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Posts posted by falang1969

  1. This makes a lot more sense than what the "authorities" in thailand were saying at the time. I remember one police spokesperson alluding darkly to ibuprofen being found in the hotel room with the victims, as though that might have caused their horrific death. Later, they advanced the theory that the girls had been drinking powerful drug and insecticide laced cocktails. I understand people being incredibly lazy and corrupt, and buffoons to boot, but when horrible deaths like this are involved, I would hope these guys would try to do something about it. If not for justice, then to try and prevent more deaths. This aluminum phosphide component would never have come to light, had it not been for the canadians, I feel.

    Remember it well and there was also the lad that helped them home to their room....he was a suspect as well.

  2. Remember Down town Inn, Chiang Mai.

    Yes sure- an elderly couple were found dead lady on the bed and her husband kneeling on the floor next to the bed.

    If I remember at the time it was said they had heart attacks both at the same moment. The couple were on holiday from my home county of Lincolnshire, UK.

    It got massive coverage. I think the floor they stayed on ,all the rooms were stripped and fumigated, Later the hotel was re named.

    Apparently the hotel was owned by a very so so family in Chiang Mai. At the time they suspected the people there had eaten some poisoned food from a local market.

    Thai follow ups rarely see the light of day, and we never really knew the definite outcome. It was believed to be covered up, much evidence was destroyed when they quickly revamped the rooms shortly after the deaths.

    I haven't done any research only using memory of the event so my story is only half told. Many posters will remember.

    Not forgetting the 3 Aussie girls (1 died), the Thai woman etc etc.....was it 7 in total? That is why it is what it is today...flattened!

    • Like 1
  3. I am 45 and my GF is 26, been with her a year and never had any problems, never argue, have a great life, never been happier and she is now pregnant, which we both planned (I have never had kids and time was getting on for me, for her it's a great age to have her first kid). She was a normal girl with a normal job and had never even met a falang or spoken to (face to face) until I met her....all she did was work and home and knock around with a few Thai friends when she had time.

    She doesn't drink but she has integrated with my falang friends and comes to the bar with me when I want to go.

    Before the "you are so naive" brigade step in.....I have lived in Thailand full time for 6 years, I was with my ex (36) with 2 kids (living away) and 2 divorces behind her for 5 years and yes, she was ex-bar. It cost me a fair bit, car in her name etc etc (yes, I was a bit naive for a while) BUT I learn't a lot and put it down to experience. Some good but a LOT bad! I was too blind to see it for a long time!

    I made a conscious decision this time round to only date "normal' girls and am glad I did. It restored my faith in Thai girls. I took my time and dated a few "normal" girls and avoided bar girls and the bar girl environment completely!

    I don't get demands for this or that, I just live a normal life with a normal girl....simple as!

    There are a lot of cynics on here that think every girl is a money grabbing <deleted>....just not true. However, I DO see a lot of blokes going head first into relationships with bar girls I have known and see them heading for a fall, but they can learn the same as I did!

    So, to answer your question OP, no problem at all being with a 25 year old! I just wish I had done it 3 years earlier!

    I also posted here about a year ago with the same concerns, there were the usual cynics (probably sitting in their Singha singlets' having been stung by a few bar girls) with their comments....and some great comments!

    My advice is <deleted> what anyone else thinks!

    • Like 1
  4. What is it with the spate of these almost identical troll threads of late?

    Stage 1) They all seem to start the same way some "young (ish) guy seeking advice about his young supposedly near, hi-so ''educated'' girl,

    Stage 2) When the trolls all seem to get incredibly petulant, defensive and upset defending their imagined girlfriends, when people who really have 'been there, seen that.." display a little cynicism or disbelief instead of falling at the feet of the OP in awe and worshipping their prowess at finding such an amazing woman.

    Stage 4) That's when they end up in bickerfests; young vs old; anyone whose 25yr old educated GF doesn't test milk in a factory must be "jealous' or some bitter skint old bloke stuck up in the boondocks.

    Its all getting a bit tedious now. Can't mods just zap these things at their genesis...?

    Yes I do spend way too much time on here......

    &lt;deleted&gt; are you banging on about?

    1. I ain't young.

    2. ?

    3. What happened to number 3?

    4. What?

  5. Thought I would check back in.....keep you posted on how it's going! Well, life could not be better....I have now lived 95% of my time for the last 6 years in Thailand...one sour experience behind me and my faith has been restored!

    No f'ing stupid demands for this or that...no financial demands....nothing! Her family expects nothing from me...they are poor'ish but young enough to be completely self-sufficient and all they want is their daughter to be happy.

