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Posts posted by cme

  1. On 1/15/2019 at 1:53 PM, Pib said:

    Since you implied you also did a balance inquiry that was the other Bt100 charge.  When looking at the SCB Thai language fee schedule on their debit card and letting Google Translate do its thing it says a 100 baht fee is applied for "Withdrawing money and/or doing a balance inquiry"


    Google Translation


    I have the SCB app (in English) on my phone and it's really good, works well in Europe and you can do a balance Check without having to login to the app. Can top up your or other phones without cost. Have used the card and it was same as using a UK/EU card.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    pity the former is also a bent corrupter but seems better than present, lesser of two evils

    Why do you say that? I think there have been huge improvements here post Thaksin, certainly in the Tourist areas. The beaches and walking areas are cleaner, trees planted etc. A crackdown on drunken driving and driving licences etc. Of course the corruption continues and it may take decades to clean up, but at least a start as been made. As a Farang, the politics are way above my head but what I see around me, and that is what counts, is a great improvement.

  3. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Another pile of lies designed to make people think things are good when they are not. Wherever I have been of late people have been commenting on how empty everywhere is, compared to previous years. 100% occupancy for how many hotels exactly? One? Two? I know a few owners who are nowhere near that. And all of these people must be staying indoors, because they are not out in the bars and restaurants.

    I'm in Jomtien at the moment and have never seen it so empty, it's really nice, peaceful, masses of empty parking on the beach road and none of the beach chair places are more than 50% full. Maybe that's why prices for everything, food, drink etc all seem to have increased at least 40% in the past 2 years? If the customers stop coming, just up the prices.

    • Like 1
  4. My current one is a Weisasi, had it 2 years and it goes on and on. I can leave in the cupboard for months and it doesn't lose its charge, cost about 300 Baht but well worth. I always thought the best are the old ones that you can change batteries in but impossible to find now.

  5. On 8/13/2018 at 3:53 PM, Justgrazing said:

    Even if something like this were enforceable which to all intents and purposes it isnt where does it leave those who are unable to take out insurance due to pre existing conditions or to who the cost is so prohibitively high because of those conditions that it effectively becomes unobtainable .. 

    Some Countries insist of an Insurance certificate being provided before granting a Visa. It's not that expensive for short stay and for long-stay it's still reasonable and so easy to enforce. Even though married to a Thai gov worker and therefore included in the Thai system I still buy insurance for my time here, just in case something really serious happens. I accept though for people with previous poor medical history it could be a challenge.

  6. 20 hours ago, Jip99 said:



    Never heard of 17 weeks................. that must have been pre-India - obviously some issues.

    Her Passport came back with DHL, just the Passport, no letter or explanation. There were no 'issues' that we were informed of and the Visa was given. As I said in my original post, there are several visas from the previous consecutive years in her Passport. Nothing has changed in either of our circumstances. I thought they had lost her Passport, even wrote asking for an official letter so that my wife could start the process of applying for a new one, all my mails ever received were standard response mails just always with another name. It was impossible to get any information. At one point I started a process via an MP with the Ombudsman but that came to nothing because to start the process you need a letter from the UKVI stating their objections, which I could not get. It was an incredibly frustrating situation to be in. I've written two mails of complaint to the Home Office, each time a standard response saying they need 4 weeks to look into the matter and and each time you write it seems that the 4 week clock starts again!

    The application was made and documented as received in mid March this year and returned 2 weeks ago.

    • Like 1
  7. Her Passport came back with DHL, just the Passport, no letter or explanation. There were no 'issues' that we were informed of and the Visa was given. As I said in my original post, there are several visas from the previous consecutive years in her Passport. Nothing has changed in either of our circumstances. I thought they had lost her Passport, even wrote asking for an official letter so that my wife could start the process of applying for a new one, all my mails ever received were standard response mails just always with another name. It was impossible to get any information. At one point I started a process via an MP with the Ombudsman but that came to nothing because to start the process you need a letter from the UKVI stating their objections, which I could not get. It was an incredibly frustrating situation to be in. I've written two mails of complaint to the Home Office, each time a standard response saying they need 4 weeks to look into the matter and and each time you write it seems that the 4 week clock starts again!

  8. I think your biggest problem will be getting a timely visa for your wife. My Thai wife travels with me to the UK for a holiday, for the past 10 or more years with no problem. This year it took 17 weeks! No explanation or queries and the visa was in her returned Passport, but 17 weeks! Good luck.

  9. I've travelled a lot and would agree that generally US steak has mostly been the best. I think the major difference/reason could be that European cows are grass fed whereas US are, or were grain fed, resulting in a more tender meat, or of course it could just be the hormones that may have been added.

  10. The whole UK Visa system is screwed up at the moment. Here in Europe we go to the UK for a month each summer. My wife has applied for and received a  6 month Holiday Visa for the past 7 years. From applying to returned Passport with Visa never took longer than 2 weeks. Last year it took 6 weeks, had to cancel first few days of our holiday, so this year she applied in March, after 9 weeks we are still waiting so yesterday I sent an email (cost £5-60) and they replied that they hope to have an answer within 15 working days! Nothing has changed in my or her circumstances in between these years. I think the UK is really trying to deter anybody from going there.

