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Posts posted by falang1969

  1. My daughter is 4 and goes to Tonkla School near Meechok Plaza. We really like it, plenty of other mixed kids. Very relaxed and cool school. Not very religious or regimental. It has a very positive vibe. Has some western teachers as well. It lets kids develop and express themselves. It seems to encourage individualism. My daughter absolutely loves it and seeing the other kids, they love it as well. Security is A1. Also, a nice environment, lots of open space, bright and airy!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  2. Reading the linked article, accident happened in Pai, was transferred to Chiang Mai. Current bill at Chiang Mai Ram is GBP37k (BHT1.5m) and the cost of flying her home with full medical assistance is GBP23k.


    "Insure and Go" should be responsible! Get this story onto the UK BBC "Watchdog" TV programme and it'll be sorted immediately!



  3. Whilst I agree that they are overpriced, I've flown Business Class on other decent airlines for less than Thai economy a number of times, but, if as you say, their old 777's on the BKK - LHR route are always full and making money, why would they feel the need to reduce prices, they clearly don't need to compete?
    I flew on that route last Christmas, economy on the A380 using points, whilst the seat itself was fine, plenty of legroom in a bulkhead seat upstairs, the service was abysmal and the food on the way back was the worst meal I've ever had on an aircraft.
    Re- read my post. I was referring to BA being full and making money, not THAI.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. My 3 year old is currently in the UK and has been attending "Summer School", held in a local Primary school, I was really impressed with the level of care and checking done for her welfare while she was there, everything seemed so safe and secure! My wife (Thai) was impressed.


    We head back to Thailand soon for her to attend school and hearing stuff like this scares the s**t out of me! 


    Why not have processes in place, to ensure simple things like this, simply can't happen?  





    Today, Me (UK Citizen), my wife (Thai on her 3rd UK Visitor Visa) and our kid (Thai and UK Passport) booked the ferry from Dover to Calais for a day trip (car) and my wife was denied entry to France.


    We had marriage certs and translations.


    Did it as a bit of an experiment to see if we could get in, after all, the ferry was only 25 quid return for the day inc car!


    First booth that greets you in Dover is the French immigration. She asked for all 3 passports, she was not too sure what to do when she saw the Thai passport, asked if married etc and asked for something like UK Residency Card or something, kept referring to her colleague, we only had marriage certs/translations. I said we were hoping to get a visa on arrival as we are travelling together as a family with all the same surname etc etc. 


    All very civil, asked us to pull over, had to wait a while as only 2 booths open and she had to close hers, to go and see higher officers I guess, came back and "she can not go to France".


    Then UK immigration officers came to escort us back out the port, he advised that they (French Customs) are getting strict and have seen people refused entry even with visa's in their passports.


    Can't be arsed to go through hassle of getting a visa from London, maybe another year! 



    • Thanks 1
  6. You let the parents pay for the wedding? You didn't have a party?
    What party? What wedding? Down Amphur, a few signatures and two pieces of paper....job done! Mrs didn't want a party, as she knew it would involve a load of freeloaders taking advantage! That's what she wanted, who am I to argue!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  7. I asked my wife how much for dowry before we got married. I was 47 she was 27, an only child, factory job, never married or kids, never mixed with falang/bars, poor but young'ish farmer parents. Answer from them was zero Nothing expected apart from me looking after their daughter (and now their grand daughter, our daughter). Due to their initial attitude, they now see (5 years later) some benefits of having a falang son-in-law. Dowry IMO a load of tosh!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  8. As I was the OP, let's do an update......

    We now have a beautiful kid.

    My wife who is now 26 is the best mother and wife I could ever meet (bearing in mind I have been around the block both in Thailand and my home Country)....and almost lost faith in Thai (albeit bar) girls.

    Oh, her family, yep, still self sufficient and the washing machine I bought is still going strong! In fact, her family are supportive and help out with when required and no reward is either expected or paid.

    We are off to my home country for a 3 month holiday soon. Although, our "home" is Thailand and will be, for the forseeable future.

    Our relationship is balanced, fair, respectful and honest to each other, we help each other (noooo, not financially) but emotionally!

    We still rent our house and I have no pressure to buy, no demands for gold, no demands for cash, no demands to "show off" the "falangs" wealth....nothing!

    So...just goes to show (to the cynics), there ARE real nice girls out there (but they don't sit in a bar).....but don't worry, if you think she is a long term scammer, I will report back!

    Just hope this gives some confidence to guys who put the effort in to meet a "real" girl, rather than some dodgy lazy bird!

    • Like 1
  9. falang1969 - Deluded wub.png have you been out in the sun to long.crazy.gif

    Sweet innocent young lady not into Thai men logs onto dating site to find man almost twice her age - something not quite rightcheesy.gif

    Get back to the bar's mate at least you know where you stand.