    Found a gem! The coolest, chilled out, kindest, generous and cutest girl ever! Yeah, bring on the comments.......

    Just so refreshing to know that there are some good'uns out there. No arguments or disagreements (well, serious ones) in 9 months, even being together 24/7.

    The key for me has been to make sure........no kids, no tattoo's (apologies to some), no divorcee's (apologies to some) and no bar girl's/freelancers or anyone who has frequented that scene.

    Not being smug....but just happy to be where I am (after the nightmare I lived before)!

    She is now pregnant.....my first, her first and can not wait to see what the future holds................thanks to those who posted +ve comments before!

    Will keep you posted in coming years!

    • Like 1
  6. It won't be free! Personally I found the process quite painless and easy. There is always a wait of a few days......you seen how many they do?

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And, better than paying the UK Consulate in Chiang Mai (if you are from the UK) 2800bht for the same thing!

  7. We're currently in the same situation as the OP, in the process of moving from BKK to CNX. I'd like to get some price benchmarks, would be great if someone could share their experience. We've got quoted 33kTHB for a small truck. I believe this is way over the top.

    Way, way over the top in my opinion....knocking on GBP700.00 just from BKK to CNX for a small truck? Reckon you could get a 40ft container for that money!

  8. I have flown the other way with BA (LHR-BKK-CNX) a few months ago and there was no codeshare agreement with Thai Air on the BKK-CNX leg....pain.....had to go through BKK customs, pick up luggage and check-in again.

  9. ^


    Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    /////. //////

    What about the couples who have children, perhaps they prefer for the wife to remain at home and taking care of the children, while the man would go out to work and pay for Everything. From your words above I'll have to assume you've no children with your wife, now I know she's a bit long in the tooth, but just say, your wife did have children, and she preferred to be a full time mother, that would leave you with no option than to pay for Everything, unless of course you were to copy many Thai husbands and do a runner.

    P.s I'm still awaiting a reply to my post No 87, were I pointed out that there is a couple living in your district, the Thai wife being approx 25 yrs older than her Farang husband, which according to you is an indecent relationship.


    i now loads of thai girls with children that still work in fact i only know one thai girl that dont work guess what she is 39 her husband ferang late 60s, same as in uk my sister has two kids she still works doesnt really need to but its called being independant, you are living in the old ages where women stay at home doing cooking and cleaning all day.

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    I knew of couples in the UK,who had children,and they made the decision knowing full well that in doing so they would lose out on much needed money, that the mother would not go out to work but instead stay at home and look after the children, they were fortunate in that they could afford to make that decision, they did not think it's a matter of giving up their independence, they simple thought it was in the best interest of their children that one parent was always available for their childrens needs, unfortunately many Couples for financial reasons are not able to make that decision, if they could I'm sure they would.

    For the 3rd time of asking please reply to post 87.

    Agree completely, I bet if you did a survey in the UK of married (or unmarried) couples who have had a kid, I would guess the huge majority of the women would rather stay at home a be a full time Mum looking after the house and kids.....in fact I know a load of people back in the UK in exactly that situation, BUT they CAN NOT AFFORD to lose that 2nd income, so are forced to go back to work after maternity leave finishes.

    So chucking your new born kid at 6 months old into some creche while the Mum goes back to work for her 'independence'...I would call that utterly selfish and unfair on the kid! Different for older kids obviously.

    I reckon 80-90% of UK Mum's would much rather stay at home and look after the kid until at least a school age before thinking about getting another job.

    "the old ages?"....what, nurturing your kid in it's early years of development?

  10. We need to distinguish between the two sorts of 24 year old.....

    There is the 24 year old who works in a bar and has now been 'adopted' by the bar scene...her aim in life is to fleece as many Falang as possible and maybe one day, 'catch a good one', in the words of a bar girl. These relationships can work, I had one for 5 years, and no, I was not part time living here but with her 95% of that time....but generally they have 'luggage' having been married/kids etc. How many bar girls have ex-Thai BF's and a kid in the background somewhere? I would guess a high percentage from the bar girls I know/have known as friends.

    Then you have the 'normal' girl from a modest background, got an education, got a normal job and is looking for security, a family possibly, a trustworthy partner etc....she sees guys her own age as immature and cheat and &lt;deleted&gt; around. She then meets a Falang who is not a whoremonger, sitting at a bar in his Singha T-Shirt, getting rat-arsed...and thinks to herself why not?

