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The Deerhunter

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Posts posted by The Deerhunter

  1. 3 hours ago, amvet said:

    Primitive in comparison to FB Messenger which is available in Facebook and as a free standing app.  "Secret Conversations" to all 900 million Facebook Messenger users in 2016. The opt-in feature allows users to encrypt their messages so that no one can read them except the two people on either end of a conversation—not even Facebook or law enforcement or intelligence agencies. "Your messages are already secure, but Secret Conversations are encrypted from one device to another," states a description in the app when users initiate their first encrypted conversation. when users initiate their first encrypted conversation.

    When Microsoft bought Skype they removed the encryption so they can read everything if they want to. I only use it as a face to face free phone call

    Re Iran etc, I have no clue who they are talking about and probably don't care.  Thanks for the interest.  Over and out from me on this thread.

  2. 10 minutes ago, amvet said:

    Messenger updated today.  I'd tell you about it but seems like pearls to ..... if you know what I mean.  One thing I haven't mentioned is Xi Jinping banned Facebook in China.  I'd use it just for that if nothing else.  Facebook is the best way to contact other people when you can't talk face to face.  You can encrypt the messages or try and influence a countries elections.  You don't like Facebook and a couple of billion users do.  Being a contrarian I'm sure has it's advantages modern communications is not one of them. 

    OK.  I will not say you win.  Over & out, but Viber is encrypted too.  And possibly not banned in China (or Thailand who seem to want to follow the Chinese model in "security." )

  3. On 31/10/2017 at 9:40 AM, cooked said:

    After accusations that Switzerland was holding money in their banks that belonged to long dead Jews, the banks did a clean out. 

    "In the mid-1990s, the controversy over unclaimed Jewish assets in Swiss banks arose, forcing the banks to pay out $1.25bn in settlement. The Swiss Bankers Association subsequently issued guidelines, requiring its members to report any account that had remained dormant for 10 years to a research bureau in Zurich. It also provided for potential heirs to file claims with the banks' ombudsman, the only official certified to consult the unclaimed asset database."

    There is probably a lot more unclaimed money laying around, and I really can't see the harm in this kind of action.

    My wife is claiming that if your bank account remains unused for more than ONE year, this will happen, she just listened to the news. TEN years is ok.


    That 800,000 sitting around for an annual extension of stay will have to be moved around a bit.

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  4. 2 hours ago, amvet said:

    I should have added something.  I use Facebook Messenger 99% of the time and Facebook 1%.  Facebook Messenger is a stand alone cross platform free app that has 1.5 billion monthly users.  You can tell if the other person has seen your message immediately and encrypt your conversation and make phone and video calls.  You can make it your SMS default.  If you are one of the few folks who don't have a Facebook account you can use Messenger and sign up for it without a Facebook account. 

    Brilliant.  Exactly my point.  You ride a brown horse 99% of the time but criticise me because because my horse is black.   In reality you probably could dispense with the other 1% bulk messaging 175 people you barely know and your life would not change .  So my life is not one of trying to ride a horse on the interstate after all.

  5. 2 hours ago, amvet said:

    I send a photo to all of my friends and family (about 200) people by email.  Each of them sends me a comment back by email.  All of the friends and family of those people comment and copy their friends send it back by email.  You can see this becomes a nightmare to open and read the thousands of emails I have just created.  Perhaps that's why Facebook has 2 billion monthly users and Gmail has half of that.  Plus the interface is much easier to use.  I was at the mall on the weekend and my wife and I communicated with Facebook and sent photos back and forth of items we each wanted the other to buy.  I can do that with one click as opposed the writing an email.   Facebook is the easiest interface.  Line is necessary if you live in Thailand to do almost any kind of business.  Doesn't make much sense to argue about it.  Odds are you'll have face book by next year anyway.  Especially since your wife has it you are a de facto user now.

