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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Positive experiences:having to much to drink after a meal in a restaurant in karon beach many moons ago i forgot my camera and sunglasses and went back the day after and all was returned to me by the staff .

    Last year i was staying in buriram town with my now ex inlaws and bought a micrwave in home pro to warm up my youngest son milkbottles a full demonstration was given by the sales lady about said microwave and after agreement on purchase microwave was put back in the cardboard box and carried to the car by a store clerk ,never had service like that in my country.

    Going to immigration in swampy and immigration lady from the Thai pasport counter waved me over to get my passport stamped for me and my youngest son because an airplain load of russians did not fill in theyre arrival departure card.

  2. The guy's a loser all the way.

    Quite amusing that many of his sentiments about British/Western women echo those of more than a few of the more hapless TV forum members.

    Utterly ridiculous that a man should feel intimidated or emasculated by an independent woman.

    Why would anyone hunt for a woman who's dependent upon him for everything?

    Major turn off.

    So what you doing in Thailand then?
  3. HE was an utter knobhead ,they were never legally married and in the end she binned him ,i believe he eventually married another thai woman.

    No when he married her before buddha and splashing around large wads of cash she was still in a divorce battle with another brit thats why she could not get a visa for the uk and mr palmer had to find out the hard way.

    Now she is happily married to a belgian guy after milking mr palmer and her former brit lover .

    I really feel sorry for mr palmer i really do he seemed like a stand up guy who wanted to start a new life .

  4. I came here for work. Honestly I would probably have decided to go back home by now if it wasn't for one redeeming feature - how easy it is to bang girls.

    Banging a giggle.gif with ease is nothing to feel proud about. Everyone can do it.

    Free sex is much easier to find in the West.thumbsup.gif

    I agree ,just pay a joiners fee at a swingers club and you can bang everything with a heartbeat no need to travel to asia for all of that nonsense.

    And coming from a country wich is well known for its cuisine i certainly do not need Americans,Brits telling me wat good food is.

    Take away banging cheap woman most of you would not be in Thailand .

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting Debate, I don't know how one could drive past and not help someone in need of assistance. My own story,4 months into my new life here in Thailand I had the misfortune of falling asleep at the wheel of my

    pick up after a medication mix up, I collided head on into an electricity pole at about 100kph breaking both my legs and putting my head 3/4 of the way through the windscreen. I awoke seconds before impact and remained

    conscious after the accident,within seconds there was a Thai man trying to open the door,when he couldn't he smashed the passenger window and with the assistance of another Thai male pulled me from the vehicle fearing

    the power lines may fall on the car.They put a blanket around me and called EMS who were on the scene within 10 minutes and an ambulance shortly after. Very caring people with no agenda other than to make sure i was

    safe,one of them even retrieved my phone from the car so i could call my GF and my family in Australia.

    I am truly grateful for the help i recieved and would certainly have no hesitation in reciprocating and have in fact helped a drunken old Thai man who went arse up in the middle of the road off his motor bike,took his keys away

    and waited until other Thais arrived to make sure he was ok.

    Not help another human being? Who are you people? I have lived here 4 years now and have encountered many different types of help from Thai people with no hidden agenda

    Because of my work i have to do first aid refresher courses every few years and under no circumstances would i ever pull a person out of a car wreck myself leave that to the people who know what theyre doing because if you dont know what youre doing you will do more harm then good neck and spinal injury internal damage come to mind .This is wat proffesional paramedics taught me on said courses.

    The good samaritan law does not excist in Thailand so in this case the person offering asistance could be held accountable if things go wrong.

    • Like 1
  6. I have learned that grown up men after a life of hard work in the west who retire to Thailand have finally found out how to wipe/spray their bum without mommys help after a dump,already 3 topics running about this.

    Life in Thailand must really be boring for some people,and apparently for some posters civilizations have been built and destroyed because of toiletpaper <deleted>..

    • Like 2
  7. So why are you complaining about this on this website ,AD has a website where people can ask questions and post comments about his articles he posts online about certain people and organisitions .

    AD seems to be dodging shit in this case, perhaps he is a little embarrassed for screwing it up....if he did.

    Problem is that we have the he said they said accusations and only the real culprits know exactly what went on and the why and how.

    But with AD's dodging it does certainly lean it towards TGM.