    The girl in question has never dated a Falang before, never even seen a girly bar....had a Thai BF 3 years ago....oh yeah, he cheated and f..ked off! She just goes to work, comes home, sends a bit to Mom and Dad, relatively little spare time....maybe, now one can see the attraction of a relationship with an older (Falang) man and is possibly a better option than being some older Thai guys Mia Noi?

    what a load of crap this post is everything in this post is generalising and basically saying every thai man is a &lt;deleted&gt;,you obviuosly have a very low opinion of thai guys.

    Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't mean EVERY Thai man....but then again, you could ask how many Thai men have a 'bit on the side'? Maybe, if this concept was not so socially acceptable, more Thai/Thai relationships would fail more regularly?

    Also, I think the statement " stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around", applies to all ages, irrespective of the age gap?

  11. The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

    I guess you have been fleeced before? You have actually read some of the posts on here? Many posters have had successful relationships with younger girls. Remember, we are not talking about some 24 year old hooker/bar girl whose job is to fleece as many gullible falang as possible. As for unattractive, yeah whatever, I don't do mingers, never have and never will....but then again, I am relatively good looking and have a nice personality!

    Yet another example of a guy who starts a thread, purporting to get others opinions, and then getting upset when someone actually does offer an opinion. So you're only interested in positive comments, those that support your relationship? Ok then, you and your teeruk will be just fine. Age doesn't matter. Heck, you can be 80 and she's cool with that. She's not interested in your money. She prefers farangs, but you're the only farang that she knows. And she's not even interested in having a relationship with someone that she can actually communicate with. Feel better now?

    Much better, thanks!

    I started this thread partly to hear if there were ANY successful relationships with a large age gap and secondly, I thought it would be a relatively interesting topic.

    To be honest, I really could not give a monkeys what people on here think, but nice to hear that many do have successful relationships with a much younger girl.

    Of course, I realise it could all end in disaster (emotionally), but I managed to leave my previous 5 year relationship (did not marry her) relatively financially unscathed! Lol

    I do think that though, that such an age gap IS possible in this country.

    Good to hear everyone's point of view...that is the idea of a forum.

  12. We need to distinguish between the two sorts of 24 year old.....

    There is the 24 year old who works in a bar and has now been 'adopted' by the bar scene...her aim in life is to fleece as many Falang as possible and maybe one day, 'catch a good one', in the words of a bar girl. These relationships can work, I had one for 5 years, and no, I was not part time living here but with her 95% of that time....but generally they have 'luggage' having been married/kids etc. How many bar girls have ex-Thai BF's and a kid in the background somewhere? I would guess a high percentage from the bar girls I know/have known as friends.

    Then you have the 'normal' girl from a modest background, got an education, got a normal job and is looking for security, a family possibly, a trustworthy partner etc....she sees guys her own age as immature and cheat and &lt;deleted&gt; around. She then meets a Falang who is not a whoremonger, sitting at a bar in his Singha T-Shirt, getting rat-arsed...and thinks to herself why not?

    The girl in question has never dated a Falang before, never even seen a girly bar....had a Thai BF 3 years ago....oh yeah, he cheated and f..ked off! She just goes to work, comes home, sends a bit to Mom and Dad, relatively little spare time....maybe, now one can see the attraction of a relationship with an older (Falang) man and is possibly a better option than being some older Thai guys Mia Noi?

  13. The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

    I guess you have been fleeced before? You have actually read some of the posts on here? Many posters have had successful relationships with younger girls. Remember, we are not talking about some 24 year old hooker/bar girl whose job is to fleece as many gullible falang as possible. As for unattractive, yeah whatever, I don't do mingers, never have and never will....but then again, I am relatively good looking and have a nice personality!

  14. ok guys and girls, I have to share that little story

    ThaiLady, back than she was 36, now 39, good, good, good looking, smart, 70% English, older farang, from seattle,US 68, now 71, in love, 555

    Lady got in 2 1/2 years: new car Toyota pick up, scooter ( in her name ) farm and house, new build and established for organic food (in her name)

    golf lessons and complete golf outfit, purses, cloths the whole nine yards, he was in LOS 3 times three month at the time, total 9 months, they broke up, total expenses for him included travel, farm, house, car, scooter, golf and so on 4,5 million bath, but everything in her name, now she is asking me, marry her to get her a visa for US live 1/2 year in florida and 1/2 year in Thailand, or may be full time in Thailand and spend money wisely, so it will last for long time, so I asked her about the ex, the answer was " he got good 5 month out of it " I sell the farm, the car and the scooter", I said I buy car and scooter, cash in US$, she said you are my husband you give me money for all of it farm house, car and scooter, I said : ok. no problem, lots of $$$$$ buffalo, what else ? she said : I like have cottage with pool, I said: no problem 3 bdr, 2 btr, 1 bar she said, nonono 5 bdr, 4 btr, no bar, I said : next, no bar no honey or is it money

    I am not sorry about the guy who lost 150 K out of his retirement fund, I hope he will learn, everything has a price tag

    play the game, its vegas baby

    that's about age gap and love

    Yeah yeah, we have all heard this story 1000x....she was 36? Never married? No kids? Spoke 70% English? Sounds like an 'experienced' woman!

