in the survival of Israel either way. Israel in that region will remain vulnerable certainly for all of our lifetimes. 


    This Jew hatred was from Europeans - but the Palestinians paid the price. 



    Anyone who talks about "ethnic cleansing" in relation to the Palestinians is either stupid or a liar. They would be long gone, if Israel wanted it so. Brian Eno turned out some decent music long ago, but he seems to be very ignorant when it comes to the conflict in Gaza. 



    Following this twisted and inhumane logic, there was no ethnic cleansing of the Jews, and no Holocaust, because the world still has a viable number of Jews.  



    Its part of the standard Misinformation Package that Zionist Apologists are trained to regurgitate. 






    Zionist Playbook 1.0.


    "When the truth of the argument you are presented with is too much to bear, resort to one word insults. On no account engage the opponent, as you will reveal the stupidity of the Zionist position"

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    1. Hamas is a democratically elected organisation that resists the illegal occupation of Palestine. It is not terror to fight back against a rapist.
    2. Zionism was designed over 100 years ago, with the express intention of stealing Palestine for European Jews. It is a long running agenda going back to the late 1800s. Its is wrong morally and legally.
    3. The IDF ARE responsible for war crimes. Simply look at the pictures coming out of Gaza every day.  
    4. You have been caught using antisemite, when you mean anti zionist.  Dont hide behind the name Jew, when you mean Zionist

    #1 convinced me your a nutcase



    # 2,3,4 convince me he doesn't know what he is talking about, nut case is being too kind!



    I love insults - means that you have no reply to the truth

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    Because of some feeble criticism of Neta-Nut-Job by Obama, the Zionists have made Obama a target. Don't ask Ulysses why - he does not know either - its just part of the Zionist playbook he has been given.


    The truth is that Obama has been as compliant as any other US President when it comes to blindly supporting Isreal. Heck, he just gave the IDF new supplies of weapons to continue the blood sport of killing women and children, and bombing schools and hospitals. Instead of being grateful, the Zionist keep complaining. 


    Sadly, it is more complicated than this. I do see how some see Israel as blood sport players, but it is far from accurate. It never ceases to amaze me how advocates for the terror group Hamas always turn a blind eye to causation, or at least complicity in the mess over there. When your attackers hide weapons, men, and products of war in hospitals, mosques, and other public venues, it makes collateral damage all the more likely. The implication is that Israel should nevertheless restrain from responding, even when they triangulate the mortars with pinpoint accuracy.


    The use of "Zionist" is a perfect example; this is used as a pejorative of Jewish-First policies, with hardly any context given, such as the neighborhood in which Israel exists is populated by those who not only declare Islamic supremacy but wantonly murder, rape, destroy, maim, and malign any who even suggest equality- throughout the world! How can such context be lacking when you impugn the Jews? It is not only a neighborhood of Islam First, but it is a region of Annihilation of Israel second.


    Those that think as this poster are best reflected in the UN Spokesperson saying, within the past 24 hours, that Israel might be liable for war crimes. He predicated this assertion on Israel not sharing with Hamas the technology of the Iron Dome. The duplicitous, disingenuous nature of anti-Semites is revealed in their charges, every time!


    1. Hamas is a democratically elected organisation that resists the illegal occupation of Palestine. It is not terror to fight back against a rapist.

    2. Zionism was designed over 100 years ago, with the express intention of stealing Palestine for European Jews. It is a long running agenda going back to the late 1800s. Its is wrong morally and legally.

    3. The IDF ARE responsible for war crimes. Simply look at the pictures coming out of Gaza every day.  

    4. You have been caught using antisemite, when you mean anti zionist.  Dont hide behind the name Jew, when you mean Zionist

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    Zionist != Jew

    Semite != Jew

    AntiSemite != anti Jew



    That's totally ridiculous.

    The vast majority of Jews support the existence of Israel.

    While I agree not all Jews identify as Zionists, anti-Zionists generally do not accept the existence of Israel. 

    Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is the DEFINITION. There is no argument about a set definition except with dictionary writers. 



    Then please don't call Antizionism Antisemitism.

    Call me an antizionist all day, and I will accept that, but when you use antisemite you imply I am anti jew which is not true.


    I have documented the antisemtic rhetoric here several times by multiple posters using source materials. As far as your soul, I don't know it and frankly not really interested. That's your business. If you don't wish people to PERCEIVE you in this negative way, the solution would be to learn the ways in which antisemitic rhetoric is expressed and to stop doing it. 

    There is a civilized, rational way to criticize Israel and Zionism and then there is the other way. In my opinion, the balance has tipped to the other way in much of the anti-Israel posts we have seen here since war broke out in Gaza. 


    Ahh,.,so you are ignoring my point, I want you to STOP using the term antisemetic, and use antizionist. In response, you spin out a lot of words, that mean zero, My bad, thinking that you were actually interested,


    Zionist != Jew

    Semite != Jew

    AntiSemite != anti Jew



    That's totally ridiculous.

    The vast majority of Jews support the existence of Israel.

    While I agree not all Jews identify as Zionists, anti-Zionists generally do not accept the existence of Israel. 

    Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is the DEFINITION. There is no argument about a set definition except with dictionary writers. 



    Then please don't call Antizionism Antisemitism.

    Call me an antizionist all day, and I will accept that, but when you use antisemite you imply I am anti jew which is not true.

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    If you look at any chat room there is a strong Zionist lobby who's job is to peddle the same old rhetoric.

    Should antisemitic rhetoric not be called out?



    Stop misusing the term Anti Semite.


    Yes, sir! thumbsup.gif I always listen to orders from anonymous posters on internet forums. Your opinion of "misuse" is merely your opinion. 



    Zionist != Jew

    Semite != Jew

    AntiSemite != anti Jew


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