    TGM raises circa $80k a year.

    SISHA gets around $800k a year from one person if I read it correctly.

    TGM pays for everything themselves, SISHA is funded and look what is happening with the SISHA implosion.

    Did TGM screw up one time, perhaps, but how bad in reality and did they even in fact?

    Problem with TGM is that they were trying to do too much with too little. All this self funding and everyone paying their own way is admirable, but look where it got them, a burnt out and broke, defeated leader.

    Best to pay people to do a job and get on with it, raise more funds and get more done at the end of the day and still be around to carry on with the tasks you want to carry out.

    who are you drew noyes perhaps?ad has been banned from this site several times because some of the people he has written stuff about and has won many courtcases against are sponsers of this website so ad can not come on here and give his opinion .
  8. I find the A Drummond info. to be a far more reliable resource than oh I don't know random blog post 74, in fact I would rate a Drummond as a highly credible reporter, whereas I would rate link to post on random blog as .....

    I guess this is not a phd

    I actually knew nothing about any of this before reading the link. I don't know any of the people or any of the organizations mentioned. My unbiased take is that "Tony Ryan" seems a lot more credible than "A Drummond". A Drumond seems to be deflecting and obscuring points and questions put forth by Tony Ryan rather than answering and discussing from his point of view.

    I am a bit puzzled by Tony Ryan's intimate knowledge and access to the contents of e-mail sent and received by John Curtis but other than that his arguments are clearly the winner and as A Drummond is a professional writer I would think that if he had the truth on his side he should be able to easily write a convincing rebuttal. A Drummond has completely failed to refute Tony Ryan's case.

    I wonder if you even read the exchange or if you have some agenda in this saga.

    Yes, second this. I've read it all too and having had no previous knowledge of any of it, taking the exchange at face value, only the Grey Man people come out with any credibility. A lot of credibility in fact. Evil happens when good people do nothing and I really hope the Grey Man organisation continues its brave work.

    I must say that the activities of another organisation mentioned in the exchange appear very shifty. It's all very unpleasant and as always money and greed appear to be the source of the problem.

    Why not ask andrew drummond himself apparently the man is ferboten himself on this website , and i kind of like hes words about funny foreigners running dodgy kind of companys.the lawsuits he has won lately speak for themselfes.
  9. Every day i look at stockmarket tv programmes with al kinds of specialists and some of them have written books on how to invest and make money,not one of them has ever mentioned Thailand in their writings and sayings........

  10. If they are eating traditional Thai food than they eat a balance diet.

    It's the pudgy little fat boys and girls that are gobbling up the corporate-mass-made, GMO, highly-processed junk food that Westerners live on. Heck, I lost 6 kilos the first year I was here by just changing my diet to Thai food.

    Trust me -- its a no-brainer!

    Older Thai people have health problems because of not enough calcium in theyre diet and also a high rate of cancers nasty pesticides maybe.

    Most of the older woman in my ex-wifes village are overweight and they dont eat mickey d on a daily basis,but local food wich contains bucketloads of sugar and other complex carbohydrates.

  11. I am quite shocked by the animosity towards this character by the people that chose to live in Thailand and not back home for among many reasons that the place is liberal and nobody openly judges you, when I think about my time living and working in Pattaya I remember old men holding hands with very young looking boys/girls(not underage) and it being accepted, men wearing dresses and make up whilst on their way to becoming ladies and again that being part of the norm, the country and the attitude of the local people is that if nobody is harming or directly affecting them then crack on and do what you want you will not be judged.... even before I experienced the place I will admit I was homophobic for the immature reasons etc, through living and working in Pattaya and seeing people happy to be what they are I came to accept them for what they are.....

    now this person is obviously large as life and looks very menacing with his facial tattoo's and steroid usage, the business he was involved in as he says is open for abuse.... people that owe you money personally all like to try and take advantage of you at times...if you've never had someone you trust and lent money to avoid you and try any trick they can to not pay you when they said they would then you've led a very charmed life...I have and these same people have been standing in a bar with a drink in their hands with that look on their faces like I am the bastard for asking for my money and just like what he says they always have a sob story.... the loan shark business anywhere will put the frighteners on those non payers however they can, there is a culture of have now and not want to pay later...that's just a fact of life!

