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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Would it be fair to say that politicians and law enforcement in Chiang Mai are responsible and would it be fair to say that their behavior is equal to treason? 


    Treason is punishable by death according to Thai law.


    Politicians and law enforcement are sworn in to protect and serve the people.

    Their neglect and failure to fix this issue is killing lots of Thai people? Right?

    It's treason. 

    They should be held accountable.


    That being said..  is there any hope? Ban the crops that they burn the fields and Forrests for? Complete law enforcement reform? What?


  2. 18 hours ago, dcnx said:

    Your life is in the hands of someone who:


    - Believes fate decides when he dies 

    - Is a poor problem solver 

    - Has no fear or respect for the law

    - Is poorly trained if trained at all

    - Will take risks for no reason whatsoever

    - 50/50 is under the influence of drugs or alcohol 

    - Will drive when sleepy 

    - Will drive while on the phone 


    Why would anyone risk this risk?


    It just doesn’t make sense.

    Add to that list "is always in a hurry" 

    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    5 ltrs of oil .! That's over a gallon .. Are they sure they've got that right as that's a huge amount of oil to press out .. And whilst they don't state the gas used to combine hashish out of it if he was using propane that can be extremely dangerous to work with in the proximity of the lamps as High pressure Sodium or Metal Halide lamps produce terrific amounts of heat particularly in closed area's .. And why make hash out of it when dried and correctly manicured green or bud fetches a higher price than hash and is less work to produce .. 

    Some growers take the buds and sell them. Everything else (stems, leaves, trimmings) is turned into oil or hash. Not sure if this is what's going on here, the amount of oil you get from stems and leaves is not enough for 5 litre unless it's been accumulated over many harvests

  4. 1 hour ago, chama said:

    Chiang Mai pushed to get a bigger piece of the tourist revenue pie. So they weren't smart enough to plan on increased tourism placing increased drivers unfamiliar with Thailand's driving laws? I understand watching the weather reports are difficult but weather happens every year....planning sucks. 

    Chiang Mai government seems to be utterly incompetent.. just look at the whole smog fiasco... Moderate levels of pm2.5 and it's 2 months before "burning season" starts.. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, Rugon said:

    This is actually not much more than the average of 66 deaths per day. Why a good result for New Year. 

    They have actually never presented any evidence that new years have increased deaths.. yet they keep doing the same stupid measures every year with identical results... Incompetence is real..

  6. 22 hours ago, tonboy said:

    Looks like you are already very well adjusted to the Thai way of life and driving....

    There were extra checkpoints on all roads leading out of town , maybe because of you being tired, you did not notice them. 
    In town no, but traffic was so slow and so many tourists walking on the streets , extra checkpoints around the old city would be a waste of time.


    I wasn't tired on New year's Eve. I drove in to town from hang dong around 23:30 using canal road. No checkpoints. I drove home from town 00:30 using hang dong road. No check points.

    Where did you see checkpoints?


    The day before when I was tired there was a checkpoint and they let me through without blowing.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    And little detail of the 'misunderstanding', 800 each or 800 for the group? Was it ever established whether the students misunderstood? 


    Perhaps there really was misunderstand and maybe, just maybe the driver was offering a fare of 800 for the group? Who knows?


    Did the reporter try to get some clarity? 


    Probably not, just write down whatever has been heard, no check for logic or correct details.


    Poor reporting, as always.


    I think it's almost impossible that it was a misunderstanding. Samui taxi mafia doesn't play around.... Specially not on New year's .. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, ReMarKable said:

    I have tried it also and all it did was relax me a little, pleasant but not worth what I had to pay for it in Thailand.  I researched for its benefits and studies are inconclusive.  Glad it helped you,

    I find the benefits of skydiving are little to none but it kills people every year. 

    Let informed, grown adults do what the heck they want.

    The whole drug war is a sick abuse of power with only negative effects for everyone and a huge waste of money and resources.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Catoni said:

    Might be a good idea. Legalize it all and let adults have whatever drugs they like, and they will use a lot less drugs. Sounds like common sense and a good idea. 

    I like that you think it sounds like common sense. Personally I think it sounds wrong. Like, it seems like making drugs illegal would bring use down. But clearly it's not. Good thing we have Portugal as example.

  10. 6 hours ago, simple1 said:

    An extract from the WHO report...


    The report said the high toll was a consequence of weak law enforcement in Thailand against drink-driving, helmet wearing for motorcyclists and riders, and seat-belt usage. 


    Only 51% of motorcycle drivers and 20% of passengers wore safety helmets in the country, while 58% of car drivers and 40% of front-seat passengers fastened their seat belts, 


    From my recent experience of driving Pattaya - Phuket return, should add  'poor spatial awareness' e.g. repeatedly being required to break at 100 KPH when being cut off by overtaking drivers. Family of four on scooter pulling out in front of me, no helmets, just managed to avoid wiping them out etc.

    This is the biggest problem with WHO. Their idiotic interpretation is the reason that traffic police in Thailand spends all their time setting up checkpoints to check for helmets.


    Lack of Helmets are not the problem in Thailand. I have never been afraid of motorbike drivers without helmets. I am always frightened by the idiots reckless, speeding, impatient braindead drivers doing braindead maneuvers all the time. Helmets will not save them.

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