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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Being as there is not that many Ozzies here that need them at least once a year it is a great service.

    In defense of the Brits. their conciliate here in Chiang Mai has been working with the Chiang Mai immigration and come up with a few ideas to stream line the immigration service.

    They are not in existence yet but they are very sensible alternatives to the old idea of allow 10 out of up to 50 a day to make appointments on line.

    Admittedly not much but better than nothing particularly if they implement them.

  2. 4-5 times a year in Chiang Mai shops try to short-change me (I smile and tell the clerk there's been a mistake - and I get my money back with a smile from the clerk). About twice a year I get too much change back - I always give back the "long-change" because I have heard that the store clerks have to cover losses like this with their own wages.

    I have lived here 12 years now, so this makes for a lot of incorrect change given. Most of the time I think it comes down to weak math skills or inattention rather than trying to rip me off.

    Reminds me of years ago when my wife was working at McDonalds in Vancouver Canada and they did not have the machines to tell how much change to give back.

    Half the kids did not know how to figure the change out. She tried.

    She would show them an example like if the bill was $3.97 cents and they were given a $5 bill.

    She would take a penny and add it to the figure so it showed $3.98 cents

    then she would take another penny and add it to the $3.98 cents so it showed $3.99 cents.

    Then she would take another penny and add it to the $3.99 cents so it showed $4

    then she would take a dollar bill and add it to the $4 so it showed $5.

    In this way they had $1,03 on the counter which was the correct amount of change for a $5 note on a $3,97 cent bill.

    Most of them still couldn't figure it out.

  3. When your A farang it's business as usual.Get use to it or do what I do.I go to A bank and get 3000-6000 baht at A time of small baht.Then I usually take 2000-4000 baht with me where ever I go.Then I give the correct change.

    I go to the bank once a month to get the monthly spending money I always get at least 10,000 baht in 100s 50s and 20s.

    I must admit that when they get ratty looking they can look close to the same. I do admit that I need cataracts removed but I have often made that mistake so I always look closely at the bill when I get it out.

  4. Tell these people they're deluded, that they need to wrap their entire head in tinfoil to keep out the mind control rays. Please post their reaction.

    The way to help a delusional person is to try to gain an understanding of their delusion and to work with it, rather than using logic to convince them they're wrong.

    It's a negotiation process rather than a debate about the logic of the delusion.

    If I was to buy you a real nice Green Bay Packer hat would you consider wearing it?

    I would be more than happy to trade one to you.rolleyes.gif

  5. Logically there will be measures put in place, studies done and maybe an Israeli irrigation expert called in.

    However realistically I can see there being a certain monk or temple that will be good at rain predictions and water divining.


    Just in the last week a number of people have mentioned how many monks did a New year blessing in a huge number of places etc etc. so therefore how good next year will be. I can see good bits in Buddhism but sometimes you do have to wonder.facepalm.gif

    Thais really are the eternal optimists.

    Not hat I have any use for the man but Thaksin did call in the Israeli water experts only to have their recommendations ignored by the next government he owned. Maybe those plans are in a file some where. They are among the best in the world at water management. I know Yingluck turned down an offer of help from the Netherlands also experts.

    Going to return to read the rest of the posts and see if any of the people who have been here for many years have experienced it. I have seen 100 year old picture of the Ping under the Nawarat bridge almost dry.

  6. NJ, you don't have to give us anything to complain about. You do it for us!

    Nothing wrong to go to Promenada for the social event. Some like the coffee there too. Perhaps when I get older I will happily queue there too...who knows smile.png

    I did my 90 day extension at the Promenada today Feb. 17. I am sorry to report that I arrived at 10:35 and was given number 69. I was out of there at 10:55.

    As I say I am extremely sorry I can not give you any thing to complain about. Other than the obvious fact the 90 day report is a stupid thing. Not sure what the function of the girls out side are other than to give out queue numbers. the person behind me had a number and was informed she had to go to airport for what she was doing.

    There was one other thing how ever a previous poster on this thread mentioned appointment on line possibility for an appointment at the office. I was informed that there never was and never will be an appointment set up on line for making 90 day appointments. Have no idea where that rumor came from. The yearly extension was talked about at the Chiang Mai Ex Pats club business meeting and has been reported on the Promenada one stop thread.


