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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. His wife is a female ,not a katoey, as some posters suggested.

    Not that its going to do him any good. I showed the TVF pic to a few women here this morning at my place.

    They immediately pointed to her gold chain and tattoos. .....' she no good, take farangs money , maybe she have 2 or 3 farang boyfriends., Norway man husband ...never mind, he dont know'.

    They never do.

    Envy my friend!

    Envy? Envy who...pray tell.coffee1.gif

    A Norwegian fisherman could be considered a good catch by some ladies.

  2. What does hitting the bus mean exactly?

    I ride our lovely baht buses all the time and I've never witnessed anyone, nor have I ever felt tempted myself, to HIT THE BUS.

    Would it not hurt your HAND more than the bus?

    There was an episode of Fawlty Towers where Basil beat his little car with a branch. Even Basil was smart enough not to use his hand, I guess the young man in this story is not that smart.

  3. I always likened it to playing the rules of different games.

    In the west we are taught to play chess, with all the rules and moves and expectancies etc. In Asia they play checkers, different game, different approach and different rules.

    You can never play checkers whilst applying the rules of chess, it just gets "messy" and totally confusing. A huge learning curve whilst you learn each others "moves" in a given situation.

    Not saying either one is right nor wrong, just different to what you know and come to expect.

    I do something similar but use a sports analogy. The rules for soccer or American football are different and it doesnt do much good to argue that we play the game differently if you are playing the other guys game, not yours. You play by the rules of the game you are playing and by stepping onto the field you are committed and it is too late to argue about what the rules are or should be.
    I think you will find, in these sporting circles, a very, very small minority actually change codes during their career.

    Why ? Because they stick with what they know about, and what they were brought up on, because it will offer them a more normal life.

    Should one change codes, you can guarantee 100% it will be motivated by just one thing...........Money.

    I was never very good at sport so changing "codes" would not make much difference.

    I am though happy with my Thai wife, maybe I found a code that suits me.

  4. If you have LINE notifications that pop up. Send yourself a message in Thai offering a reward and it will pop up on the screen.

    Too late for you, but for others, put LookOut, or PreyProject on your phones and laptops. They can't be deleted by the thief. I gave my family the passwords. If Im murdered, theres a good chance the killer has my phone or laptop.

    If your murdered ?

    Do you think someone is out to kill you for your phone / laptop. Is it the same taxi driver that made off with the OP's phone ?

  5. You are putting a lot of effort into tracking down this phone and the "guilty" taxi driver.

    Maybe next check you pocket and belongings before getting out of the taxi, it will save you a lot of stress and ill feelings towards people. Just a thought.

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