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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. OP you may love your wife, but she has let all this happen. As you said she had all now she has nothing. She may have pressure from the family, but there comes a time where she must say enough is enough OR if not its time for you to move on.

    I know it is easy to say (hard for you to do), but if it was me I would have already left, she went way past the limit.

  2. OP your problem is NOT how to reduce your cost of living, because you are NOT LIVING you are just EXISTING.

    As others have said you need to increase your income to meet your expenses.

    I am more concerned about posters tips on how to cut costs and reduce spending. NO popcorn, NO cake, No whatever. You put even the Cheap Charles to shame. Do you guys really live this life ?

    OP continue to enjoy the things you like, but top of your list must be to find a new job.

  3. I think Thailand should be considered as a great place to develop your own stills in home maintenance and repair, we should all be on ED-Visas.

    Even if you don't do the job yourself you need to learn a little about it so as you know when they are cutting corners and BS you about what is happening.

    A lot of tradesmen are only capable of putting lipstick on a pig.

  4. OP, I believe you have made reference to the Land and House being yours, well it is NOT yours and it will NEVER be yours. It may go to your wife when the old man goes toes up, but as the elder sister has taken a loan against the Land you had better hope that father-in-law does not pass on next week. If this happens I would suspect that the sister will not continue to pay the loan and all your wife / you will receive is the choice of paying off the sisters new car or allowing the bank to take the land.

    I really think it is time for you to rent or buy your own house and live happy. Good luck.

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