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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. No way, have a look at the mess in western countries. At least by progressing slower, Thailand with the right leader and government, could have a closer look at the rest of the world and learn from their mistakes. They could take the best ideas from around the globe and implement them all here in one country. Some countries such as Australia could have done the same, being a relatively new country but they didn't. They choice to follow the rest of the world's mistakes and repeat them. I think under the right government and leadership Thailand could do quite well on it's own without any colonisation from the west.

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  2. Answering questions does not teach people to drive a car. Practical lessons with an extensive practical driving test is what is needed. When I did my Thai licence nearly everyone passed, even the lady who crashed the car trying to do a reverse park on the course. This is the problem, not the number of questions.

  3. I don't think the bars pay their girls if they don't work. Saying that they are opening early so get in 4 to 5 hours before the curfew.

    Unless things have changed which i doubt, They do not pay the girls at all and fine them if they do not turn

    up for their unpaid job, share of bar fines and lady drinks among other things is how they make their money thumbsup.gif

    Not true. Fines and quotas only apply if they get a daily, or monthly salary.

    If you weren't getting paid, would you pay a fine?

    Just common sense innit?

    You are correct in the fact they don't get paid if they don't turn up. However if they can't work due to forced closure, you still have to pay them by law. One of my businesses is a bar and I have spoken with my lawyer about this situation and yes if the staff turn up, you still have to pay them for the entire shift because they have forced you to close after a couple of hours due to ruling in place. It is not that the staff don't turn up, it's that they can turn up but are unable to work due to the curfew. Bar fines and lady drinks are totally different from salary and yes the girls get this each day. However if the bar is only open for a short time, the chances of this are reduced incredibly. To resolve this problem I have them working in the afternoon in another business and then head over to the bar around 6pm. But not all people can do this and I know of some people either not opening at all or if they do, they arn't making the revenue to pay the staff.

  4. If you have a ATM card,,,,,Withdraw all your funds and open a new account with an other bank. worked fine for me when I had problems with my ex Bank in LOS (land of suffer) thumbsup.gif

    Withdraw all my funds??????????????? -------- I am only allowed 20,000 a day with my ATM card------- I would be going back and forth forever.Why not just go into the SCB where your a/c is and tell them to give you all YOUR MONEY and close the a/c----DONE Much more satisfying too.

    You will find that you can withdraw 20,000 at a time, put the card back in and withdraw again. I can withdraw 100,000 per day no problem. Never asked for a limit to be lifted. With Bangkok Bank. You can also reset your online banking password at the atm machine if you have forgotten it.

  5. We are far from the political circus of Bangkok although a nationwide curfew means exactly that. They have put forward the concern about the decline in tourists because of it, but they haven't mentioned the concern for people not getting paid. As a businesses owner, I can see other problems arising. I have a few so it's doesn't affect me too much, but what about others. Some businesses are only open at night or make most revenue at night. Places such as restaurants, bars, clubs, shows etc. If these businesses have to close early or not open at all, how do they make revenue to pay staff, rent, get key money back and pay bills? This will trickle down to the staff, if the business can't pay staff, then the staff have no money to live, get children to school, buy food or clothes and pay bills. I am still paying my staff, because I can andI can use them in other areas/businesses. However, those businesses that can't, how many people do you think will have no money next month? I can understand the reasons for the curfew, but this really needs to be relaxed otherwise there is going to be a lot of desperate people out there. I wouldn't be surprised if the businesses don't seek compensation for loss of revenue.

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  6. Sounds like you need to change your eating habits. I would be interested to find out what weight are you and what is your condition? A portion size should be the size of your fist and if you eat 6 of these meals a day that is more than enough. Anymore and you are over eating. It would be also interesting to know what your diet is like. You say you like to eat a big bowl of rice (serves 5-6 people) for yourself for one meal..... wow. I have been into fitness my entire life have competed in bodybuilding comps and have many friends still competing. These guys are big, fit and ripped and they wouldn't even eat that in one meal. Also the mind plays tricks on you. I remember reading a study a few years ago on plate sizes as oppose to quantity. They put the same amount of food on 2 different plate sizes. When the food was served on the larger plate, it didn't look like there was enough and some said they were still hungry. When they served the food on the smaller plate, some couldn't eat it all cause they said it was too much. Just because it doesn't look like there is enough, quiet often it is more than enough.