    I don't know 200 people in the 3 countries I am most closely connected with or have lived in.   Serves you right for being such a nice guy that everyone wants to know and be "friends" with.    However, how many of those 200 people could you ask a favour of, or more importantly would you be prepared to do a favour for?    In my experience there is one hell of a lot of difference between family & real friends and  just "Facebook friends."   Some people skite about how many FB friends they have, (present company presumably excepted.)   I had FB over 4 years ago for three weeks.    Hated it.  I am still a defacto user because people can still find me as a FB user but I get no emails about it now.  I haven't been on my page in over 4 years and do not even remember the password.  Someone did send me a picture of a business matter on FB when I asked for it to be emailed, but he just copied to email when reminded.  


    Wife & I shop together usually but have used Line on occasion to confirm an item when not together.   I have lots of gmail groups, some quite small, but most of my emails acknowledge that other people actually have lives and do not live on their computer.  So my emails are usually specifically targeted.  Put simply I am too private to tell everyone I have ever met everything I do.  If people don't appreciate my news letters or don't respond to emails I can wipe them off the group list but still keep the address in "Contacts."   I only send a real bulk mail message to lots of people once or twice a year at most.  Wife only uses FB for business but actually does most of her social stuff on Line.  In a digital sense, I guess I am deliberately"anti-social" or just "selectively social" as I prefer to think of it.    I just cannot understand the fascination of it with some people

    Don't bet any money on me being an avid FB user any time soon. 

  6. 2 hours ago, amvet said:

    I send a photo to all of my friends and family (about 200) people by email.  Each of them sends me a comment back by email.  All of the friends and family of those people comment and copy their friends send it back by email.  You can see this becomes a nightmare to open and read the thousands of emails I have just created.  Perhaps that's why Facebook has 2 billion monthly users and Gmail has half of that.  Plus the interface is much easier to use.  I was at the mall on the weekend and my wife and I communicated with Facebook and sent photos back and forth of items we each wanted the other to buy.  I can do that with one click as opposed the writing an email.   Facebook is the easiest interface.  Line is necessary if you live in Thailand to do almost any kind of business.  Doesn't make much sense to argue about it.  Odds are you'll have face book by next year anyway.  Especially since your wife has it you are a de facto user now.

    I don't know 200 people in the 3 countries I am most closely connected with or have lived in.   Serves you right for being such a nice guy that everyone wants to know and be "friends" with.    However, how many of those 200 people could you ask a favour of, or more importantly would you be prepared to do a favour for?    In my experience there is one hell of a lot of difference between family & real friends and  just "Facebook friends."   Some people skite about how many FB friends they have, (present company,presumably excepted.)   I had FB over 4 years ago for three weeks.    Hated it.  I am still a defacto user because people can still find me as a FB user but I get no messages now.  I haven't been on my page in over 4 years and do not even remember the password.  Someone did send me a picture of a business matter on FB when I asked for it to be emailed, but he just copied to email when reminded.  


    Wife & I shop together usually but have used Line on occasion to confirm an item when not together.   I have lots of gmail groups, some quite small, but most of my emails acknowledge that other people actually have lives and do not live on their computer.  So my emails are usually specifically targeted.  Put simply I am too private to tell everyone I have ever met everything I do.  If people don't appreciate my news letters or don't respond to emails I can wipe them off the group list but still keep the address in "Contacts."   I only send a real bulk mail message to lots of people once or twice a year at most.  Wife only uses FB for business but actually does most of her social stuff on Line.  In a digital sense, I guess I am deliberately"anti-social" or just "selectively social" as I prefer to think of it.   

    Don't bet any money on me being an avid FB user any time soon. 

  7. 14 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:

    Yes, the batteries can be replaced, not they they will need to unless the phone is 4+ years old.

    Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

    Well, my wife and I have had miserable experiences with the batteries in several phones less that 4 years old.  The only built in item we have is a Huawei M3, 9" tablet and it has not caused any problems..............yet!!!! (Touch wood)

  8. On 28/09/2017 at 8:18 PM, amvet said:

    I have a big family in three different countries and they can contact me with Facebook messenger in my living room or study or outside anytime I'm awake.  The service answers automatically and I see a couple of faces and there are my kids and grandkids on the big screen TV and we chat my other families with my Thai family and the dogs.  It is more of a real time free communication service to me rather than some of the spy stuff the folks here are getting into.

