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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Enough money for a ticket to Thailand and then has to steal a bag. Makes you wonder who you're sitting next to on a plane....

    He had enuf money when he came. Now about to go home 'cos he's broke. (spent it all in bars?). Figured maybe he'd find some cash in the bags so he could catch the train home from the airport in Oz.
    That's my take on it.
    At any rate the Thais should not offer him anything, not even free accom in the 'Hilton. Just put the prick on the plane and don't let him back in. Send a note to the Oz police as well.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    The trouble is so many of these dogs are "owned" Thai style with many foreign residents taking the same approach.  large fines or jail for these people who don't control their dogs or ditch them when they move or leave the country is the only solution but almost impossible to implement without massive changes in peoples attitudes and behavior.

    It's not difficult at all.
    Local authorities need to remove all dogs without collars.
    Get's rid of 99% of the problem.
    Then remove any collared dogs which have been hanging around for more than one hour.
    Next, chip all remaining dogs.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. Most posts above are right on the money, it is the job of the local authorities to get these dogs that are simply roaming the streets day and night off the street. This poor girl has been left traumatized and scarred physically as the authorities just say mai pen rai and don't bother to keep the streets clear.

    It is another real marker of a 3rd world country to have dogs roaming around all parts, in and around schools, businesses, and even on busy roads. They're a disgrace, simple. They need to be either reunited with their owners or euthanized imho. I hope the young girl recovers and is handsomely compensated for what she has been through

    Exactly right. Such an obvious marker for a third world country - dogs roaming the streets.
    Feel very sad for the girl, depending on the ongoing disfigurement it could have a major effect on her life.
    The bs re Thailand 4.0 doesn't address this type of problem at all. Nor does the recent discussion about economic growth lifting the country to 1st world status.
    Get those new tanks out catching dogs! Will be the only use they'll ever get.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    So, we've all moved on and a new law was announced that passengers can not be carried in the back of a pick-up now.
    The police will be doing their usual sterling work, so we are unlikely to see anything like the photo in the OP ever again.

    As you say, whistling. Still see plenty of trucks up country with people in 'em, as well as people riding motosy not wearing helmets, 5 people on motosy etc etc.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. paying a premium for a ducati is par for the course, I have been buying and riding ducati's for 30years now not sure how much of a premium they could expect to charge for a 50 year old bike design - nostalgia can ony stretch so far I would think.
    I know in Oz they are selling for about 8-10k depending on model which is getting up there considering what these things actually cost which from memory is about 3k oz $.
    still be interesting to see when // if it happens.

    I think you mean "for sale" in Oz. As opposed to "selling". I can't recall actually seeing on. More's the pity.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. Stuff like that is why I like Thailand- BECAUSE it isn't regulated up the ying yang like the place I come from. It's down to the individual as to what they do. None of the people on the back of that pickup HAD to be there- no chains that I can see.
    Regulate the traffic and soon they'll be regulating everything and then it'll be just like back home and what would be the point of even bothering to go there?
    The beaches used to be the thing for me, but now all the decent ones are ruined by concrete, so if they make it just like back home I wouldn't be going there anymore.

    Thailand IS regulated very strongly. Just in a different way. Free speech is one area where you, yes you, don't dare open your mouth.

    Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    What was Prawit doing in London and why did he need a "big group of officials"?
    What was accomplished with the "big group of officials"?
    Who made up the "big group of officials"?
    Who paid and how much did they pay for the "big group of official"?
    These are more interesting questions than whether he met Thaksin.

    Why did he need a big group?
    Pretty obvious. All Thais like to travel in groups, at least a pickup full, and the man in question needs more than that as he is such a BIG man!
  8. He is probably in Thailand safe from extradition. Interpol is being made a fool of. Could be in the home on Sukhumvit he went to after running down the police officer. Interpol cannot find him if he is safe at home in his home country.

    You might be correct about that. And he'd be safe. Lets face it, the RTP and the army to the tune of 4000 individuals couldn't find a monk, so 'boss' could imagine himself to be fairly safe at home.
    They could get a warrant to search Mum's house . . . Ha ha, that's NEVER gonna happen!
    As a side issue - did they get a warrant to search Yingluk's house? . . . might pick up a few clues . . . if they actually want clues . . .
  9. I know on TV it is fashionable to knock the Thai justice system, but just look at the onerous conditions attached to their release.
    They have to do 90 day reports!
    And cannot leave the country, I assume unless they have a re-entry permit already.

    Doesn't say they actually took their passports, so presumably they could leave easily if they so desired.
  10. Wonder if anyone will bring up the subject with Christian Horner ... That Ted Bloke might ....:smile:

    I presume Christian Horner, although a very talented and upstanding individual, is driven by money just like anyone else. So he's gonna say "nothing to do with me!" and continue to accept the sponsorship. I wouldn't blame him. That said, I hope Daniel R snubs 'the red bull rat' next time he shows up in the garage . . . .
  11. I might get slated for this, but I'm worried he'll get off. I can't see how a murder charge can be proven. How will a prosecution lawyer 'prove' intent?
    What was the motive? How can premeditated murder be shown to be his intention? Then, with the murder and attempted murder charges dropped, he's left with a drink driving charge only. Not much (if any) jail time for that.

    Do they have the "manslaughter" concept here?
  12. 3 & 4 star hotels are my favourites. In these you will! meet staff who are real people, although I must admit these days they tend to be from other neighbouring countries - practising your Thai with them doesn't work so well. Never really had the noise problem you refer to. Noise that does wake me up sometimes though is the early morning clip clop of high heels exiting down the corridor. . .

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