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Posts posted by Marcorue1

  1. Yes I understand what you are saying and yes this is my first year here in Thailand. But I'm planning on staying and I think I will have to establish myself wherever I go if what I'm hearing here about Thai people. But the Thai people I have met outside of my job have been good to me and I trust that they are not bad people.

    I have a teacher at the school I'm leaving who feels the same as what you guys have told me, so I believe that there must be a lot of bad Thai bosses but I will have to keep doing what I'm doing, work hard and be a good teacher.

  2. Hey I do care about the children, I think you miss understand what this is about. I really do not feel that the way they talked to me was fair and not air to the other teacher. You say this is Thai culture, I do not think so, you think Thai people acting like this is normal? I think you need to find new Thai friends and Thai people to spend your time with.

    My girlfriend is Thai and whenever she hears people say its Thai style she gets really unhappy, this is not thai style this is just a group of people who don't care about others and think we are an easy target.

    And about money, well yes it's not everything but when it comes to been able to buy a plane ticket or travel to a nice hotel on your holidays, buy the food I like and the clothing I like. Then yes it matters.

    I'm not moving because of money, I'm moving because I don't feel happy working in this school anymore.

  3. The school has never given me a tax form, I pay SS but the school never talks about this issue. How do you show the tax office how much you make if the school doesn't get involved. I will leave this school and start working at a new school in May. So does this mean all my tax issues will start all over again. I'm running out of time before this tax stuff has to be in but as seems like all the other teachers at my school are not paying tax I seem to be the only one who is questioning this.

  4. A guy at my work has just told me that he hasn't paid in 5 years. Is it that simple?

    I don't understand why so many people are paying the tax if so many are still not.

    I may as well save my money and not pay this year. I hope that's the right thing to do here.

  5. I have a question about tax and this may have been asked before but I could not find the answer I was looking for. I started work with my school last May on 35,000 per month. I have been paying 600 in SS each month and now someone has told me that I need to pay tax by the end of march 31.

    So what I want to know is how much tax and why haven't I had any really info about this before. I work for a government school but have no idea how much they claim I earn and as they help with nothing. Should I go to the tax department to get this sorted out. What happens if I do nothing, will I get fined. Do I have to pay it now?

    The thing is I have no idea and as its my first year in Thailand I'm still learning, please please can somebody help me out here.

  6. In the meeting I simply listened to them and agreed with there points and then talked to them giving my own ideas and giving them the idea that they were there own. It's hard to go against an idea that you think is your own. The other teacher may not of know how to do this and I had the feeling as I saw him walk into the meeting that they were going to try to firer him instead. I know I was lucky to do what I did but what's to stop them doing this again and I may not be able to talk them around the next time.

  7. I am going to leave as I have already taken the action to do so. My new job offer gives me and extra 5,000 baht a month and bonus at the end the contract. Yes I don't know what awaits me in my new job but this school has made me feel so low and I'm not prepared to let them make me feel this way again.

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  8. Following on from a topic I placed here the other day "YOU'RE FIRED".

    Thank you for all the comments, this has really given me a lot to think about and really opened up my mind for many ways I can act if this happens to me again. At present I am still at the school for the last week but I'm looking for other work as I no longer wish to work here due to the way they treated me and the other teacher. I am still worried that my last pay at the end of April will not be paid to me but as I am planning on staying here in Thailand, taking legal action is an option about this as I will have plenty of time to wait for an outcome. This is my first year in the country and I am disappointed with the way the school has acted as they gave me no warning or showed me no compassion in there actions.

    Thank you to everyone who's advice I will act upon and I hope that by working together we can stop schools acting this way against foreign teachers who they think will just come and go, I think they forget that we are here to stay and not just passing through this country and we have plenty of time to act.

  9. Spoonman they want to end the contract this month with a weeks notice, and no pay in April. It's a problem because we would not have a work visa and have to leave Thailand within a week.

    They are not paying for next month, they are not giving him a month, just a week :(

  10. The grammar police need to learn to read, I said that the school was fine with teaching. The reason they gave was productivity outside the class room. So I didn't make myself look busy enough when I was in the office.

    This school was trying to save money and damage teacher lives that's the point so please stick too it. :(

  11. Thaicbr thank you, I will let him know. Yes I think this could work, he is a good teacher and this is very unfair what has happened. Our contract are not so good and It seems they don't have to give us notice but as this behavior is not very fair I think the labour department maybe able to help. Maybe this will stop the school acting like this in future.

  12. Aidenai thank you, I think in future this is what I'm going to look out for as its so unfair that they can do this. I am very sad for the other teacher, he must feel so bad and let down by the school. We look to them for help and surport as we are foreigner in this country and then in the end this is how the treat us.

  13. As the school year comes to an end, the April holidays mark a time for teachers to rest, travel and take a well earned break from the class room.

    However not all school offer a paid April holiday but when I found a school that did I signed the year contract and got started teaching. So you can understand my shock when this week I was called into a meeting to be tolded that the school teaching department wanted to end my contract a month early.

    When I asked the reason why they told me that my teaching was fine and that my classroom management was not in question but they felt instead that my productivity outside of the classroom was not what they wanted and that's why they wanted to end the contract now. I tried to find out more about the reason that they were giving me but they could not give me a straight answer and this made me question there motives.

    With all the teaching now over, the exams marked and grades finalized. Finishing a contract a month early could only be for them to save money. I tried to reason with them, pointing out that only a month was left on my contract and that until now I was not aware for any issues with my work. I told them that I need the reason why they wanted to end my contract at this time and that I disagreed with the way I was been treated.

    This only created an argument with them telling me that they can end the contract when they wish, so instead I moved away from this and pointed out that they should have a meeting with a teacher as soon as they feel a teacher is not working to there standards and they should make it clear to the teacher what they want so the teacher can make changes to there work. They agreed with this and this gave me the change to point out that foreign teacher are tied to there job and that they were making things very hard for me as I am dependent on my wage and my work visa.

    They understood and after one hour of talks they decided they would not end my contract and in fact they decided that they would offer me another one year contract. Which shocked me even more!!

    Anyway the sad part of this story is that the teacher who had a meeting with them after me was not so lucky and is now unemployed and looking for work. He will need to make a visa run and search for a new job this April, with no money coming in he will have to save every penny this month until he can find work.

    The point I'm making about this story is that it's so easy for schools to end foreign teachers contracts and in this case just to save money over the holidays. I was only offered another contract as this way they still have a teacher but what's to stop them from doing this next year.

    The teacher who got fired will not be able to rest at the end of a year of teaching, he will not get a break and his only travel will be to the border to get his visa renewed. For those teachers who are looking for work this year don't believe everything a school tells you and what is written in the contract. Take a closer look and as every contract states a school can fire you based on there own evaluation of your performance and what does that mean?

    You too may hear the words before your contract comes to an end, "YOU'RE FIRED".


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