    Due to some amazing old fashioned technology I can use gmail or any email account and select any of the following groups, "immediate family"  "all family" or "close friends and all family."   I can attach pictures, videos or anything else and everyone has an email address.  It sometimes seems like everyone has a Facebook page but fortunately this is an illusion  This obsolete email system allows an instant connection to their recipients mail accounts regardless of where they are, even if they are away from a computer or Wifi connection.  If they are away from home in whatever country, they will get a notification on their mobile that there is a message there for them.  Or I can text them or ring them on their mobiles if it is really urgent.  Or I can ring them on Viber for free if they have it loaded or the call goes to any other phone in the world for a few baht.


    I already have a few time wasting junk emails and TVF notifications. via my e-mail account.    I absolutely do not need the extra much bigger time waster of facebook or twitter etc etc etc idiots who want to tell me what bus they are on or send me immediately urgent pictures of their lunch hamburger with a bite out of it.  My wife has to have Facebook and Line  for her business and I accept that but unfortunately she now spend hours looking at cat videos etc that she never used to get on email.   


    Whatever advantages that Facebook has over email or Viber, I do not need at the expense of my privacy, security and time wasting on any social media.  I am only on TVF because I live here, I do not watch TV for news, and the forums have useful  info on matters pertaining to my life here.  My Internet homepage is the major daily newspaper in my home country.  I could add multiple home pages like BK Post but ............  more time to waste every day.  We only get given  24 hours in each day and no repeats.  At nearly 70 I do not like wasting them.   Nobody except some business people NEED Facebook and two many of the ones who like it, shouldn't have it.   Well that is my take on it.  

  9. 2 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:

    I wouldn't call the v20 a current flagship, but its probably one of the best phones with a removable battery. Also, just because the battery isn't removeable, doesn't mean they can't be replaced.

    Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

    Yes it is a 2016 flagship.   Can all the Non remove phones have the battery replaced by a tech or do some become pure throwaways? 


    I guess this sealed battery thing makes them easier to waterproof and easier to make with no bezel and sloping edges, of which, neither of last two have any practical use.

  10. 4 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:

    Good luck finding a current flagship phone with a removable battery.

    Sent from my R2D2 droid using my C3P0 manservant

    There are a few, very few.  Of which the LG v20 with its DAC sound feature, 64/4gb memory etc etc - and a very reasonable price is the best choice.   Which is why I am teed off that LG do not sell it here.  Still thinking but I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

  11. 22 hours ago, shady86 said:

    Earlier there was a promotion for G6 with free 43 or 49 inch TV. After some bad experience with G4, I've decided not to buy LG phones anymore.

    Everyone makes the odd lemon.  I know people who will not buy Samsungs or Apples because of bad experiences.  LG are a big company with a good reputation so far as I have heard but I do not know many people with LG phones, probably because LG have been concentrating on other products and not pushing phones hard themselves.

  12. 23 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:

    The G6 eventually made it here. A 30 second visit to their website will tell you where you can get your hands on one.

    Sent from my R2D2 droid using my C3P0 manservant

    Yeah but at around 25,000B it is more than I want to spend for a phone every 2-4 years.   And the battery is Non-removable in the G6 anyway so its out!!!     I never bought the Note 3 for myself.  I bought it for my wife but it was "too complicated" for her, but having a flagship phone for several years is habit forming.  I do not want to go too far back down.  The note 3 is a 4 year old model just now and we bought it just over 3.5 years ago.  I just put a new battery in myself a few weeks ago.     2-4 years is about when the battery is dead and/or the technology has been superseded.   Time to move on & keep it for a spare or loaner.  I spent hours on the net over the last few days and there are almost no phones with replaceable batteries and the LG V20 ticks all the boxes but it is not supported in Thailand.   

