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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 6 minutes ago, CGW said:

    As i have an allergy to most perfumes due to all the obnoxious crap they put in them I would be the first to complain! ????

    Cigarette smoke, I prefer not to breathe second hand smoke, but can live with it if "Forced" to! 

    Some people are allergic to cig smoke.

    I think everyone agrees it should not be allowed to walk around spraying perfume on ppl. Yet some ppl think it's ok to have their smoke hit people... Smoke is way more harmful than perfume for most people. And smells way worse (subjective I know).


    The point is, smokers are spreading something unwanted in the air and it's hitting people and this is somehow accepted because it's normal. 

    When doing something abnormal like spraying perfume on ppl it becomes clear how ridiculous it is that smoking in public was ever allowed.

  2. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    Alcohol induced violence... drunk driving fatalities.


    both are (negative) secondary effects of beer drinking, effecting those that did not nessesarily drink.... just as negative effects of smoking, secondary effects


    but.... on the bright side, my smoking missus won’t want to spend as much time out at restaurants or pubs, saving me a s***tonne of money... she’s gonna be pissed off, when this kicks in ????????????

    Alcohol is heavily regulated already. Drunk driving is illegal.

    Drunken Violence is illegal.

    Buying alcohol at certain hours is illegal.

    Drinking in public is illegal in some cases.

    Being drunk in public is illegal in some cases.


    Remember, the new smoking laws will not make smoking completely illegal, it just regulates it a bit more.

  3. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Its not just an "odd whiff" though is it ?

    Its the constant cloud of smoke drifting over .

    One person having one cigarette would cause much smoke , but when you have a group of people constantly sparking up , it becomes cloudy with the smoke

    The people most hurt by this are People that are working under such conditions. Bartenders (in countries where smoking inside is still allowed) , doormen etc.


  4. Sometimes a take a couple of perfume bottles into the pub and I spray them around me. Sometimes it hits people and they get upset. OMG, it's only perfume. Smells way better than smoke. I don't get it. Will this be illegal now? I like the feeling and sound of perfume spraying out from a bottle. What's next? They will take away my right to chew gum because some people spit it out in the wrong places??

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  5. 10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Maybe , could also be that she was drunk and flirty with the Thai guy and he thought that she was willing for a night of passion ?

    Yes, all possible. 

    If you search Koh Phangan rape on Google it seems like the usual way the locals go about it is they rape them when they are passed out and they don't care if they get accused because everyone is so drunk and high that it's easy to just say "she wanted it, she is a wild party girl". 

    The abduction method seems more popular in other areas of Thailand.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Galactus said:

    yeah sure there are such cases but not in a small place like Koh Phangan with only on road to go around. Locals and tourist everywhere so do the police.

    Moreover, cameras everywhere too.

    looks like this is a huge misunderstanding of the lady.

    it became customary now for some attention seekers to come up with stories like this and after a year???

    No secluded spots in Phangan? That sounds unbelievable. 

    Why after a year? Don't know.. makes little sense. 

  7. Just now, sanemax said:

    Had the guy had any bad intentions , he probably would have molester or robbed her .

    There may have been some confusion about where her hostel was , did they actually go past her hostel or just a turning off or something ?

      Maybe he was going a quicker way or maybe he thought that she was staying somewhere else ?

      Could be that she fell off the bike drunk and exaggerated her story

    Could be that she misinterpreted the situation.

    or the guy wanted to take her to a more secluded place and he knew the place she fell off was a relatively busy road and he got scared.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Galactus said:

    sounds nonsense to me.

    looks like an attention seeker girl.

    why disclose this story after a year??

    and story has contradictions.

    Moreover, she explains it like, they forced her to drink and attend the party!

    you cannot carry people on a motorbike to rape too! and lots of people everywhere in koh phangan. one road to go all those parties.

    Such people needs to be banned from Thailand as these fake news damage Thailand.


    and most importantly, looking at her and cannot imagine why a Thai guy want to have asexual relationship with her while all those beautiful Thai girls around!!!

    Rapists gets a kick from the power. And usually they are opportunists, they take what they can get, they can't resist the urge.






    There's more of these stories if you use Google.. always same thing.. fake motorbike taxi. Drives them to secluded area.. they can't get off the bike because they driving too fast.. not unbelievable at all.

  9. People who think this story is unbelievable.


    It has happened before multiple times.. I found this just on first Google search but I remember more cases ..  just didn't find them now.






    There's more of these stories if you use Google.. always same thing.. fake motorbike taxi. Drives them to secluded area.. they can't get off the bike because they driving too fast

  10. 6 minutes ago, Galactus said:

    sounds nonsense to me.

    looks like an attention seeker girl.

    why disclose this story after a year??

    and story has contradictions.

    Moreover, she explains it like, they forced her to drink and attend the party!

    you cannot carry people on a motorbike to rape too! and lots of people everywhere in koh phangan. one road to go all those parties.

    Such people needs to be banned from Thailand as these fake news damage Thailand.


    and most importantly, looking at her and cannot imagine why a Thai guy want to have asexual relationship with her while all those beautiful Thai girls around!!!

    You're probably right about everything, who knows. But you are wrong about the part about cannot carry people on a motorbike to rape. I recall several similar stories of Thai women being raped this way.. someone they trusted (or someone coerced them) puts them on a motorbike and drive them to a field or remote area or something and rapes them.


    Edit added sources:





    There's more of these stories if you use Google.. always same thing.. fake motorbike taxi. Drives them to secluded area.. they can't get off the bike because they driving too fast..

  11. On 10/6/2016 at 5:44 PM, Familyonthemove said:

    Not sure it's changed.  Tesco Lotus entered Thailand in 1997 - almost immediately there were proposals for zoning to protect Thai businesses and a competition commission investigation into supplier relationships.  Then a hand grenade attack on one store and an anti-tank rocket shot at another.


    The banking sector in Thailand is largely local and imported cars, bikes etc are taxed heavily.  The current issues about Chinese tour businesses and even the focus on foreign criminals is further evidence.


    I think there's always been a drive to protect 'Thai' businesses.  It's not free trade as we know it ..... but sometimes I wish my home country was a bit less 'free'. 

    The grenade attacks and bombings against Tesco was over a security contract dispute. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    There are other ways of “ingesting” it depending upon what issues one has.  As to the cost, I have no idea but I expect it to be overpriced and underutilized.  Quick and easy to get?  I suppose that all depends on what it is being used for.  It will certainly be only through hospitals and won’t be like the US dispensaries (unfortunately).

    I want it for muscle soreness after workouts. For minor backpain / inflammation. For sleeping better. You think they will give it to me? Or is it only for more serious conditions? 

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