  11. 11 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Most Thai retail is subject to a small but powerful number ofCartels who regulate both the supply and price of retail goods - this is clearly demonstrated in the uniformity of pricing and the uniformity of reductions in sales. Bears no relationship to the individual business's needs to clear stock but is determined by the amount of discount the suppliers will allow.


    11 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


    As I don't think it is considered that the retailers will sell at a loss, it becomes clear that this is pure greed and rip off, if a business would be able to reduce prices with 80% and still make a profit.

    Sure they make huge profits. How is it that Laptops, Hard drives etc are made in Thailand, transported to Europe where they attract import tax plus 20% VAT and yet they sell cheaper in Europe?

  12. 14 hours ago, Formaleins said:


    cooling isn't a problem, it has liquid cooling and never gets above about 75C on the CPU.

    I am going to have a look at the removal of the graphics drivers as that sounds possible - What I have noticed is that it usually crashes when it is running Edge with YouTube open, whether running or paused.


    Cheers for the suggestions, hopefully I will find a fix as it is a massive PITA!


    I'm no expert but 75C seems too hot to me. I would think that over 70C the CPU would shut down to prevent itself burning? Have you read the spec for the processor that you have?

  13. 6 hours ago, Makhao said:

    I know a university in Germany, were they study allergic reactions from all over the world.

    The funny and true thing about it:

    All kind of European allergic reactions like hayfever etc. are gone in Thailand, BUT that is the same with people, you move from other areas to Europe: They studied ppl from arab countries with heavy allergic reactions to camel hair (quite common there) and guess what happens, when they move to Europe: Not only their allergy is gone in Europe, they also don't get European hayfever etc.. The scientists say, you grown up in an environment and maybe get allergic reactions there, but that stops immediately, if you move to another area in the world. On the other side, if you live long enough in a new area, you may - or may not - adapt the allergies, that ppl have there.

    I can confirm. I have suffered from acute Hayfever all of my life, been de-sensibilised etc. but nothing helps, yet in Thailand, in spite of the abundance of air pollution, dry grass, dust, flowers and trees always in bloom, a beautiful garden with all sorts of fruit and flowers, I have no symptoms. When I return to Europe the symptoms always return immediately, usually in the taxi from the airport to home!

  14. 9 hours ago, robblok said:

    Your right about the red bull guy, but seems YL got some traits of her brother still. 


    If she does do a runner its either an egg on the face of the junta or they deliberately let her go. Like you said she was watched a lot. 

    I think the Government is happy for her to go, it defuses what could have been a very confrontational situation if/when she is convicted.

  15. One of the best hotel breakfasts I've had was at the Amari Boulevard, Sukhumvit 5?, 2  types of bacon, crispy or not crispy,  a press with honeycomb in it to squeeze your own honey, and a cook to prepare your eggs to order. Just about everything you could ask for from a Western or Asian point of view, even lamb Kofta. It is a couple of years since I was last there but give it a try.

  16. 8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Reminds me of a friend at university back in the day.


    After a night out we'd all head to a local curry place and order whatever. This guy had a thing about eating the hottest thing on the menu, didn't give a toss what it was so long as it was hot.


    Mostly he'd get a vindaloo, but one evening after we been a rather long session he was a bit more belligerent than usual and started mouthing off that vindaloos weren't that hot and we were all pussies-or words to that effect. The staff [I'm guessing] took offence at this and told him there was an especially hot curry called a tindaloo, but was too hot for most people.


    Man, he went off on a big one and started demanding he be given this. The staff eventually agreed and walked away with huge grins on their faces.


    When the dish finally arrived, I swear it was curry sauce, mystery meat and more chillies than I've ever seen in my life. The thing glowed. You could feel the heat coming off it [well maybe that's just my imagination but that's how it felt]


    My mate started eating it and immediately began sweating like a dog in heat. He was dripping and his whole face took on a bright red shine. He was clearly in pain but wouldn't admit it and ate the whole thing [well most of it]. Kept on claiming it was ok though.


    The next day was hell for him and he spent most of the day in the toilet.


    Funny thing is, he never went to that curry place again. I'd like to say he calmed down a bit on the hotter the better shtick, but he never did.


    He was a bit of <deleted> if I'm honest though. 

    I can remember when Indian restaurants first started opening up in the UK a Tindaloo was normally in the menu but now have not seen it for the past 15 years or so. My limit is a Madras so not a problem for me but I did ask a waiter once and he said UK people just couldn't manage it, so off the menu.

    • Like 1
  17. I wouldn't tell anyone "official" that you were leaving the uk for at least a year, then make your decision. Just say you are moving to your brothers address. The only down side is that HMRC will tax your rental income but if you are not working and have no salary the tax you pay will not be too much, it may even be within your personal allowance (depending on how much rent and other income that you may have. On the upside, remaining 'resident' means your pension will continue to be indexed, not frozen, and your NHS cover will continue should you need to return for health reasons in the future.