    So even though I haven't decided to join the Sharky fan club there's no way I despise the man or even fear him.... I won't be going to him or his company as I don't really like to borrow money that I cannot afford to pay back...

    This man could have earned his money in much worse ways....like stealing off of old people like I see in the papers every now and then as an example...

    Food for thought whistling.gif

    Wel he did steal of old people at 200% and more rates and even the blind so whats youre point .
  12. Well after reading al of the my house got flooded posts some people came to realise that Thailand has had problems with floods for century's thats why many old houses in rural Thailand are built on stilts .

    Apparently buying a parcel of cheap land from noi or toys family in nakhon somewhere and building that million dollar retirement villa has left a sour taste in their mouth and bank account.

    So much for climate change.But according to some people its al a certain politicians fault ........

    Huh? You must be drunk, or high, or something. You basically said because some people got flooded out because they didn't build their houses on stilts, means climate change doesn't exist.

    Did I get that right? Huh???

    No i basically said no such thing about stilts.Its like people building houses next to airports and complaining about the noise,are you thick or something.
  13. Well after reading al of the my house got flooded posts some people came to realise that Thailand has had problems with floods for century's thats why many old houses in rural Thailand are built on stilts .

    Apparently buying a parcel of cheap land from noi or toys family in nakhon somewhere and building that million dollar retirement villa has left a sour taste in their mouth and bank account.

    So much for climate change.But according to some people its al a certain politicians fault ........

  14. Will the true thai apologist make ITself heard please !

    Civil thread with no bashing, just an eyeopener for many.

    Topic well chosen Theblether.

    There are people who talk bad about foreigners in any country in the world. The civilized and educated 1s, whether through life experience or working with people from different cultures, know how to stand above insinuating terms referred to others anywhere in the world.

    Knowledge of, to some extend ,thai language and culture is the key here.

    Most of the biggest moguls of industry in my home country who own 60% of the wealth in my country are highly educated and are some of the biggest sponsors of right wing party's and would love to see the back of certain kinds of immigrants but love the neo liberal European union so they would have acces to cheap labour from former eastern blok country's ,and as i understand it it's no different in youre good old Holland.
  15. Wasn't Tim gunna be helping the BiB track down kiddy fiddlers ?

    a fortnight ago, Thai police formally approached him, as a respected local identity, to help them track paedophiles who prey on the town's children.



    So whats the point ?A foreigner was caught in the act by another foreigner a while ago and released on bail by the local plod and he fled the country.And apparently all local English toilet rags kept stumm about this case.

    So why would they the need service of this upstanding creature ,would they give him a yellow hummer?After his former convictions he shouldn't even be allowed to enter Thailand.

  16. @GirlDrinkDrunk, I dont think of bar owners in anything even vaguely resembling a 'nice guy' light, but then I dont think of *anyone* who makes a living selling alcohol as a saint - at the very least, it means contributing to a myriad of health issues and domestic dramas. The fact that bar owners in Thailand accept a fee for ladydrinks and barfines in the Farang bars in Thailand simply reflects the reality that anyone who doesnt have a bar 'stocked' with attractive women is unlikely to get a whole lot of business unless they have something else to offer. In Bangkok bars, that might well be the standard of food available to patrons, but building yet-another-Irish-pub looks like a recipe for insolvency to me. Every attractive staff member that leaves the bar is one less to entice other punters into your bar - that's just the way it is.

    Go to one of the freelancer bars in Cambo and it's clear that the bar owners completely understand the importance of having 'available' women in his bar, even if some of his customers have zero interest in their services and he isn't being paid each time one of the girls leaves the bar. Similarly, bars on Jalan P Ramlee in KL make an extortionate amount of money charging an arm and a leg for drinks yet still have the cheek to charge Thai and Fili working girls cover charge if they don't get their butts into the bar by the time they set the cash register up out the front. I don't know what it costs to buy into one of those bars (millions of Ringgit would be my guess..) but from the outside they look like a licence to print money, barring any future crackdown from the religious right. An endless stream of attractive girls from countries outside Malaysia and absolutely no legal liability for having them parked in your bar, night after night - worst case, they get deported and your bar reverts to being just another late-night watering hole. Similarly, many of the 5-star hotels in Jakarta seem to have no problem with their bars doubling as a workplace for Ayam - technically, I see that as profiting from prostitution.

