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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. OP, sorry to hear about your situation.

    But this has nothing to do with alpha dogs, reading the right book, culture or any other BS. The FIL just does not like you and is taking advantage of the situation.

    You made the move by leaving and moving to a new apartment, ONLY because he would not move and why should he, free house, free food, free whisky and people waiting on him. What has he done to deserve this life ??? NOTHING.

    I would stop the whisky now and any additional money that goes into his pocket. If he has a problem with this tell him to get a job.

    If the wife cannot see the problem and will not support you, maybe time to move on completely.

    Good luck.

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  2. Ghosts are like religion, there is no real proof but a lot of stories. Myself I don't believe in either, I need proof.

    If you want to believe in something strongly enough then you will believe it. Maybe Walt Disney could help out with this.

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