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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. one of the hall marks of the "3rdwrld" is good service for the upper class... those with big screens pools etc. bwana

    Beg to differ. I have never had a problem with the service on my purchase of TVs and refrigerators. On time and the TV was all hooked up to the various systems. I am not upper class . Just a retired old man who treats them decently and doesn't look down his nose at them.

  2. Thrilling accident reports and Thai bashing.

    .... puts more credibility to the saying..... "its the truth that hurts"

    Yes it is painful to live in a land I love and have to listen to the Thai bashing.

    Particularly when it is from people who choose to live in it.

    Reminds me of the guy hitting himself on the head with a hammer and wondering why his head hurts.

  3. If you have symptoms of magnesium deficiency can't you just take supplements, or isn't it as simple as that?

    I have tried many different supplements without too much success. Sometimes it helps but the symptoms tend to reappear. I wish I could check my real mg level and see if it improves in the future.

    Are you sure it is a magnesium shortage? You can always eat bananas they are a good source of potassium.

  4. The current e-readers are pretty much similar in the 'reading' part. Most come with back-lighting if desired, or, you can turn it off. Most have built-in dictionaries with touch-the-word connectivity. Most can access the Internet for immediate downloads. Kindle's real advantage is the huge number of books available. Push a button, get a new book, and read. Some complain that the ease of this system causes them to 'over-buy' and blow their book budgets too quickly. All of them have the ability to 'side-load' book from your computer that you've gotten from various on-line sites. None are really 'better' than the others. They just have different 'features' that some like and others don't need. I've gone through Sony Readers, Kobo readers, Nook readers, and Kindles. Now I prefer using a mini-iPad. It's heavier than the others but does what I want.

    I know you can order from Amazon on it but do they deliver to it every time automatically with out having to go through a process?

  5. I bought a Kindle white book in August in the states. I was extremely happy with it and so was my wife because I didn't need a light at night to read it.

    Just last month they surprised me with an update that made it even better. I can't complain and highly recommend it.

    I am not really familiar with the other brands do they need a light to read them or do you have to be in a shady place for them. Or are they more like note books?

  6. Not sure what a real Massage is. My wife has a certificate for over 300 hours of training.

    She gave all the money to the shop and they gave her 60% plus of course the tip was her own.

    I think to many people rely to much on is it a real massage as to weather it makes them feel good or is it painless.

    Just my opinion.

  7. I'll go along with everything that has been said so far about Dr Chadathip.

    Don't know about Kris, but I trust Elektrified's judgement.

    Not sure that I'd go the 'no anesthesia' route, even if it's purely psychological. wink.png

    That's like an article I read many years ago about a dentist who put a clothes-pin on his patient's ear and assured them that the drill wouldn't hurt. Flash to a picture of a happy kid in the dentist chair with a clothes-pin on his ear as the dentist, with drill in hand, hovered above him. That approach would last approximately 5 seconds with me.

    I always find it fascinating how confident Thai dentists are that they won't hurt you. "Trust me!" Yeah right. I've now gone through 6 local clinics and approximately 8 dentists. Out of those 8, I've quit 2 for sub-par work and 6 for hurting me. My dentist in the US and both of his periodontal techs routinely administered anesthetics, and in 14 years of being a patient in his clinic, no staff member every hurt me during dental procedures. That tells me that dental anesthesiology isn't rocket science, but is a simply decision and conviction to keep your patients out of pain. The average Thai dentist simply doesn't care to keep you out of pain, imho.

    Now may Dad...different story. He was another individual who would forego the anesthetic and endure the pain because he didn't like the 'numb' feeling afterward. God...<shiver>!

    Right. First time I went the no anesthesia route and it worked out fine. No pain whatsoever. Not sure I would do it again as I may have just been lucky this time.

    I have had a filling and one cap replaced with no pain killer. The first time was a filling and I thought she was just examining it. Turned out she had put a filling in.

    I highly recommend Elite Clinic. There are other fine dentists in Chiang Mai as well as bad ones. I was lucky and went to Elite first. The wife had gone through two dentists and I put my foot down and said no more cheap work. She is very happy with Elite.

    The clothes pin worked in about 1/3 of the cases they tried it on. Years ago. I don't think it caught on.

  8. Thai visa assist do it for me, good service..Worth every penny.

    I think they are the most expensive one but they can and will do any kind of Visa. They also guarantee there work if they make a mistake on a complicated one they will fix it at their expense. I would use them if I wasn't so cheap and G4T wasn't so easy to use. Also mine is just a simple 365 day extension.

    if your 365 day extension is that simple, why did u change from a D.I.Y, to a so called visa agent,facepalm.gif please explain

    " includes 3 by 90 days reports ,where u only have to drop your passport in at her office and pick it up the following day"

    And I only have to do a few clicks on my mouse, type in a bit of info, & "Bob's your uncle", 90 day report completed.....

    if your above statement is true, may E/S ask why there is a 90 day thread, currently running on the board some 16 pages long, inside 3 months, mostly saying the opposite etc etc

    over to you

    I had an agent do mine because I am getting on in years.