    I did it myself I did not use an agent.

    Correct there never was ,and likely never will be, an online appointment system for 90 day reporting, there is an online 90 day reporting system that now appears to be working in more and more cases.

    However,when the online system for making appointments for visa/renewal of extension was in operation there were many instances of persons abusing the system and making appointments to do 90 day reports and airport immigration allowed them to do it depriving others of appointments for their visas/extensions, I,and others witnessed it actually happening.


    Well done fellows no new information but you got your posts up. always glad to help. I do drop by when I am in the Promenada and glance in there to see what numbers they are on.

    I hope I never get as tied up as MadMac where a 15 minute 90 day report is a social event. All though I will admit I had a cup of coffee at Dukes while socializing with my wife, daughter, and son in law. Even had a good meal.

    cheesy.gifclap2.gif Love it guys keep it coming. I will get back to you when I have some thing to report on it.

  7. did my 90 day today all told took me 15 minutes number 69 at 10:35 and out of there in 15 minutes.

    Not sure about the girls out front. The lady right behind me was told she had to go to the airport. the girls out front had given her a queue number.

    One other thing that may or may not have changed. I had signed my report before I went in and she had me sign it in front of her. I had always thought that was the correct way and they always gave me the feeling it didn't matter so thuis was the first time I signed it before I went in and sure enough I had to sign it below the other one.

    I notices as I was leaving the queue card number 12 laying on the desk for the yearly extensions.

    Has any one heard an update as to the conversation the conciliates and the immigration here in Chiang Mai were having. It was reported at the Ex Oat Pat club business meeting that there had been discussion with bringing the on line appointment back only having an out side company set it up. I spoke briefly with the British representative on that council and he said no it would not be that useless only ten appointments a day one. It would be 30 a day. Of course this is in the talking stage. Out side money would be appreciated as the Promenada has offered to donate 200,000 baht towards helping out there.

    He confirmed that the money came from Bangkok and they were not releasing enough money. He mentioned that several of the staff have to buy there own supplies. Another poster said that was nothing a little ink and pens and papers. I wonder if he would feel that way if he got up to have his visa renewed and they had no ink to stamp it.

    Several times I have asked the staff in a nice way if they thought Bangkok would send them help. I just got a smile and no answer.

  8. I did my 90 day extension at the Promenada today Feb. 17. I am sorry to report that I arrived at 10:35 and was given number 69. I was out of there at 10:55.

    As I say I am extremely sorry I can not give you any thing to complain about. Other than the obvious fact the 90 day report is a stupid thing. Not sure what the function of the girls out side are other than to give out queue numbers. the person behind me had a number and was informed she had to go to airport for what she was doing.

    There was one other thing how ever a previous poster on this thread mentioned appointment on line possibility for an appointment at the office. I was informed that there never was and never will be an appointment set up on line for making 90 day appointments. Have no idea where that rumor came from. The yearly extension was talked about at the Chiang Mai Ex Pats club business meeting and has been reported on the Promenada one stop thread.


    I did it myself I did not use an agent.

  9. Even when applying for VA benefits, there is no need for a Thai marriage to be "registered" with the U.S. Embassy/Consulate. All that's needed is your Thai marriage certificate and a certified translation, as sunnyjim5 said in Post #5.

    Many U.S. veterans don't know that their wives could be able to receive a widow's pension even if she never lived in the U.S. -- provided they served in the military for 90 days of active service during a "wartime period". This overlooked benefit could be significant for a Thai widow -- it's about 25,000 baht/month, but most U.S. vets don't know about because it they weren't career military and their Thai wives don't have the ability to apply after their death because it's just too daunting for them to deal with the VA.

    U.S. vets -- if you served anywhere in the world during a "wartime period" http://www.benefits.va.gov/PENSION/wartimeperiod.asp

    You really should get your documents together NOW for your wife if you love her. This means your military records and stamped originals of ALL your marriage certificates and divorce decrees. All these documents can be requested on-line to be mailed to Thailand and should be part of a "master file" she has for you. Also, you'd be doing her a big favor to guide her thru the process to obtain a ITIN. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, Uncle Sam's version of a Social Security number for foreigners. https://www.irs.gov/Individuals/General-ITIN-Information She'll need this in order to collect a widow's pension and it will just delay the time she can collect if she has to obtain an ITIN after your death. The easiest way for her to get one is for her to start by obtaining a Thai passport. That's the best document she can present at the U.S. Consulate as I.D. for her ITIN application.