  7. You don't need to ask her as it may seem insulting and what if your wrong? Ask to have a look at her Thai ID card, you may do this by pretending to simply compare from your country to hers. The name on the ID is her legal name. If she was a man, she cannot change the Mr/Miss part from a man to a lady. So even if she was a man before, and now had all the surgery so there was no tell tale signs, the ID card will tell you the truth.

  8. You don't need to ask her as it may seem insulting and what if your wrong? Ask to have a look at her Thai ID card, you may do this by pretending to simply compare from your country to hers. The name on the ID is her legal name. If she was a man, she cannot change the Mr/Miss part from a man to a lady. So even if she was a man before, and now had all the surgery so there was no tell tale signs, the ID card will tell you the truth.

  9. too many holidays already..i want my school fees reduced please

    There are 180-185 teaching days in the school year here........same as Canada, UK, USA, Australia, etc.

    And to add to this, the school day is actually longer here than in those countries. For example Australia 8.30 - 3.00 with some schools being 9.00 - 3.00 depending on school and location. My daughter's school here in Thailand 8.00 - 4.00 with extra tuition if wanted from 4.00 - 5.00.

  10. Does that mean school for the little kids too? Mine are just having their breakfast and I would like to know if they are going to school today, or we have to make new plans. What about working parent's do they need to stay home today with their kids?

    All academic institutions, both public and private, means just that.

  11. Thats right. . Not everyone is here for the culture. Me being one. Let's hope they get their shit together before the whole place falls apart.

    Do you really think that the whole place will fall apart because a few places in this huge country will no longer cater for beer swilling men who sit in seedy knocking shops and seem obsessed with prostitutes? There is nothing pleasant about these bars, they exploit women .

    If Thailand could rid itself of the image of GoGo bars, beer bars and the hideous punters that go with them, it would be a good thing.

    Sorry. Rant over

    Actually yeah it will fall apart, because many tourists come to the tourist spots to party and a nightlife. If the bars and nightly entertainment go down this is what it will mean:

    Tourists will go to other places to party and have a good time, less tourists mean less money being passed through the hands of all businesses, hotels, restaurants, travel agents, tour groups, and retail will all suffer. If these businesses suffer, then they will start laying people off. This will mean thousands if not 100's of thousands of people without work. No work, no money which means no food or means to live. Unfortunately, it's the tourists that really drive a big part of the Thai economy and if they disappear, so will the money and the economy. So is this really a good thing? Big companies such as Toyota and Honda have already expressed concerns that if it goes this way, they will consider pulling out of Thailand and this is just the start.

    You are wrong, I would suggest that the vast majority of tourists do not sit in glorified knocking shops.

    There is no reason to have plenty of clubs / bars / restaurants etc where you can party and have a good time, and attract a more wealthy tourist.

    I have no illusion about prostition in any major city across the world, but personally I find places where you pick a human being by a number to satisfy your selfish sexual urged demeaning.

    If all these places were closed down, Thailand would be a better place.

    Ok close them down and see what happens. I can guarantee the tourist numbers will decline.

  12. Simply summons them all, put them all in the same building once in secure the building and demolish it with them inside. Thailand's political problems solved in one swift move with a clear message sent. All leaders gone and new government can be elected and reforms can be implemented. as harsh as it sounds a clear message should be sent to both sides, if you screw the country or abuse your position and power, you will be shot no questions asked. But seriously, what is actually needed is more parties formed so it's not just the red and yellow supporters, give the people more choice, that will divide the groups. Then have those that are educated maybe in economics lead each party. They should be evaluated on their knowledge and given a pyschometric test before being allowed to stand for election. That would stop people like the current leaders from standing, cause they clearly have no idea at all.

  13. The WAY to go around the Curfew-- is a CURFEW Party... meaning the Bar closes the Doors at 11-- those who want to remain in the bar till 5 am... Wil be treated to the Curfew Party... This is going down in Patpong Soi 2 tonight-- You can find the place.. Always a way to party... even during Curfew times!

    But your not allowed a gathering of 5 or more, so I guess a party of 4 will be a party no more.

