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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. A lot of people talking about contractors and suncontractors in these posts.  Everyone should know, there are no "Qualified" or properly trained builders, contractors, subcontractors in Thailand.  You only need to look around at the finish quality of any work done to know this.  As a builder and tradesman, I can tell you, when I get work done, I stand right next to them until they have finished, to ensure it is done correctly. Sometimes even having to show and explain to them. If it's not done properly, or not cleaned up and any unfinished work left in a safe way, there is no payment until it is.  The only way to have them do things right, is to teach them.

  2. Will be a good change.  They need to do that in all tourist places.  Every year we travel back to the home village, dancing in the streets, respectfully pouring water over everyone and wiping powder on the face, concert at night etc etc.  Always a great time.  In all the years in Thailand, I have only done 1 Songkran in Phuket (Patong), it was not Songkran, it was a massacre.  Sorry but shooting people in the face with high powdered water guns is not how it is meant to be and certainly not fun at all. (Good way to get a punch in the face). I hope they make the change everywhere, and get people to celebrate it in a more appropriate way...... easy to do really, just ban the sale of water guns or have areas where the dickheads can use them away from where everyone else celebrates.  Tourists coming here need to learn and appreciate that is not merely a watergun battle.   

  3. Apichai Kroppetch, have you ever been out at night?  If you think sex is not sold on every corner, bar, disco then you are walking blind.  You and you men will never be able to clean Pattaya up, the problem (for some) is rampant.  Then when you do/if you stop the sale of sex and close all the businesses, do you have jobs for the thousands of people that will be without work?  Can you support their families?   

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  4. He had already started to turn left and the motorbike still tried to pass.  Typical of Thai's and their driving behaviour.  Suck sh$t to the motorbike rider, maybe they will think twice next time before trying to undertake a turning vehicle.  


    I had one only 20 min ago.  I was on the bike, I indicated to turn right across the road into the front of a shop.  I had stopped to give way to a car coming the other way and then proceeded to cross the lane when a young Thai <deleted> wanted to overtake me nearly causing himself to crash.  Gave him a nice finger and told to go <deleted>$k himself. If he had of crashed I would have laughed and kept going, no shits given.  

  5. 16 hours ago, Canceraid said:

    I hope that they lock up the farang for a very long time please. I simply despise foreigners who ride bikes in thailand. Its already bad enough with the thai bike riders but these foreigners are like on a suicide mission. And worst when they kill others.

    So how do you get around?  I have both a car and and bike, but it's impossible to park a car in most areas as there is no places to park.  Therefore, the bike is used for short trips?  I guess you are one of the dickheads who parks your car in the middle of the road blocking traffic?  I despise those <deleted> more than the bike riders.

  6. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:


    A better and tighter border control with true and honest soldiers, a  strong campaign

    to eradicate the manufacturing source, death penalties for real for traffickers, financiers

    and heads of organizations that import, transport and distribute those drugs

    and you just might be on the road to minimize the problems....

    Border control is only good if they use the checkpoints to enter and leave.  Many other ways to cross the border of countries.  Then there is technology such as drones which can be used to fly and transport product across borders too.  

  7. Gov Chockchai said, “We want drivers to change their driving habits and reduce the amount of drivers who break traffic laws. This is especially the case when it comes to motorcycle riders not wearing helmets. We want to make Phuket 100% helmet wearing.


    What about all the other road rules they break?  The police need to actually get out and start patrolling the streets and pulling people over.  Cameras are great but you still need a strong police presence and an active police force enforcing the rules.  


    As for fines not being paid.  Confiscate the car or bike and impound it until the fine is paid.  If the fine is not paid within 3 months, sell it or destroy it.  Very easy to change the way people think when you take something from them.

  8. So gyrating and having fun online could fall into 14 (4) of the criminal code relating to obscene acts, resulting in 5 year prison.  However, collecting corruption money and not doing your job by protecting and serving the community is ok and will only get you an inactive transfer.  Makes sense.  Maybe, they need to focus their time on the problems right in front of their faces like dangerous driving, enforcing road rules and educating the youth.

  9. 10 hours ago, elliss said:


     That is what the stupid  farlangs , likes to hear , from his  err,,   thai lady .

      You bigger more ,  ego  massage , etc .  They  play us better than Straus can play a  Violin .

    They "play" you better for sure.  Now, the is the typical story, but it does not represent all Thai men, but there are a great deal like this.  Get their girl pregnant and then leave, don't give any money to support their child.  The girl goes to work doing things she doesn't want to do just to make money for the family, while the  lazy Thai guy sits at home drinking with his friends, sleeping with his GIK or playing with his motorbike.  Yep, I hear the same story 1000's of times.  Sure they "play" you very well.  Many reasons why Thai ladies want "Farang" boyfriend and not Thai anymore, not just because we have bigger dicks and <deleted> better.

  10. 1 hour ago, jenifer d said:

    i have been with a dozen or so Thai men in my 7 1/2 years here (i'm still single, so yes i can and do date whomever i wish), and ALL were at least (worldwide standard of 5 1/2 inches or so) normal size, and most were 8-10" erect

    I call bullshit.  Sorry.... I've been with 100's if not close to a 1000 Thai girls over many years of being here and I have never ever had a Thai girl tell me that any Thai male they have been with has been what you are describing.  You may have been lucky.  A picture next to a ruler or measuring tape would prove me wrong.  Now my wife, says it hurts cause I'm too big for her.  I'm willing to post if you are :laugh::cheesy:

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