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Traveling Sailor

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Posts posted by Traveling Sailor

  1. TOT are in a mess in Chonburi somehow they seem to have lost bandwith on upload in my part of Chonburi.

    Result is one click will start a video and you can watch for an hour. But try clicking you way through a long list of emails and you go mad waiting for your email and often the upclick dies on the vine beause the download times out.

    Worse if you are form filling or typing your pass word the individual keystokes are so slow that you time out or your password keeps getting scrambled. Worse still when typing on line at the moment the charactors and words get scambled because of numerous micro time outs.

    The technicians that come to my place don't have a clue what is causing the problem. If any of you can offer me a advice I'd be most grateful.

    If you have a choice, dump TOT. If I had a choice, I would.

  2. "I was heading down the hill in top gear and the brakes failed. I did my best..."

    OK, I added the bit about top gear.

    I wonder which gear he was in?

    Maybe neutral to save diesel and/or engine wear?

    cheesy.gif save cost krub

    Far be it for most anyone on TV to give a Thai driver the benefit of the doubt. I, for one, would like to believe that just maybe this driver is telling the truth. The fact that he didn't run gives me a reason to believe him. I hope that he is telling the truth and that he is thanked for doing his best to miss other cars, people, etc. Maybe I am a dreamer, but I would like to believe that there are good Thai drivers amongst the crazy ones.

  3. Here is a resolution for them: Put all 30 of these illegal taxi drivers into the same small jail cell. Take a picture of them in the cell and give it to the Phuket Gazette with a promise to do the same to all the other illegal taxi drivers that can be rounded up. Post a 1000 baht reward for the delivery of any illagal taxi driver to the jail. Make sure there are empty cells, sit back and wait for deliveries to arrive. :-)

    • Like 2
  4. Sad indeed. But it's the parents and children's fault. Circumstances can change of course... but far too many people who can't afford children have them. If you can't afford to pay your electric bill, you're in that category.

    What utter BS! The kids were conceved/born over 9 years ago. Neither of the kids are responsible for what has happened in the last 9 plus years. To blame the kids for their parents inability to keep the marriage together is sheer lunacy.
  5. It says someone "asked" it doesn't say that he didn't pay.

    I mean honestly, they created a 4:3 verdict claiming that having his maid and gardener in ownership of shares in his companies didn't represent a conflict of interest. Anyone please explain the legal logic behind that one?

    This is Thailand. Logic is not practiced here. Logic requires thinking. How many Thais do you know that actually have the ability, and use it, to think something through to its loqical conclusion?
  6. I don't buy the line that they don't have enough to buy helmets, but somehow always manage to have the money to make sure the old man has his whiskey or beer every night.

    I remember an article in the paper a couple of years ago and some Thai Minister of Something or other, was talking to a western journalist, and the subject of helmets came up. This man actually stated that it really wasn't important if Thai wore helmets, as they were naturally born with harder heads that other people, and that protected them. This same guy also stated that Thai were perfectly capable of talking and texting on the phone while driving cars and motorbikes, because their brains were developed in such a way that it allowed them to do this, while other people could not.

    Yes, and in Thailand, pigs fly and there is no corruption.
  7. Power went off at 6:54 and returned at 7:33 here in Thung Song, Nakhon si Thammarat. I didn't think anything of it because the power goes out all the time here, for short periods. When it does, no internet, no running water.

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