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Posts posted by falang1969

  1. On 1/30/2020 at 7:30 PM, tomauasia said:

    I didnt pay and if you do you married the wrong woman. 


    I also married a 25 year old, never married, no kids.....paid zero, showed zero, no pretentious wedding rubbish....just into Amphur, just her and me, signed and walked out married.


    7 years later and 2 kids and everything is hunky dory.


    I did buy her parents as washing machine 4 years ago!


    She was lucky to get me...end of.





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  2. I recently got above from HCMC which was straightforward.


    Can you get the same from Hanoi? It's just on the Hanoi Thai Embassy website there is no mention of Multi Entry "O" based on marriage/kids? Unlike on the HCMC Thai Embassy website where it is clearly detailed they are available and I got one from there!






    Anyone got one from Hanoi?






  3. We are having our 2nd kid next month, but from previous experience.....


    A breast pump is a great bit of kit, my Mrs loved it and used it to store milk in the fridge. Get a decent electric one, the manual ones are rubbish, we have the Philips Avent which is good.


    Definitely invest in a decent air purifier, if it's as bad as this year, everyone had sold out in stores and online, especially decent ones, we have a couple of Philips AC3259's that are excellent.


    Pushchairs, prams and car seats can be expensive here, bought ours over from the UK.


    Hope it all goes well!


    • Thanks 1
  4. On 9/16/2019 at 5:36 PM, CaptainNemo said:

    Nearby the UK or nearby Thailand? I guess I'm ok as I got a multi in time, and the next thing is the re-entry, and at some point over the coming few months apply for an extension to the multi-entry visa, is that right?

    Is it the case that London wouldn't extend the multi-entry visa they gave me, or that I would have to do it at the local provincial immigration office in Thailand that my certificate of residence is tied to?


    I used to get a Non Imm "O" Multi entry from London for the past 6 years based on marriage/kid. I missed the June deadline this year while in the UK, you have to do everything online now AND they don't issue said "O" visa anymore, in London. 

    On Ubonjoe's advice, I went to Ho Chi Min, Vietnam to get one, with no problems.


    "Re-entry"?, the Non Imm "O" Multi entry is exactly that....come and go as many times as you like as long as the Visa is still valid. London will not extend the visa. You would need to apply again at Savannakhet, Laos and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as it currently stands.


    Remember, just before the visa expires you can get an extra 90 days, effectively making it a 15 month multi entry visa.








    • Thanks 2
  5. 1 minute ago, lopburi3 said:

    I have no idea what they mean as no source was linked - just provided the correct language to make it accurate - as you were told by the best source for accurate information the visa does not have to be valid to obtain an extension of stay, you just have to be on that type of visa entry.


    Thanks LopBuri3 and Ubonjoe, always a fountain of knowledge as always. Appreciated.

  6. 1 minute ago, lopburi3 said:

    Your current Non-immigrant visa entry is still valid would be correct. 


    So where it says below "current Non-Immigrant visa is still valid" what they ACTUALLY mean is "current Non-Immigrant visa entry is still valid". Correct?


    "In order to obtain the extension, you must apply for the extension at your local Immigration office with all of the required paperwork while your current Non-Immigrant visa is still valid."


  7. Just now, ubonjoe said:

    You will be extending your last 90 day entry from your visa. Your visa being expired means nothing after you enter the country.


    Hi Ubonjoe, so are you saying the fact my current Non-Imm "O" visa will have expired on 3rd Sept, I can still apply for an extension "marriage visa", during that following 90 days?


    It's just I read on some checklist your current visa must be valid? See below.


    "In order to obtain the extension, you must apply for the extension at your local Immigration office with all of the required paperwork while your current Non-Immigrant visa is still valid."


  8. Just after a bit of advice.


    Ok I have been here for 10 years, always using Non-Imm "O" Multi-Entry Visa obtained from London/Hull.


    Now London has stopped issuing this Visa, I am looking to extend my current Non "O" and go down the route of extensions based on marriage and the 400k in the bank etc etc.


    However, I was in the UK with the family in May/June and was planning on getting another Non-Imm "O" Multi entry from London as I have done for years. While I was there, the rules changed and no longer possible.


    We have now all returned to Thailand, with me returning on my existing Non-Imm "O" Multi Entry which expires on 3rd Sept 2019. My plan was to leave (trip to Mae Sae) and come back in just before that visa expires, to get the "last" 90 days and during that time apply for my "Extension to Stay" based on marriage. 


    However, during this time my Non-Imm "O" Visa would have effectively expired on 3rd Sept! Can I still apply for my extension during the last 90 days? 


    Even if I transfer over the 400k tomorrow, it wouldn't have been in the bank for 2 months.


    Any advice appreciated.








  9. Marriage extension.


    I think this seems the way forward for me. What with a kid at school and another due in October, I can't be doing with flying here, there and waiting around for hours/days for a new Non "O" Multi Entry.


    I'm over 50 so could do "Retirement" or "Marriage" route, which I guess are the same apart from the monetary requirements?


    Not bothered whether it's 400k or 800k in the bank but is one easier to "manage" then the other? Which is the easiest, hassle free option?


    So, with these "extensions" you can pay extra and effectively make them multiple entry? Having to go to Immigration every time I leave the country seems a hassle.


    All great advice though!

  10. 12 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

    In your case, you could extend while in Thailand based on marriage by showing 400k in a Thai bank. One year extension each time. From what I hear, the extension process can take up to one month. Disadvantages, mainly that the money sits in the bank with an interest rate which some consider unattractive - you could in principle withdraw and deposit again though I am not familiar with the time frames. Also, you would need to be in Thailand around the time of exetnsion each year - or else restart the process. Advantages, no need to do border crossings every 3 months.

    Sounds ok. Not worried about 400k sitting dormant. Can you come and go as you please once you have the extension?

  11. I have used Non-Immigrant "O" Multi Entry based on marriage/child for years, was perfect for our lifestyle ie. coming to the UK for a couple of months a year (renewing the visa while in UK), no grief or hassles with Immigration, a leisurely trip to Mai Sai every 3 months etc. This is no longer available in London.


    It seems you can only get a SINGLE entry Non-Imm "O" for 90 Days. No use to anyone!


    My current Visa runs out in September, I am currently in the UK with family for a few more weeks, so thinking of applying for a Non-Imm "O-A" Long Stay Multiple Entry (Retirement Visa) in London.


    Can I show the 800,000bht in GBP in a UK account? If so, I just need to get the police check and medical certificate and job done? Effectively the same Visa as before? Do I still need to leave the country every 90 days? 


    All a bit annoying all these changes, I have plenty of savings, income etc, any other options?


    Alternatively, how easy to extend my current Non Imm "O" Multi entry based on marriage when we get back to Thailand? Could put 800k in Thai bank, get a 3 month Non-Imm "O" here now and extend in 3 months, how easy is that to do? Any disadvantages?


    In the past been easy using London for a Non "O" Multi entry, now need other options.


    Any advice appreciated.

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