    Foreign spouses cannot claim survivor benefits from Social Security unless they've lived in the U.S. for five years during the marriage. But they can obtain this little-known VA widow's pension after just one year of marriage and never have to live in the U.S. Plus, they can start it at any age.

    Guys -- it's a great gift you can give to your wives to get everything in order for her to file the claim. Here is the application form: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-534EZ-ARE.pdf

    A friend of are's qualified for it and was as Nancy said never realized she was eligible. She discovered it through a city life function and it took her two years to get it.

    The one thing to be sure of is they have the records. There was a fire a number of years ago in San Francisco where many of them were destroyed. Are friends husbands records were among them. Another friend through the magic of the internet found a picture of him. He had been a POW and they were able to track down enough paper work else where to allow it.

  10. What if you wanted your Thai wife do be the beneficiary of your Social Security checks?

    She physical has to live in the US for 5 years to be eligible for survivors benefits. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/851937-can-my-thai-wife-collect-ss-benefits-after-i-pass/

    I think also she has to be legally married to him in one of the states. Or U S posstions. spry about the spelling/ My spell checker couldn't figure it out either. Places like Porte Rico or I would imagine any U S military base.

  11. I had a hair in my soup last week, at Maya...Higher rent=lower wages....

    "Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup !"

    "Sorry, Sir, we're fresh out of rabbits, today !" rolleyes.gif

    But returning to the OP, I find KSK to be slightly shabby & chaotic, a bit like me really, that's why I prefer it ! Haven't yet even been to Maya, so I can't compare, but I find Central-Festival to be a clinical soul-less place, one might be almost anywhere on the planet, the modern malls just don't feel very Chiang Mai to me. sad.png

    Soul less that is the perfect definition for KSk thank you.

    With out getting specific I find it easy to get to the shell. I just say KSG pointing with my finger then say Gasahol and indicate just a little farther. I probably got it wrong but they all understand that never yet had a problem with it.

    For a mall I much prefer Promenada more comfortable in it just not as many shops selling the same thing. Also a ways out from Farongland.

  12. What can be fun with dinner buffets is to skip breakfast and lunch (difficult if you are not used to fasting but easy once you've done it a few times). By the time you get to dinner, everything looks and tastes so much better. It really makes it more fun!

    A big feast is can be really satisfying although I wouldn't recommend doing it more than once a week. However, doing it the way I suggested, due to the way our metabolisms work, you probably won't notice any weight gain or other health issues.

    I am wondering if starving your self all day might tend to give you a better opinion of the quality of what you are eating. At that price I would imagine you want Quality.

  13. Bah. I remember when these cost 5 Baht.


    Anyway that's good news to see that line return.. What's the route? Any pictures or other info?

    From what I can see it is a combination of bus, sohng tao and vans that make up the fleet.





    February 4 at 12:19pm ·


    แจ้งการเปลี่ยนแปลงเส้นทางเดินรถสาย 2 โดยเริ่มตั้งแต่วันที่ 15 กพ.59 โดยวิ่งผ่านอนุสาวรีย์สามกษัตริย์ และพาแวะซื้อของฝากที่ร้านวนัสนันท์ โดยเปลี่ยนแปลงเส้นทางผ่านจากหน้าสถานีรถไฟเป็นเส้นทางผ่านหน้าวัดเกตุการาม ไปยังโรงเรียนปริ้นซ์ฯ และโรงเรียนดาราฯ

    Changes the route walk cable car 2 by starting on the 15th, baby. 59 by running through the statue of the three kings and get stopped buy the store around the cares hunt by changing the route through from the railway station, is the route through the page wat humor the nomenclature to school print Lawrence, and dara Microbiologist.

  14. I find KSG to be rather large with mostly empty spaces. They could do some spooky movies in it with out having to get in any ones way.

    Maya I know I am wrong but every time I walk in there I look around and get the feeling nothing here to buy. Grab a bite and leave. I much prefer the Cinema at central so no longer bother with the Maya. I find the Rimping to have narrow Isles.