    When you look at the way others make (serious) money from the girls, Shark's efforts seem pretty pathetic by comparison.

    (Edit: none of this is an endorsement for bars that simply operate as a haven for freelancers, but if I had the option of investing part of my retirement savings in one of those KL bars it would be very hard to resist, assuming said offer was genuine and I could function as a completely 'silent' partner.)

    that was my point, to decry this guy for pimping ignores the myriad pimps out there making money off sex workers.

    as i said, it would seem morality is a movable feast, though hypocrisy would be a more accurate term.

    Perhaps its the tats that offend.

    anyways i am more interested in the shills on this thread driving people to the "sharks" website.

    this is self promotion pure and simple and the louder the objection the better the exposure.

    say what you will, the man aint stupid

    Maybe some of the things he says and does online could also attract unwanted attention and could come back in his face.
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  17. Because the average Thai man walks around with his head up his Axx. The rich look down on the poor and the poor just wei and accept it. How can anyone really have respect for that. Then just look at the stupid ignorant rantings of so many Hi-So male officials, so immature and childlike.

    So your opinion is based solely on your opinion! "How can anyone have respect for that" not perceived discrimination against Farang's?


    I think what he really meant was the average Thai will live his life his own way not the way oldsilor35 knows they should.

    In my opinion there is a lot of posters who just don't give a darn about Thai culture. For them it is my way or the highway but I will stay in your country because it is cheap and there are lots of women, drugs and alcohol easy to get.

    These posters in no way represent the majority of ex pats or over stayers.

    Work related that is a different story. If all they are doing is teaching English there has to be a lot of other things holding them here as most English teachers don't make that much. Many of them have to take on students for tutoring. For business owners there must be more to it than just the money or they could have stayed in there own country and started a business there.

    Hellodolly after reading all the crap you and others post in the news section every day you and your'e friends might be very lucky no Thai politicians or other people of power and importance in Thailand never reads some of the comments on the news section of this website,ever read about libel and defamation laws in Thailand .
  18. What are you so upset about anyway? Welcome to the real world. Those working girls in Pattaya need protection of course. Imaging all those fuc_ked up drunken and stupid Farangs. And Sharkey seems to be a nice guy. Big muscles, tattoes. Just the right kind of guy to protect the girls.

    What about the people he abused who did not pay back theyre loans to him on time who protected them?

    And do the woman know that pics of them showing theyre fanny are posted online by him?One can only imagine a kid in isaan going to the local internet cafe finding pics of mum online ,he prays on the weak.

    Maybe you can put some pics online of his victims in oz.That crap feeding street dogs and buying weelchairs dont cut it .Many people have done or still do alot of charity work in Thailand without the help from clowns like him.

  19. How sad to see an Old Age Pensioner acting like this. Low self-esteem to the max!

    It really makes me laugh seeing pensioners acting tough and getting in fights.

    All it will take is one person, to send the link to the department of labour or immigration in Pattaya and he's out the country.

    Surprised no bar prostitute has stolen his gold yet.

    Question is why after stabbing a guy is he still allowed to travel in and out of the country?whas there a courtcase after he was out on bail and what is whas the outcome of this.
  20. Living the dream.

    Looks like a nightmare...

    Yes, Ferraris, Lambourghinis, endless women at your beck and call, luxury penthouse condos in Thailand and Australia, never has to work again.

    99% of farangs would jump at having what he has.

    So why do Thai prostitutes in Pataya have to pay him 500 baht for his so called services if he is so loaded as he says?

    Hardly will pay the maintenance bills for the lambo will it?Real pro's would keep it low profile dont you think.

  21. Well I'm sure you know the reasons and there are many, one being that the British people are

    probably too tolerant of others, they are scared to be labeled racialist etc, not so the Thai's.

    Personally I think the Thai requirements are far to restricted for prospective immigrants, while the UK is to easy going (unless you are a Brit with returning foreign wife)it would be nice if both countries could take a leaf out of each others book. Will it happen, not in OUR lifetime.

    No, there's a far easier explanation than that.

    It's because the British government handed over it's boarder controls to the EEC.

    Sorry that is not correct Thais on a schengen tourist visa can not enter the UK .
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