    "Get back to the bar's mate at least you know where you stand."

    I can honestly say that is the last place I would want to be! It's full of precisely the type of girl's I wanted to avoid.

    I made a point of not seeing anyone from a bar even though I frequented them, to chat to mates etc.

    What would be the purpose? A leg over and get tucked up for a few quid?

    Not what I was looking for.

  10. So is your wife going back to work when your child starts school?

    Why would I want her to do that?

    I got married to be with my wife and kid, not for her to be working 12 hours a day..... she has stuff to keep her busy at home.

    That is one of the advantages of living in Thailand for me, could never do that in my home country, too expensive.

    Here though, easily achievable.

  11. falang1969....good luck to you in the days to come and your building of your future......

    For the record - my wife university educated......worked for a Japanese Electronics company as a manager.....this particular company allowed no make up - everyone had to wear supplied uniforms - and they worked 6-7 days a week leaving only enough time to basically eat and rest.....the trade off was she was making 4-5x's the earnings of the "average" Thai.....had a circle of about 5 friends from the company - doesn't drink - and has yet to be in a "bar" of any type.....

    She's about the kindest thinking, honest to a flaw, hard working, most optimistic, fun loving, and genuinely shyest people I've ever known....sometimes it's almost like living with Snow White - sometimes almost too G rated for me....she crochets, paints, draws, plays a couple of intruments......but - is always fun and spontaneous and we are laughing most of the time.....she grew up on a farm in a small family and was instilled with solid values.....very soft in every way but also a very strong person....even soft with a reproach if and when one is called for.....

    So - don't let the haters/cynics/jealous jaded tossers/cowardly internet bullies and losers and their ilk that like to spew their brand of poison get to you - pontificating at their keyboards while waiting for their hangover to clear so they can go out to the bar and see the world exactly as they expect it to be - so they then can feel validated.....

    A lot of posters on here can't get their mind/heads out of the bars let alone out of their @$$es.....

    There are good women out there that are looking for good men....but sometimes it takes a good man to see a good woman......

    It's funny - but the posters I envision as being good solid men/people here on TV seem to be the ones that have found good wives/gf's/relationships......funny how that works out......

    Yep, I agree. Sometimes I do wonder if these people have actually ever met a normal Thai girl, from a normal background, with a normal education and a normal job.

    I reckon there are plenty of really nice girls out there, but they never see the light of day, as they work, go home, work, go home, work, go home and in reality don't actually have much time to actually socialise and meet people.

    My wife's old job, 6 days a week, 12 hour rotating shifts which didn't leave much time for anything else.

    As for the comments, I take them with a pinch of salt, I am a lot more worldly about Thai girls (from all backgrounds) and relationships than I come across on here and have experienced and seen a lot over the years.

    Luckily, I wasn't too tainted by my previous naive relationship, taught me everything I needed to know this time round. I could have easily become cynical, twisted and bitter like some of the posters on here.

    Instead, I just set myself a few rules when I was back in the market and they seemed to have paid off!

    Took a while to sort the "wheat from the chaff" but think I got there in the end.

    • Like 1
  12. I guess the case is closed... such a massive shame for the families.. It would be good if someone in the media had the balls to expose everyone involved in these lies and corruption.. Including the governments participation.

    Yep, as usual, seems like we are nearing the end of this investigation with no suspects, no arrests and no convictions.

    International media interest is subsiding, job done.

    • Like 1
  13. What is it with the spate of these almost identical troll threads of late?

    Stage 1) They all seem to start the same way some "young (ish) guy seeking advice about his young supposedly near, hi-so ''educated'' girl,

    Stage 2) When the trolls all seem to get incredibly petulant, defensive and upset defending their imagined girlfriends, when people who really have 'been there, seen that.." display a little cynicism or disbelief instead of falling at the feet of the OP in awe and worshipping their prowess at finding such an amazing woman.

    Stage 4) That's when they end up in bickerfests; young vs old; anyone whose 25yr old educated GF doesn't test milk in a factory must be "jealous' or some bitter skint old bloke stuck up in the boondocks.

    Its all getting a bit tedious now. Can't mods just zap these things at their genesis...?

    Yes I do spend way too much time on here......

    <deleted> are you banging on about?

    1. I ain't young.

    2. ?

    3. What happened to number 3?

    4. What?

    Apologies but my post was meant for someone with a brain, not just an invented milk testing "perfect' girl...congratulations on your baby....now your self congratulatory post above can go in the bin....Somewhere a 'self-sufficient' family are rubbing their hands with glee and calling the vet to check the buffalo...

    Found a gem! The coolest, chilled out, kindest, generous and cutest girl ever! Yeah, bring on the comments.......

    Well done!! as no-one else has ever done that in Thailand, ever......you must be something special....

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