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Posts posted by Boatfreak

  1. and what about these terrorists? : http://time.com/4024122/jean-luc-kister-greenpeace-apology-rainbow-warrior-bomb/ the French government are we going to kill all the families of the minsiters?

    Spare no punishment on him if he is guilty.

    He deserves everything he gets.

    Only its not going to be enough to account for the lives of the 20 dead people.

    Terrorism is the most heinous crime I can imagine. It randomly targets innocent people.

    I think the only law that might work to combat it, is to redirect the attack back on the terrorists families.

    20 lives from the families of each of the terrorists should be forfeit. Wipe away blood lines. Terrorism is a disease and like any disease, its got to be stopped.

    That way anyone who wants to protect their families must inform on anyone they suspect. And every terrorist action has an equal and obviously unjust punishment for the terrorists.

    It sounds cruel, but no less cruel than the random people they kill.

    Interesting views you have. Partly sounds like KGB, but with these principles you could have made a great career in the Gestapo too I think!

    Just to clarify what your aim for all of this is.

    Google gives the following definition of terrorism: “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” .

    So does your statement also mean that every US soldier who killed someone in Iraq (they were there unlawfully remember) should get the equal amount of family members killed? And Netanyahu family will completely be destroyed in your view of course because of his continuing genocide of Palestinians.

    My guess is that what you mean is that it should only effect people YOU deem as terrorists. And that’s a very dangerous thought. Especially since your solution to solving YOUR terrorism sounds very fascistic to me.

    Idiots like the Ratchaprasong bombers should be punished severely, I fully agree with that, but their families? With your thought process you probably also agree that these Indian girls were sentenced to be gang-raped, because their brother had sex with a married woman.

  2. all you experts jumping in here and critisizing but not offering a solution need to <deleted>

    I am no fan of the Thail police and I find them seriously lacking in trainging and the level of corruption we all know about

    That said - I can see no way they could do much better than they are doing now, big city, swamped with tourists - seriously what would you have them do ?

    so they could have done a little more at the crime scene and I agree with that, but at the end of the day some skinny coward walked up to a popular tourist spot with a bomb in a bag- left it there and calmly walked away - wearing possibly a wig and other stuff to hide his identity supposed to be talking English, but the biggest clue to this event is the fact that nobody claimed it

    If they had accepted external help and the bomber was still not found then at least they could have shared the responsibility but worse than not finding the bomber is another police finding it.

  3. The accumulation of waste – which includes driftwood, sticks, discarded fishing nets, polysytrene and other discarded consumer plastic and waste – is the result of recent strong monsoon winds and waves that brought the rubbish from the sea, officials said .

    No it is the result of people using too many plastic bags and fisherman using filled. plastic bags as ballast for their nets.

  4. I assume you want a high quality education for your kids. Then just hiring a teacher won't cut it. A good analogy is building a house. Sure you can hire a handyman who can probably cobble something together and call it a house. A quality house however is first designed by an architect, then assesed by an engineer and subsequently many construction workers with differing skill sets build it. The same goes for any education. Designing your own curriculum can't be done unless you are an educational scientist with access to decades of research. That leaves you to pick an existing curriculum, so first do research what curriculum you'd like to follow. Then purchase that plan and teaching materials that go with it. Hire quality teachers for the different subjects to follow the chosen curriculum and you stand a chance of building that quality education you are looking for. Cost wise you'd be better of sending your kids to any international school though.

    An international school cost around 70 000 baht per month, I think that is quite a good salary for a private teacher no? If I could find another one or two pupils to share I would have quality, custom education for a lot less.

  5. I'm not at all happy about executions, but 18,000 deaths of young people due to drugs is far from good.

    It's getting close to Thailand's motorbike deaths.

    Weird because countries decriminalizing drugs such as Portugal have no problems, The Netherlands with a liberal approach to drugs are closing down their prisons. Isn'ít it weird that just all countries with a strict no drugs policy have so huge problems?




  6. Was looking at going to Indonesia next year but its becoming apparent that the country is run by a muslim fascist group that are carrying out genocide and oppression in West Papua, and using the death penalty in a political manner.Don't feel now is the time to visit. Never mind will go to Brunei instead.

    If you don't use drugs you have NO problem.

    No if you do not weld or paint in a company that is handling chemicals you have no problem. The Frenchman was not using or "doing" drugs.

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