    I understand that is hard for you to understand so get your trainer to explain it to you.

    MESmith does it the same way your agent does it only it is free for him.

    Have your trainer explain that to you also.

  9. Thai visa assist do it for me, good service..Worth every penny.

    I think they are the most expensive one but they can and will do any kind of Visa. They also guarantee there work if they make a mistake on a complicated one they will fix it at their expense. I would use them if I wasn't so cheap and G4T wasn't so easy to use. Also mine is just a simple 365 day extension.

  10. the ZOO STAKES is onsmile.png

    a few moments ago my trainer/visa agent rang me to sayto be at her office at 12.20 pm (today)

    so far my preparation. by my super duper visa agent has been faultless

    but being loaded into the stalls ,and off and racing at the PROM immgr dept,is what E/S is paying for

    see how the ZOO STAKES is run

    please tune in. late in the daybiggrin.png

    This seems to be the most exciting thing happening in Chiang Mai today,at least for you,

    so waiting with baited breath for the outcome of the 12.20 ,hope it does not get rained out,

    or you fall at the first post,hows the going firmfacepalm.gif

    regards worgeordie

    clap2.gif It does seem to be a pretty boring life when an agent tasking you to the Prom is that exciting.whistling.gif

  11. An agent then took me aside and said she could fix everything for a fee of 300. I wasn't keen and besides, I had the day off yesterday thankfully. She then said I could give Promenada a go, so I did.


    This angers and terrifies me in equal measure.

    It also makes me wonder why they even talked to them. Why did they not just look at it and tell them right away to go to Promenada?

    It was my understanding that they do not do 90 day there.

  12. thankyou Lizard 2010..I appreciate your assistance..And I shall call by and meet all at Expats club..Sounds like a good bunch....

    Saan, thankyou for your reply also....To each their own...........

    They have a meeting once a month at the La Meridian hotel on the 4th Saturday of the month' Starts at 10:00 in the morning. Get there about 9:30 for a cup of coffee and some finger sandwiches. Cost is 150 baht for members. More not sure how much for non members. They will have a guest speaker. The speakers will be on many different things.

    This is not the same as the Breakfasts that have been mentioned. They are both western buffets very good ones and pure social events meet many new people there.


    if that help


    Forgot to mention the LaMeridian is in the night bazaar on the corner of Changklan and Loi Kroh

    Never been in the Down Under. Often pass by and they seem to be a real friendly lot in there.

  13. Went to Promenada Immigration this morning for a 365 day extension of stay for retirement :

    - Arrived at 6.30am and was 6th in the queue

    - By 7.30 - 8.00am the queue had grown only to 10

    - Was handed queue number card at 8.30am after the IMO lady had checked the documents

    - The processing of at least 2 people was slow due to them having incomplete copies of the various passport pages

    - My turn was at 10.20am and was completed by 10.30am

    - Was requested to return at 2.00pm for the passport ( was informed that all the passports in the morning have to go to the airport office for finalization)

    - Turned up at 2.15 pm and they started calling out the names by 2.30pm


    - Pot luck / time of year having only 10 retirement extension applicants before I left in the morning at 10.30am. Remarkable really, considering the situation only a few weeks ago as reported in this thread

    - There were many tourist extensions in the morning and also in the afternoon

    - The 90 day reports were also numerous - probably 30-50 whilst I was there in the morning - certainly 30 queuing before 8.00am

    - They were still open for fresh 90 days applicants at 2.30 pm

    - Only 1 agent was in the queue ( number 7 ) for 1 extension only - don't know if more came later

    - Re - Entry Permit applicants were few in number and they were still open for fresh applicants in the afternoon

    Off Topic :

    I also tried the Rim Ping for breakfast ( they serve it until 11.00am ) - brilliant " English Breakfast" at Baht 210 inclusive.

    Great report.

    It once again points out the inability of the of the girls out front who are supposed to check the forms. It would be a great help if they could clue them in a little bit better. Not sure but I think they are students in a position they should not be in. It requires a great deal of knowledge to know what is required on all the applications.

    I wonder if they would make it impossible to down load the forms with out the needed instructions attached to them. Or attach them to the forms people pick up at the office.

    • Like 2
  14. Water slides


    I have been told they are coming soon...In Thai time i guess....

    Her question was "why are we here" your answer is water slides coming someday ????

    You should read her post. I will repost it here for you.

    Posted Yesterday, 13:38

    hi everyone wink.png i'm interior architecture student.i need your help.

    Now i'm doing my project design(study work) about traveler who has been in ChiangMai,Thailand or who need to have a house in there.

    I have a question to ask you. "What would you like in ChiangMai" that's really important information for my design . PLEASE <3 smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    - sorry about my English redface.png

    I agree water slides would be nice. I know one person who had the means to do it and was seriously considering it a few years ago. They have dropped the idea.

  15. I once asked a bank if my wife could buy a house property included. She is Thai. The answer was yes if I would put a down payment of 50% on it.

    Now I was just curious as I have no intention of selling myself to a house. But I was curious and this was the Commercial bank of Siam. I have been around long enough to know different banks have different requirements and even then all the various branches do not always follow them.

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