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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. The purpose of the post was to enquire about pleasant experiences not to start a chain about the dangers of cigarettes but then that is the nature of reformed smokers - only too quick to let everybody know what outstanding human beings they are because they have managed to quit.

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  2. Tragic because it was avoidable - I use ferries a lot in LOS and am also a professional seafarer - I look in complete horror at the inspection dates stamped on the life saving appliances such as lifejackets, life rafts etc. as they are invariably at least several years out of date

    The Pak Bara - Koh Lipe ferry lifejackets are still in their plastic bags......

    The responsible authorities need to be very much more vigilant in enforcing safety standards if they are to avoid further incidents of this kind.

  3. NO the whole nation is afflicted with foriegners who dont and cant understand their culture and their ways and are intolerant of same.

    Live and let live, chill out, it doesnt last that long, "mai pen rai". And remember "these people" allow you to enjoy their country.

    This is bollucks - consideration for others is not a cultural issue , it is a human issue... by the way use a spell checker.

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  4. It is just as bad at the airports and in planes - what is difficult to understand about ' remain seated ' or ' please board rows 12-30 first ' - they even announce it first in Thai and then in English .

    Also , it is not just Thailand it is the whole of Asia.

  5. You are not going to win that's for sure.

    It is not a question of Thais trying to bloody minded , it is just that they are completely unaware that this type of noisy activity disturbs other people.

    If you were the one grinding , your neighbour would simply sleep through it and so he, quite naturally, expects you to be able to do the same.

    I have been out here since 1984 and it has always been like that.

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