    As for the bloke....just a muppet!

  15. 1. Take it to a dealer, will be relatively cheap to repair. Sounds like kick starter spur gear worn.

    2. I would suggest the main Honda dealer 1km past Narawat bridge on the right heading out of town.

    3. My guess 1500 baht inc parts and labour.

    4. You could take to a corner shop but why take the risk?

    5. Treat yourself to a new bike, no need to get repaired beforehand just be honest when you sell it. Money well spent, if you can afford it.

    6 Yes they will take a PX but don't expect much.

    7. Sell privately.

  16. These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Firstly I am a 'young' 45 year old in body and mind and most people think I look younger....no BS. Secondly, she has spoken to her mother and father and considering she is an only child, I would think they would be even more protective. She said that they said they want her to be happy with whoever makes her happy and that age to them is immaterial! Yeah, I know, in the West it might be frowned upon but we are not in the West. Also, remember she is an independent and mature 24 year old. Personally, I don't really care what people think.....been out many times in public without any 'strange' looks from either Thai or Falang. As for getting up to all sorts.....maybe you are putting me in the same category as a 'whoremonger', which I definitely am not!

    Also, regarding dominating some young girl? Not for me! I would hate to have a relationship where one party dominates the other! Relationships should be 50/50 give and take....I have no qualms doing cooking, cleaning etc and most definitely would not want some girl running around after me while I sit in front of the TV swigging beer! Mutual respect is required from both sides. Yeah, I do see the 'poor' little girls AND wives tagging along with their other halves, in some cases looking resentful about it....not my bag! Lol

  17. "The OP says his g/f could Speak fairly good English when they met,this to me would make me a bit cautious,not saying it's impossible for a Uni girl to be able to speak good English,but just be careful."

    When I say good English, I mean just school/Uni level education English, by no means does she speak 'good' English! My ex spoke far better English but came with the issues associated with her background.

  18. get girl that makes the same amount you get a month, then atleast you can share on everything and you never get bored dating poor girls? i notice some hi-so girls takes better care of you then poor issan-girls..

    Is that the best you have got? I also notice that some Hiso girls just sit in front of a mirror or phone all day taking pics of herself! Waiting for Mr Rich Thai to take care of her! No she is not your "normal" poor Issan girl! Lives nowhere near Issan (not that there is anything wrong with an Isaan girl!) In fact, dated one a few months ago who owned her own English school worked in the UK for a few years and worked hard to get where she is today, a successful business woman earning 500k a month and employing around 10 staff, 27 years old and spoke perfect English and passionate about it...was she Hiso? Not at all!

    Doris in Issan earning 500k a month and employing 10 staff, 27 years old etc...

    Does she come from Ubon by any chance? I know a similar Doris in Ubon.

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You are correct, we are talking about the same girl!

  19. Yes well ... i detect a little love in the the air Falang 1969 ; ) - and given your track record (stated) might be things are a little different for you this time. None of us ever know - we all go 'helter skelter' ... and ain't it great. : )

    However ....

    Love shouldn't leave you financially dissolved... just broken hearted if it doesn't work out ... that should be the price and that alone - that is bad enough lol. What is on your mind here .... marriage after a few weeks ?? I don't understand where your trust issues are coming from (the usual accepted - but you don't sound like someone who 'falls for it') ... except for the fact that you must be imagining grand things. ?? Just enjoy the flourish of love and sign nothing .... not to say that you shouldn't act Gentlemanly. You'll see things as they are with time.

    Hope it's a winner for you and best.

    (excuse all typos ...tired wink.png

    Good post. My previous 5 year relationship was relatively ok....but did kind of do the 'falang' thing although I was always 'on the ball' and certainly would never 'fall for it'......far too cautious, maybe too cautious for that! Probably why I have never been married or had kids yet but always been in a relationship. Now at 45 looking to maybe settle and have a few kids and the idea of a few kids with someone who has no 'luggage' or ex-husbands with a good girl does seem quite appealing!

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