  14. Joking right.

    More than 500 people still at yellow protest site right now.

    That's because Thai people have a thing for laws or rules - they don't like to follow them!

    I asked some friends about the curfew - no idea - most told me when they saw uniforms on TV they switched off!

    They communicate via social media And don't care what the army says!

    Social Media will probably be next on the list of closures if the internet goes down Im off to cambodia for a holiday until it comes back on

    If the Internet is taken down, so is the economy.

    The economy is already suffering because they have taken too long to sort their sh$t out. The problem is the politicians are to stupid to sort out their own issues let alone that of a country, they are all as useless as each other. About time something happened, it should have happened months ago. With everything closing at 10pm, I guess that can kiss tourism goodbye, because nobody can enjoy a night out while on holiday. It will also mean no customers for businesses, so if a business can't make money, they can't pay staff. If they can't pay staff, staff have no money to live which causes more problems. Unfortunately, I refuse to pay staff if I cant open, why should I fork out of my pocket because those pricks in Bangkok can't get their stuff in order. One question though, if they want people to stay home after 10pm, why stop TV? Wouldn't you want to give them something to do at home, so they can stay inside?

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  15. No way is this Thai woman telling any truth, living with Monks, no sex for 7 years..... please.

    First of all he use to go to her for massage, like most females in massage she would have been giving him more than just a massage. Most of the Thai girls I know in massage are told by their bosses that they have to ask the customer (if male) for extra. The female customers on the other hand, simply get a nice normal massage, while their boyfriends and husbands are in the next room having a party.

    If your husband was this stupid enough to fall for this woman's story and then cheat on you, you should be happy to see the back of him. I dare say that once he realises he has nothing left, he will come crawling back. As for the assets, this might be a question for 'ask the lawyer'. I know in some situations, anything that has been transferred within 5 years can be reversed. At least this is the case in other countries in order to stop people moving assets to prevent payment.

  16. I think what you are offering is more than reasonable. What I don't understand is how she can kick you out of your company. Did you not set this up properly? I'm just curious because if you had set it up the following way, she couldn't do anything:

    Shares - 49% you, 49% her and 2% for the third = 100%

    Types of shares - you ordinary shares 1 share = 1 vote, her and the other preference shares 10 shares = 1 vote.

    Now if you had a 2,000,000 baht company with 20,000 shares, each share being worth 100 baht, then the shares and voting rights would be split as follows

    You 9800 shares = 9800 votes

    Her 9800 shares = 980 votes

    Other 400 shares = 40 votes

    Even though you only have 49% of the company, you maintain full control. Even if they got together and it went to a vote (all major decisions need to go to a company vote), they would only have 1020 votes against your 9800. If your lawyer set it up like this, then you need to kick her out and take back YOUR company. If they didn't, you need to make sure they do with the next company. Then you can transfer her shares to another person (Thai) under the same structure. This way you are still employed and can look after and support your family.

  17. you have misunderstood the 'çrackdown'.

    If you have a visa you will have no problem going to the border - it is the visa not required, 30 days at a time, that this is aimed at.

    I have not misunderstood it. I know that it is aimed for the "visa exceptions" (=people entering the country without visa). When I heard these crackdown news, I wasn't worried a bit. Anyhow, there are few threads in which this issue is discussed - at least few people have had problems at immigration even they had a tourist visa. Maybe these are just exceptions, or maybe there was something suspicious with these guys, I don't know. Or maybe the problem is that they have had many tourist visas (=basically they are living in Thailand without a proper visa). I think we are living interesting times...

    You have misunderstood it. The crackdown is to stop people constantly using "TOURIST" visas as a means of staying here or working illegally. They want people to have the correct visa for their purpose. You have the correct visa based on family, but if you are married to a Thai as stated, and looking after your baby, then you should be on a marriage visa. Apparently, you can transfer your non-o to a marriage providing you have all the paperwork in order. Bottom line is make sure you have the correct visa and you will be fine.

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  18. This business owner has been given the wrong information. “After working here for a while, I can now afford to pay the two million baht to have my business registered and apply for a proper work permit,” she said. You don't need to pay 2 million baht, you have to show a 2 million baht investment which can include the key money paid, cost of furnishings, setup costs etc etc.

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