    Hugely disappointed with the setup on the roof.I was looking forward to a place to go sit enjoy a coffee or hot chocolate and view the city. Silly me.facepalm.gif

  15. The Gecko bar has an all you can eat on a Sunday for 200 Baht

    Now 220 baht still a great western buffet.

    Le Meridien is excellent. It's about 1,000 Baht for food though and another 1,000 Baht for as much as you can drink on top. I think it's great value for money and go there once a month.

    I personally think it good value, the food is really good, especially if you like a decent wine with your meal.

    Went to one there years ago Christmas they had every thing except cranberry sauce. Have been off and on to the Breakfast ones they kept changing them and I finally just gave it up they weren't that great any how.

    What gets me is the importance being placed on the wine. I wonder if the people touting it would go if there was no wine included.


    Is it an all western buffet or like the Empress one with other nationalities?

  16. Seeing how diligently (and helpfully) Tywais updates that post every year I don't see the need to update unless you want him to update it daily to say nothing has changed wink.png

    well if they stick to the subject I will have to disagree with you. The topic is

    "90 Day Reporting - Comments and Experiences 2016"

    It would be nice if one could look at it and see if they are still sending people home and telling them to come back tomorrow.

    I have a 90 day coming up and would be interested in weather they are doing them all or sending people home. I was in there last Thursday and they had done every body at the 90 day. Just a hint would be nice. I realize it can change day to day. Last time I went in was late November about 9:00 in the morning and got number 49 sand was out of there by 10:30 then all of a sudden they started sending people home. Now I have been in several times when I was at the mall and the 90 day seem to be OK.

  17. Chiang Mai sucks, just read the threads on the CM forum and see all the many many things that are continuously causing residents distress.

    Keep track of who the complaints are coming from a lot of them are from the same people. Chiang Mai is like any other city in that it does have it's low points traffic and about 6 weeks of what I consider bad smog but it also has it's high points.

    Up to each individuals likes and dislikes. The OP has already figured in the smog so that is not an uissue on this thread.

  18. It is not bad outside the burning season. For me. During it I do OK but I use the Air con more.

    To be honest with you no one can tell you how bad it really is.

    You will have to observe it for your self just like you have done with the burning season.

    Every one has different tolerances. In the off season some people can not even come into

    Chiang Mai because of the auto exhaust. Where as others like myself don't notice it.

  19. I don't think there is any need to go back to one's own country, nor is there any value to burying one's head in the sand.

    Both extremes solve nothing. If a Thai person kept 'trying' to wack me in the head, and complaining to the police wouldn't solve the problem, I'd simply move out of his reach. No need to cross oceans. Often just a step or two will work just fine. In the case of noise, perhaps a kilometer or two. No need for extremes and the problem is solved.

    Believe me, I live about a kilometre from where this sound system was operating and it was still rattling my windows and causing vibration inside my house, dont want to give the impression I live in a village, I dont.....so moving a kilo away doesnt work because I already am!!

    Judging from a couple of other rsponses to this thread and something I heard from a friend, it appears that there might be a "new kid in town" sound system wise, even bigger, even louder than anything we ve all experienced before. If you know the geography, this village event was very near to the Canal Road/ Samoeng Turn traffic lights, and a friend of mine who lives a stones throw from the Night Safari, which must be a good 4 kilomertes away said he was heavily disturbed too !!

    I kid you not.....it really was astonishingly ridiculousy loud !!!

    Perhaps it was suggested to you not by me but some others that you go back to the UK because you were saying you had enough and cited the UK as a comparison. I also note it is now only 1 kilometer from your house. the OP had it at 2 kilometers.

    "I know its a question thats been posed many times before, but I ll pose it again.....why the hell does the noise have to be ramped up to a point where its unbearable for us 2 kilometres away, heaven knows what its like at the venue, its unbelievable, just totally outrageously ridiculous."

  20. A lifetime of high noise levels, from birth, damages the hairs in the ears which are excessively vibrated, and

    Lose their effectiveness, ( this is a mechanical fatigue effect, well understood by engineers.)

    As a lecturer in an Asian university, some of the lab work was on noise. Without exception all the students had impaired hearing, measured by the response level to sounds via headphones.

    Notice conversation levels, they are carried on as though the participants were in a boiler shop of the Tyneside.

    Does the noise some of us automatically turn off after a while still damage the hair in the ears?

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