  13. 3 hours ago, shady86 said:

    If I'm not mistaken LG V20 is not officially released here so you won't be getting LG official warranty. The closest model you can get is LG G6.

    That maybe why I have not seen any but they are offered.  possibly parallel imported in that case.  I will check Thai availability and the G6.  LG is not doing much with cellphones in LOS.  Thank you


    PS G6 Battery not removable.  Durn-it.   And 25,000THB.  Double Durn-it!!!!!

  14. I have been looking at upgrading my Note 3 Samsung for over a year.  Mainly for the camera which is way below even the camera on my wife's cheapie 8,000B Samsung J7.  Wife wants to trade up away from her 2016 J7 as well so we could be up for 2 of them.

    We have both had numerous problems with smart phone batteries so I want one with a removable battery but with most of the flagship features.  Several phones really interested me but most lack one or more of my "must-haves" list, particularly the removable battery feature.  I don't want to go down in options having owned a flagship model but I do not need the stylus or any 25k to 35k pricetag phone.

    The LG V20 (64gb/4gb) variant is the one that ticks all my boxes, particularly with upgraded audio DAC feature but it is right at the top end of what I want to pay and the various submodels are confusing, particularly when I look on  Lazada and realise I am not Tech enough to understand all the possible issues I may have, such as Provider compatibility and warranty here.  Lazada seems to be 3-4k cheaper than most of the local advertised prices but I do not want to save 3k and get something that disappoints me, won't work or can't be warrantied here in LOS.


    Any ideas where I can get a good price on a V20  in the model I want with Thai warranty or any other words of wisdom such as LG or bloatware problems with my choice.  I would probably have jumped on a Xiaomi M1A1 or even a new Sammy  upgrade such as the J7 plus already, but for the battery issue.   


    All contributions gratefully appreciated.


  15. 21 hours ago, giddyup said:

    I may have to go 3BB, only problem is you have to pay a year in advance, as well as buy the modem, all up around 11,000 baht.

    We just went to 3BB and got a free modem and monthly paments by direct debit after paying three monthly payments manually.  Cost is 749b a month. We got approached by them as 3or 4 others in our rural area wanted 3BB and they need a minimum of 5 contracts to put a box up a pole in our street.  We did pay a 1000b or perhaps 2000b connection fee, no more.   We were having trouble with AIS Air net as there are lots of tall rubber tree plantations in our area interfering with  air signals.  3BB is 5x faster than air net too.  50 and 10 next to 10 and 2.  Very happy with it, touch wood.......!


  16. 37 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    Thai men..... And as I 'suppose' muslim men being about the same...... Have such a 'superiority complex' instilled from their youth..... That they don't think much about the women 'species'..... any more so than they think about 'soi-dogs'........ That is why there are 'so many' Thai babies' without a dad's care or love......

    In expressing my opinions, generally I allow for a small percentage of error, in my statements, and in this case I will state that there are 'some' decent and upstanding 'Dads' in the Thai men out there....... But generally speaking (and unfortunately).... There are too many that fit my description of 'Thai men' and their treatment of women........

    Not a very PC post but I have to agree with a lot of what you say.  There is a huge difference in the ways boys are brought up here in comparison to girls.  The "spoiled little emperor syndrome"  is not a fallacy.  I see it every day. In many cases it amazes me that any Thai boys ever turn out to be decent husbands or citizens at all, and unfortunately quite a lot don't.

  17. 8 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Unless you went to Koh Sichang its been the same way for some time. I have done 3 extensions since TM30.

     Koh Sichang is an island.  I assume you mean SrI Racha and yes I did.  Every office in the  Kingdom makes up its own rules as they go along and change them without warning.  Presumably you go to Jomtien.  I have never been there.  I could go there I guess but Sri Racha is closer and suits me.

  18. 10 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    No, unless you have changed your address to one which is different to that on Immigration records.

    I am in the same province as Pattaya on a Non Im O, retired. At a recent 90 day report we offered the "Alien residence" report form from my wife after me returning from overseas 90 days before, but they said only needed if the address changed since the last long stay extension was renewed.

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