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Kru Baa

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Posts posted by Kru Baa

  1. "On Friday police were urging members of the public to remain calm over the alleged terrorist threat."
    Yes. Remain calm and spend your money.

    "Metropolitan police commissioner Pol Lt Gen Sanit Mahatavorn said on Friday it was still unclear if the leaked memo was genuine and said that a forged document of this kind could have been made public in order to try and incite public disorder and harm the Thai economy"

    Well, looks like we will have to postpone the elections until this ISIS threat is handled then. clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

  2. A nationwide crackdown to close the bars huh? How about a worldwide crackdown on stupidity to close Thailand? clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Can we have a crackdown on posters who make inane comments and think the rape of a young girl is something to make fun of ?
    Or better yet, a crackdown on sarcasm or free speach. Maybe a crackdown on people who didn't get the point of my reply as being a poke on the fact t that Thai athoraties are trying redirect the blame of this rape away from their own socioties social shorcomings being responsible for this rape and blaming it on businesess that cater to foreign tourist. Or wait this could go back to the crackdown on stupidity.

  3. How are sexual assaults and bar closing times linked?blink.png

    apparently, if bars open till very late the female foreigners make themselves become blind drunk and are unable to get back to their rooms without going with a thai man and getting raped.......or at least complaining about it the morning after........

    but now, with all the bars closing on time then any female foreigner who gets raped after closing time must of course, be lying......as the bar was closed.

    Yes. The Thainess is strong with this one.

  4. Thai Education system needs to include knowledge of the rest of the world, ...Geography and History, but the most important thing a person ca learn in school is "How to Learn" which include good work habits and the ability to self educate! ... how to do research and find answers on their own!

    I am amazed by the ignorance most thai people show about the rest of the world, ... for example - my ex-wife once asked me, "Australia, that is close to England isn't it? ... and she graduated from University. No wonder Thai University diploma are not recognized as having any merit outside Thailand.

    One of my colluges was telling me that at his prvious school one of the Thai teachers told him That the King of Thailand gave England to the King of England so that he could have a kingdom too. When he asked her where she had heard that, she said that she had learned it in University.
  5. Traffic is allready vely dangerous with loads of accidents. That will only get worse.

    There are many drunk drivers, then we also get stoned drivers.

    Also it isn't any good for the working mentality.

    I don't see any advantage for when it was legal in Thailand.

    Working mentality? You must be kidding. There is basicy no working mentality in Thaiand now. Have you ever even been to Thailand?
  6. Not only should they be set free, but they should be compensated for being illegally arrested and framed. Even if they do let them go they will not try to convict the real killers,even though everyone knows who they are. And lets not forget the crooked cops that are involved in the cover up. They will get off Scott free as well. Utterly shameful.

    LOS Land of Shame.bah.gifsad.png

  7. Dear Junta Leader, Please be aware that hackers can be located in China, Paraguay, Switzerland or Feroe Islands.

    You'd hope that he would have at least a grasp of this simple concept but it's fairly obvious it's beyond him.

    When a person has an army behind them and can obliterate every computer in the country if so desires, is it really all that necessary to grasp the concept of cyber warfare and a single gateway? (Probably just confused the idea for a gateway with the Trump card's plan to build one and take care of immigration anyway).

    Even the general is not dim enough to destroy the whole national infrastructure. In order to preserve the wealth of a few. Almost that dumb but not quite.

    Oh, never underestimate the power of Thai stupididy (when refering to people in charge or that have any kind of athourity). In fact you can usually count on them to make the dumbest move possible at the worst time possible.

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