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Kru Baa

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Posts posted by Kru Baa

  1. I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

    I suppose that if posters are within the TVF guidelines and not in breach of any of the current laws/articles there should be no cause for concern.

    However, self-censoring and being bullied into silence only empowers tyrants.

    I doubt anyone in or working for the Junta can speak enough English to read these post. They could hire some foreigners to translate it for them, as I'm sure there are plenty of ratt basterd kiss ass snithches that would love to get some of us in trouble on here to transalte, but that would be like a loss of face for most Thais. Just look at all the street signs. It was some government officials job to write those signs, and to have a native English speaker proof-read them would mean admiting that he is not an expert in his field.
  2. In the history of this forum have any government officials responded to any threads here?.... I would welcome Jaturong Kaewkasi, the chief policy adviser for the PLTO to visit here and answer some of the points raised on this thread..... But one can only dream

    I doubt they even know about this forum.It would have to be translated 100% into Thai first and all criticism of the government would have to be edited out for them to even acknowledge its existence.
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