  18. On 9/8/2016 at 8:36 AM, DipStick said:

    I apologise if this is slightly off topic, earlier this year I rented a cottage in North Devon, on arriving I realised that there was no internet provided so I went into the nearest Vodaphone shop and was advised to buy a "dongle" which I did.

    on getting back to the cottage, I plugged it in and hey Presto very strong wifi through the the property. I don't want to strip it down, but I am assuming inside this dongle is a .vodaphone SIM card, which is the heart of the unit. 

    Now, if I took this dongle to Thailand and went to a True outlet, would they be able to take out the .vodaphone sim and replace it with a True card, thus giving me wifi in Bangkok.

    i would really appreciate any sensible answers.

    My wife took a European vodafone dongle to Thailand and then put a DTAC Sim in it, it didn't work. She then went to the local DTAC office and they confirmed that it wouldn't work.

  19. It's called profiteering!

    Think about it, all computer hardware, TV's etc. are made in Asia, They are then shipped at considrable cost to the US, europe etc. I don't know about the sales or federal taxes etc in the US but in the UK it's VAT and it's 20%, in Germany 19%. In Thailand, (close to where the stuff is made or nearby Singapore, China etc) VAT is 7%. So take the cost price plus shipping and add 20% (for the UK) and you still get the Uk price about 20% or more cheaper than in 7% taxThailand. That together with the fact that all Thai imports are channelled via a monopoly importer and there you have it.

  20. More info on this EU/EEA family route please.

    Can I simply live in EU country without working & for how long?

    How long would my wife have to stay there before applying for UK visa. Sounds too simple.

    What happens once in UK? What if she leaves UK for holiday / visit Thailand?

    I have been looking at this route via Germany.

    As an EU member, Germany States that we can enter and live in Germany without applying for residency for 3 months, up to 6 months if looking for work, and indefinitely if employed (or self- employed).

    Partner can come to Germany to reunite with you on an EU Family Permit, issued free at the German embassy abroad( they also state that the free family permit can and must be issued even at the German border control without question or hinderance).

    On arrival in Germany, your partner would apply for a residence permit, with no requirement of employment.

    Once she has this, you can then both come to UK. No visa, as the partner is an EU resident.

    This is valid for 5 years from the date of entry into Germany.

    Approximately 4.5 years into the uk stay, she would go back to Thailand, you would go back to Germany, she would then immediately re-apply for another family permit. Same process, Germany then to uk.

    Using the UK rule of 5 year in residence in the uk, once she has passed a total of 5 years in uk, she can apply for citizenship.

    This is different to the 3 year rule of being married to a uk citizen, as she would not have arrived using any uk

    Visas or extensions.

    This is how I have interpreted the route, if anyone has any corrections or anything more to add, please do so, I would appreciate it.

    You are not totally correct. Yes, your partner will be issued with a free entry EEU family Visa to germany (Europe) and provided that you are registered as living in Germany she will be issued with a German Residents permit valid for the duration of her Passport. BUT she will still need to apply for a UK family entry visa, it is free and only valid for 1 year and must be granted, and you must be travelling together to the UK. If she wishes to stay longer, then she can apply for a 5 year Visa but that is not free.

  21. I just had it ( herpes zoster) in september last year. According to my mother I didn't have chickenpox as a child.

    I do use badly washed towels from the motel..I don't know where I got it from. I just turned 50.

    Hurts like hell for a week , aspirines help a lot. Nightmare nights . After 4 days went to the doc and got a lot of pills.

    It took 3 months to get my skin back to normal . I let the motel know because there was a young child and when the blisters break , it is very contagous.

    Reading other posts here , I think I had a milt case. Still not sure where I got it from.

    Once you had it , small chance it will comeback. Thai doc + medicine = 479 THB.

    I think you probably got it from the young child! I had it many years ago after being at a friends house where his small daughter was recovering from Chickenpox. Dr. told me it is a virus, probably already in most of us and the Chickenpox can start it off. Had it on my shoulder, it was more than a year before I put on a shirt without feeling discomfort. At that time I was in my late 20's and very healthy.

  22. I'm not American. And I'm not complaining...I'm asking why something that costs $2000 in the US is 140,000 baht in Thailand. Even taking into account bulk shipping rates (maybe $200 for the pool table) and VAT, why the disparity? If someone said it was because a pool table is a "luxury good" then why are some other luxury goods priced in line with US prices plus shipping and VAT?

    I emailed the pool table dealer for an explanation. If in fact its just opportunity, then why would someone not set up a mail order import business to take advantage of these price differences? Are Thai people not motivated to make money when they see these types of opportunities?

    Someone could set up weekly shipping from Oregon (being tax free) and just fill containers based on prepaid orders for everything from tools, hardware, hobby supplies or anything else not available at a fair price in Thailand.

    It's plain profiteering and greed. Sales Tax in Thailand is 7%, In Germany 19% yet all TV's, HiFi, Tablets, PC's etc etc. are cheaper in Germany even though most of them are manufactured in Asia (often Thailand) and then transported half way around the world to Europe.

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