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Posts posted by Thaiquila

  1. In theory it looks very simple i can view my bill on line..........but................whenever i try to pay with my credit card it sticks on the payment page and wont go through. I have tried about 4 cards result is allways the same. So my experince with it has not been very good maybe you will have more luck!

    Knowing TOT, I doubt it!

    But thanks for the info.

  2. The decisions they make over the next while could strengthen Thailand's fragile democracy or it could spiral the country into a civil war or military coupe.

    Civil war? A bloodless military coup, highly possible, some street violence and deaths, also possible, but a civil war? That seems very, very remote. Coups unfortunately are nothing new to modern Thailand. It will be very sad if it comes to that, but don't see any rationale to think a civil war is imminent.

  3. I know for a fact they get plenty of business. Actually, I think the name and decor works really well for them to draw customers. What the customers find there is a different story. Like I said, I thought the work was fine, but if I had a serious problem, I personally would go to a more serious place. Again, not really related to the name. They just seem to be more focussed on doing a large volume of minor work, easy crowns, fillings, cleanings, whitenings.

    I don't like to hear what to me appears to be a decent, ethical, competent business be attacked in an unbalanced way. On the other hand, it would be interesting to hear the legel result of the complaintants case.

    The Dental Cafe would indeed be the Mental Cafe is they changed such a winning name.

    Just one question then.

    If you are standing outside two bars next to each other ones called the

    The wicked Nuns and the other is called the Flying Bottle.

    Which one would you go in ?

    I think the name does matter what ever your business.

    And how would you know if a business is doing well or not.

    I can only assume you have more information than just a customer.

    Why would that be?

    Have a nice day. :o

    I would most definitely go in the Wicked Nuns (great name, do they strip?). Others would go in the Flying Bottle. Yes, a different name will attract different clientele.

    I have been to the Cafe enough times to notice a steady stream of custom, at least in high season. Haven't perused their accounting books, and don't care to.

  4. I just noticed that TOT offers online bill pay.

    Anyone using it?

    Does it work OK?

    How do they accept payment online? I am assuming they take credit cards, but are there alternative ways like direct from bank account and/or paypal?

    BTW: I know they supposedly offer an automatic direct from your bank option. I tried this once, and after dealing with all the paperwork at TOT and my Thai bank, and several months of being told it would take effect "sometime" after serveral months, and never did, I just gave up on that option. Oh well ...

  5. For Americans in Thailand or moving to Thailand, I am guessing many just cancel their US auto insurance policy for obvious reasons.

    However, there are some consequences to that. First, if you ever move back to the US, the insurance companies will rate you as a person without insurance, so it might be like you are 16 again with your first car, in other words, obscenely high rates. Secondly, how do you deal with insurance when you are back in the US on visits? Well, of course, you could buy the overpriced rental company plans.

    This blog from Buenos Aires mentions that USAA offers an incredible deal for their members! 5 dollars a year solved the problems above! However, membership is only open to Americans with military connections.



    So, now I wonder, does anyone know of another company offering such an expat auto plan similar to USAA for "regular" Americans?

  6. Can someone enlighten me on the general expected steps required and hassle level to get DSL hooked up in Pattaya with a TOT line.

    For example,

    do they require to see an O visa to sign you up, or will they take anybody?

    do they sell or offer a recommended router on sign up, or is it strictly up to you? Modem?

    is ther a requirement for a human to actually visit and do something physical, or do they just switch it on?

    what is the software, setup situation like, and what are some typical issues?

    how many days from requesting the service to actually having it work should be expected?

    is there English language phone support when there is a problem?


    (OK, maybe this belongs in the Pattaya forum, maybe not.)

  7. They really don't appear to be great businesses. Of course , you can charge more if in a prime location, but then the rent will be higher anyway. Lots of cafes offer premium overpriced services like printing and international phone calls, so that could help.

    Overall, I really don't see the appeal of that sort of operation in Thailand. The prices are just too low and the competition keeping the prices low is too great.

  8. Thanks for that picture of the Washington Monument with the fireworks!

    It really brought back some great memories. I was there on July 4, 1976 for the bicentennial celebration. Best ###### fireworks show ever, and never felt so patriotic. Something about the shape of that statue ... ???

  9. Two things seem to be in play to limit the total free speech on this board.

    One is commercial realities. TV has paid adverts and doesn't want to offend these entities to the point they would stop buying.

    Two is Thai government censorship issues. If the topics go too far in violation of Thai sensibilities, it runs the threat of becoming a banned site. There is so much great and useful content on this site, that for better or worse, a middle ground does need to be accepted, for it would a great loss for thousands of people to have the site threatened (and probably also really bad for the commercial aspect).

    So, no it realistically can't be total free speech here. Oh well.

  10. I know for a fact they get plenty of business. Actually, I think the name and decor works really well for them to draw customers. What the customers find there is a different story. Like I said, I thought the work was fine, but if I had a serious problem, I personally would go to a more serious place. Again, not really related to the name. They just seem to be more focussed on doing a large volume of minor work, easy crowns, fillings, cleanings, whitenings.

    I don't like to hear what to me appears to be a decent, ethical, competent business be attacked in an unbalanced way. On the other hand, it would be interesting to hear the legel result of the complaintants case.

    The Dental Cafe would indeed be the Mental Cafe is they changed such a winning name.

  11. I also had a problem with signing up online for an existing account. It didn't work. The problem at the time had to do with the format of the Thai ID card; I tried to enter my passport number instead, which might have been possible, but I did it the wrong way (no help on the system).

    Visiting the branch (Jomtien) cleared it up in no time.

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